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Ключевые слова: средневековая философия, западное богословие, схоластика, христианская метафизика, августинизм, аристотелизм, теория познания, откровение, предопределение.

«…Auctoritates Augustini habent diversimode intelligi»: On St. Augustine’s reception in the Latin sholastics in the 13-14th centuries

D. Smirnov

The article examines and evaluates the significance of St. Augustine’s thought for the development of scholastic theology during its high period (13-14th cent.) and presents characteristic tendencies of perception of his ideas in theological and philosophical movements and schools of this period. Author considers the broad reception of St. Augustine’s works in the “Sentences” of Peter Lombard, demonstrates the ways of influence of augustinian Christian metaphysics on complex ontological and epistemological systems developed by Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus, and analyzes the interpretation of St. Augustine’s conception of divine predestination in Gregory of Rimini’s doctrine.

Keywords: Medieval Philosophy, Western Theology, Scholasticism, Augustinian-ism, Aristotelianism, Christian Metaphysics, Theory of Knowledge, Revelation, Predestination.

Список литературы

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