She laughed harshly. "Come then, little boy, and do your worst. Learn why I am called the Black Widow."
Phelan saw a number of Council members nod and chuckle, but many more appeared shocked and offended at her remark. He leaned forward to Cyrilla. "I take it this is a resumption of the political infighting that prompted the review of my adoption?"
"Yes, in some ways it is." She half-closed her eyes. "This is more slashing at the political philosophy that Ulric, Natasha, and I embrace. It is a battle of Crusaders versus Wardens."
Phelan shook his head. "Crusaders? Wardens?"
"It is a complex division in our people, but let me try to simplify it for you. The Wardens believe that the Clans should stay out of the affairs of the Inner Sphere, acting only if an outside force threatens the Successor States. The Crusaders believe that the old Star League was a paradise that they are destined to reestablish. Even if it means destroying the Successor States in the process."
Cyrilla's eyes narrowed. "The problem is that the means they wish to employ cut away at the very heart of what it means to be a Clan Warrior."
The young man shook his head. "I don't understand."
The Ward matriarch's face hardened. "The Crusaders, in pressing a charge of treason against Wolf's Dragoons, seek to block the Dragoons' DNA from ever being used in a breeding program!"
The look that Burke Carson was giving Natasha at that moment reminded Phelan of the look the Honor Board headman had given him the day they kicked him out of the Nagelring. "Perhaps, Natasha, you could inform us of the duties to which the Khan assigned the Wolf Dragoons when he first sent you on the mission to the Inner Sphere."
"Gladly. One of the two Wolf Khans at that time was Nadia Winson. She directed us to seek employment as mercenaries with one of the Great Houses, and she acted at the behest of the Grand Council. Our entry vector into the Successor States, chosen to hide the location of the Clan worlds, brought us first into contact with House Davion on 11 April 3005. We negotiated a contract with Prince Ian Davion and fought against the Capellan Confederation. Over the next five years, we were able to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of the Capellan troops, as well as learn how well the Federated Suns forces worked.
"In 3009, we returned to make our report at the rendezvous point preselected by the Khan. She told us to continue to seek employment with each House in succession so that we might continue to gather information. This we did, moving on to a new employer every five years or so. In 3010, we took employ with House Liao, in 3015 with House Marik, in 3020 with House Steiner, and in 3022 with House Kurita. In 3028, we again entered the service of House Davion, who gave us the world of Outreach as our own in the year 3030."
The slender man folded his arms across his chest. "If your mission was to report on the preparedness of the Inner-Sphere, why are there no records of the information you communicated to the Khan?"
Natasha's blue eyes glittered coldly. "Are you saying there is no record or that you are not privy to those records?"
The Loremaster shook his head. "No, Natasha, that answer is not acceptable. Remember, this is the Clan Council. You may not like our reason for asking these questions, but we have the right to do so. Please answer."
The Black Widow nodded reluctantly. "As you say, Loremaster. In 3015, we sent a small party back to the rendezvous and transmitted the data we had gathered on House Liao and House Marik. We also reported the death of Joshua Wolf—her hands gathered into fists—"and of his assassin."
She hesitated, then continued in a slightly subdued voice. "We received no more orders at that time. Our last run for supplies came in 3019. At that time, we were met by Khan Kerlin Ward of this Clan, who issued us a new set of orders."
Carol Leroux, sensing a chance for Natasha to defend herself, pressed for details. "And what were those orders?"
Natasha kept her voice even. "I may not be free to reveal them."
Phelan saw Cyrilla stiffen at that answer, and a number of Council members turned to one another, apparently commenting on the Widow's refusal to answer. The Loremaster's eyes narrowed angrily. "Natasha, you cannot refuse to answer."
Cyrilla stood and settled her earphone and microphone in place. "Loremaster, if I might be permitted. I was a Khan of the Wolf Clan at that time, elected to rule alongside my uncle. I believe that Natasha and the other Wolves in the Dragoons were under strict orders not to discuss their new mission with anyone from the Clans."
From the screen above, the huge image of the Loremaster's face looked down at Cyrilla. "It would seem, then, that we are at an impasse."
"Perhaps not," Cyrilla countered. "Though I was not present at the meeting, I was later privy to the orders given, with no promise of secrecy exacted from me. In fact, Kerlin did that precisely in the event a situation such as this might arise. He was proud of what the Dragoons had done. Were he here now, I am sure Kerlin would free Natasha from her vow of secrecy. He would want to use any and all means to defend the Dragoons' right to participate in breeding programs. Natasha is far more eloquent than I. Perhaps she would give voice to those orders."
Cyrilla bowed her head. "If she does not, I will be forced to report what I know."
Natasha nodded, and a wolfish grin began to spread across her features. "Khan Kerlin Ward charged us with four duties. The first was to continue our survey of the military strengths of the Successor States. He asked us to accelerate our pace, which we did. The second was to examine the problem of training Successor State units to our level of proficiency in 'Mech warfare."
"Third," she said, raising her voice above the din of whispers filling the chamber, "was to locate and secure a world where we could begin to manufacture OmniMechs. The Khan provided us with full technical data on the OmniMechs at that time as well as parts and prototypes for some of the more advanced items your WeaponMasters had created."
The shocked roar threatened to drown her out, but Natasha stood and spoke all the more forcefully. Even the hammering of the Loremaster's gavel did not stop her. "And his last order was to refuse to obey any Khan but himself. He wanted us to prepare the Inner Sphere for the invasion he felt was inevitable and he wanted no outside interference with his plan."
"How dare you suggest Kerlin Ward ordered your treason!" Burke Carson thumped his own chest. "Have you any proof those orders were given?"
Natasha shook her head.
He turned to Cyrilla. "And you, Cyrilla, have you any proof of what you reported?"
"No, Burke, I do not."
Burke turned his attention to Natasha. "So, we have nothing but your word, and the word of your friend, that a Khan ordered you to abandon your original reconnaissance mission and turn it into a crusade to create suitable opposition for the Clans. Such lies are unconscionable in this hallowed body!"
Carol Leroux grabbed Carson's arm. "That is more than enough, Star Commander! You are out of line!"
Furious, Natasha shot from her chair. "How dare you accuse me of lying! I have sworn to tell the truth in this body and I am doing so. I was awarded my Bloodname before your parents left their sibko! I may have been long absent from this Council, but I do recall that we have ways of settling questions of honor. I will meet you on the Field of Combat, Burke Carson."
Carson held his head up high. "A duel of honor is limited to Mech Warriors, Natasha Kerensky. Were you one, I would oblige you. As things are now, I have no reason to accept the challenge of an antique."