In an instant he declared his love for me. What did he say? What did I reply to him?
I know nothing, I remember nothing. I conducted him to the entrance door, fearing that someone would hear him; there was a double door between where we stood and a little ante-chamber where the servant was sitting.
M. Formatey seized me in his arms, half opened my lips and imprinted a kiss, a long kiss of fire, a kiss which re-echoed through my entire being and arrested the protest which I should have uttered in spite of myself.
At the same instant, his eager hand had raised my petticoats and his finger knowledgeably caressed my burning cleft which left, quick as lightning, a palpable mark of its pleasure on his invading hand.
'Go-go-go! Do leave me!' I implored in a stifled voice. 'Go! go! – Tomorrow, three o'clock!' And I fled in a state that I can hardly describe.
Happily, the lady visiting me was very near-sighted and did not perceive my disorder.
I will not attempt to relate my impressions until the next afternoon – the only thing that I can recall is that I was determined.
Fortunately my husband had to be away, so I arranged things in such a manner that my servants were sent on errands; I made a fresh toilette and then waited. My dear Formatey arrived, I opened the door for him myself, and led him into my boudoir.
We seated ourselves, both sufficiently embarrassed, and he very respectfully begged my pardon for what he had done the day before, telling me that he had not been his master at the moment when the delicious movement had seized him; and that his love for me was such that he would die if he could not have me.
I did not know what to reply, my heart was so full-he took my hand and kissed it. I arose, trembling, our mouths met, and, I confess, I no longer made any resistance! I had not the strength. I tasted unknown happiness, I felt him draw me close. What should we do?
There was nothing in my boudoir but an uncomfortable settee, and some common chairs.
All the time holding me in his arms, Formatey seated himself upon a chair in such a manner that I found myself standing in front of him and bending over his body.
I felt one of his arms leave my waist and speedily my clothes were lifted up in front as my handsome lover sought to pass his knees between my legs.
'Oh, not that!' I said between spasms. 'No, I pray you-not that, have pity!'
Without taking any notice of my feeble protestations of expiring modesty, Formatey made efforts to bend me in such a way that I should be astride of him; instinctively, although desiring it all the time, I resisted, refusing to bend – thus we exhausted ourselves.
At last, having lowered my eyes a little, I saw a spectacle which at once terminated the struggle. My conqueror had already produced his instrument quite ready for the fray; its haughty and rubicund head raised itself arrogantly-its length and thickness truly exceptional, rendering it far superior even to that of M. de Vycabre.
At this sight I no longer had the strength or desire to resist. My thighs opened themselves of their own accord, I let myself sink whilst hiding my head on my lover's shoulder, and I abandoned myself to him, opening myself as wide as possible, desiring yet fearing the entrance of so fine a guest.
I speedily felt the head between the lips of my grotto which, following the puny tool of my husband, was not used to such a treat. I made a movement to aid him and had scarcely introduced the point, when a burning jet of amorous liquor covered my thighs and stomach.
The prolonged waiting and the excitement had caused the precious dew to gush forth much too quickly for me and so I was not able to enjoy as I had hoped.
I could not prevent myself from letting my disappointment be seen, but my lover, covering me with kisses, told me that he needed but to wait for an instant and that I should speedily be more content with him.
We sat down on the settee and, entwined in each other's arm, we spoke to the full of our love and happiness. We had loved each other at the first sight it seemed and so had yielded to an irresistible passion.
At the end of several minutes, I saw that my lover was ready to recommence and I asked myself how we were going to do it!
I did not wish to try again the posture that had failed us so dismally. I noticed that Formatey was also looking about him; then I had an idea, I got up, smiling at him, and urged him to do the same.
I stepped back and he pursued me; at last I leaned forward nonchalantly against the mantelpiece and presented to him my behind my croup, which I made undulate with a cat-like movement, at the same time Hooked back at him, darting him a provocative glance.
Ah, I was understood. Formatey sprang towards me and gave me a kiss, while saying: 'Thanks!' Then he placed himself behind me and he raised my petticoats up over my loins.
On perceiving my rounded and quivering posterior, he uttered a cry of admiration. I was waiting, but was not expecting the homage which I received.
The great fool threw himself on his knees; then, after covering my buttocks with kisses, he opened them below and I felt lips and tongue!
In my turn I uttered a cry and nearly swooned away.
Formatey raised himself and commenced to put inside me his priapus, his enormous priapus. Despite our united efforts, this was not easy, so he withdrew and, putting a little saliva on it, I then speedily felt myself penetrated-filled. I was in a state of inexpressible ecstasy.
Bending over me, my lover glued his lips to mine, which I made possible by bending my head. His tongue caressed mine and I lost control of my senses. As the supreme moment arrived I became crazed with passion and cried out in broken and unfinished words of love.
Formatey restrained himself and beamed at my happiness. He allowed me to calm down and then I felt his sweet movements commence again.
Ah, how well he knew how to give pleasure and even to double it by a thousand delicious shades! Oh, this first lesson, I can feel it yet!
'Dear Angel!' he said, 'express your feelings, it is good to utter those sweet confidences, when we become one person as we are at this moment.'
Oh, how happy this speech made me. I who had always desired to utter those words with which my ears had been so delicately struck at Pauvanne, when a similar scene had been enacted by my aunt and her lover. I did not need another invitation.
'I am coming-again-I say again,-finish me! I am co-m-ing! Ah! Ah!'
'My adored one, I am coming also! Ah-oh-here I come!'
Formatey gave a vigorous thrust of the loins and sank upon me-I felt his emissions and almost lost consciousness again.
How was it that I could stand his embrace? Nothing of what I had imagined on seeing my aunt, could approach this reality. I was swooning, my head between my hands, my bosom palpitating, incapable of making another movement.
As Formatey withdrew from me, I was still coming, I had been coming all the time! In spite of myself, I remained uncovered up to the waist, trembling, mechanically continuing to undulate my buttocks which caused the overflow of ambrosia to fall to the ground.
My lover had pity on me. After rapidly putting himself to rights, he lowered my petticoats and, taking me in his arms, he sat me beside himself on the settee.
For a moment my mind wandered, he calmed me, his sweet voice brought me to my senses a little. I begged him to leave me to myself for a time and he retired.
I now took stock of myself. I was in an incredible state of disorder. I had to change my linen, my chemise and stockings were not only stained with the amorous liquor but smeared with drops of blood, for it was not with impunity that I had consorted with a member of that size.
When I regained something of a semblance of order, in ideas as well as toilette, I flung myself on my bed and slept profoundly. My husband would not return till late in the evening and I woke up about seven o'clock, fresh and strong as I had not felt for some time.
I gave way to reflection. I had been carried away by an irresistible sentiment and, above all, by a natural need, as necessary for my nourishment as food.