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She hadn’t dared hope Asher would take her past in stride the way he had. She’d known he was kind, that he seemed open and accepting, but now he knew the worst—her years of drinking, how she’d let Blake bully her… hell, he even knew her deepest, darkest secret, thanks to the way she’d blurted out the truth about her anorgasmia. Yet he still seemed to want her. Asher was like the proverbial dream come true.

And now, he’d taken her to this amazing hidden oasis.

A slice of old Japan had been transported to the snow-dusted New Mexican mountains. Under a star-strewn sky, breath steaming in the chilly autumn air, they trekked up a long, winding stairway cut switchback-style into the side of the hill. Zen-looking stone steps and frost-touched wildflowers interspersed with more paper lanterns lit their path. At the crest, they were greeted by a tranquil, pagoda-style building of mellow aged wood illuminated gently from within. “What is this place?” Sera asked softly. It seemed appropriate, somehow, to speak in hushed tones.

“It’s a spa,” Asher answered. He put a gentle hand on Sera’s lower back and guided her within. Inside, a koi-pond fed by a rushing waterfall made a susurrant sound, disappearing beneath a weathered plank walkway. Up a short flight of rustic wooden stairs, the interior opened out into a warmly lit building with a curved front counter to Sera’s left. The lobby boasted a discrete space for purchasing lotions and potions, a small snack bar, and a spacious waiting area. This last, she observed, was occupied by a dozen or so almost laughably relaxed patrons wearing kimono robes and dreamy smiles, sipping cucumber water and chilling out on wooden benches. Beyond the glass rear doors, Sera caught sight of another, larger koi pond and waterfall, as well as a traditional rice paper–walled building nestled among the pine and spruce trees.

“Wow, I’m impressed, Ash. I didn’t expect you to take me all the way to Asia on our first date,” Sera teased. Privately, she wondered what he had in mind. Were they getting matching mani-pedis? Facials for two? Or perhaps massages? Somehow, she wasn’t quite keen on the idea of a masseuse’s hands all over Asher’s oiled-up body…

“I think you will really enjoy this, Bliss.” Asher gently tugged her up to the front desk, but Sera barely noticed what he was saying to the clerk, beyond noting that he was claiming the reservation he’d called in earlier. She was too busy looking around—and sniffing around as well. Her keen nose scented cedar, lemon, and a sweeter fruity smell she identified as yuzu, a Japanese fruit she’d sampled occasionally and even incorporated into a dessert or two. The effect was lulling… so much so that it wasn’t until the clerk asked her to sign a release promising she wasn’t pregnant or likely to have a heat-induced stroke that Sera realized what kind of spa this must be.

“Hot tubs?” she asked Ash. Her pulse began to pound.

He beamed. “Among other things.”

Naked hot tubs?” Sera’s voice was a bare squeak.

“Is there another kind?” he inquired innocently.

Sera scanned Asher’s face, but he seemed quite sincere. Maybe in Israel, these paratrooper types bared their bods sans shame, but Sera wasn’t at all sure she was up for that amount of intimacy. Not that she hadn’t considered getting naked with Asher, but somehow she’d envisioned circumstances a little less… outdoorsy… for the exalted occasion.

He seemed to sense her uncertainty. “I’ve reserved us a private tub,” he assured her.

“You mean there are public naked tubs?” Sera asked faintly. Her lips felt numb. Maybe I’m having a stroke right now, she thought. I shouldn’t have signed that waiver.

“A women’s-only tub and a coed public bath, I believe. They’re less expensive than the private baths, so they’re very popular with students and the like. But we’ll have a tub all to ourselves tonight.”

Yipe. Sera gulped. She wasn’t exactly wild about mooning the Wolf on their first date. She’d pictured a little under-cover action, sure; but bathing together in the buff? He might have the chiseled physique of a Greek god, but Sera worshiped the goddess of butter, flour, and sugar—and it showed in her comfortably curvy frame. Thank God I remembered to shave, at least, she thought with a tinge of hysteria. But man, this is all moving just a little fast.

She wasn’t sure quite how she felt… disappointed, perhaps? She’d thought better of Asher somehow. She knew from things he’d said that he was interested in getting intimate. She hadn’t exactly put the kibosh on that notion herself, with the way she’d been climbing all over him at dinner. Yet the idea that he’d planned ahead for their rendezvous—that he’d taken them to a place he knew they’d be getting undressed from the get-go—it bothered her, a little. She told herself she was being silly. They were both adults—adults who had expressed their attraction quite openly in the past. But she still felt a bit queasy about the whole thing. Did she really know Asher well enough for this… and was their first time together going to be in some sauna? She fiddled nervously with her hair.

“So, um… are these tubs, ah… well lit?”

Asher burst out laughing, pulling Sera close for a hug that did more to disorient her than did his sudden mirth. “I’m sorry, Bliss. I’m afraid I was having a bit of fun at your expense.” Letting her go, he reached into the shoulder bag he’d carried in from the Land Rover, pulled out something that looked like—no, was—Serafina’s trusty one-piece swimsuit. Her extremely frumpy, boy-short-bottomed, pink-polka-dotted one-piece swimsuit. Seeing its homeliness in Asher’s manly grasp was almost as mortifying as if he’d pulled out her period panties.

“That’s my…” Sera stared uncomprehendingly. “How did you…”

“I asked Pauline to sneak into your things and grab a bathing suit for you. She passed it to me on the sly yesterday. I didn’t want you to catch wind of where we were going ahead of time and spoil the surprise.”

“But I… You said…” Sera looked around. It didn’t look like anyone else was wearing a swimsuit under their kimono.

“Most people do bathe nude, Bliss. But I would never presume like that on our first date. I brought one for myself, see?” He held up another scrap of spandex he’d dug out of the bag.

Dear lord, a Speedo. Probably quite common for Israelis, who seemed far less body-conscious than their American counterparts. What was I hoping for, board shorts? Or am I actually bummed he’s not going full Monty? A blush flamed across her cheeks. Asher had never had any intention of putting the moves on her. While she’d been picturing the sex scene from Showgirls, he’d had a G-rated kiddie pool romp in mind. She felt sheepish for her unworthy thoughts—of course Asher wouldn’t subject her to some sleazy setup on their first date. Yet now that she knew he hadn’t, there was a small part of her that wished he had.

Asher put his arm around her. “Come,” he said, drawing her toward the rear exit. “There are women’s locker rooms to the left, over there.” He pointed. “The men’s are upstairs. I will meet you at the bath—see, the symbol for ours is on the key.” He pointed to the Japanese character inscribed on the big wooden key fob in his hand. “We’ve got the waterfall tub. Since I’ll probably be ready before you, I’ll go in and leave the door unlocked—all right?”

“Yup, meet you there,” she said, pasting on a smile.

Hot tub, here I come.

* * *

Wrapped and double wrapped in the capacious kimono, feet sliding a bit in the rubber sandals the spa provided, Sera tiptoed through the thoughtfully landscaped grounds, nodding politely to other guests as she went. A bathrobe isn’t exactly my best look, she fretted. Thank goodness it was dark, and the lighting was as discreet as the location was elegant. She moved through gnarled trees that looked like supersized bonsai, passed paths inlaid with slate paving stones and bordered with weathered wooden beams, noting how the spa’s architects had created private enclosures through creative use of the mountainous terrain and discreet fencing, along with climbing vines and trees. Almost too soon, she located the symbol for the waterfall tub and eased the sliding door open.