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Felix smiled, turned to Angelo and said, “Bring me a glass,” and Angelo brought him a bathroom glass still wrapped in paper. Felix waited for Angelo to tear off the wrapping and hand him the glass. Then Felix poured the golden liquid out of the green bottle and sipped it and said, “Have you heard from your friend in Iowa?”

“I’m having trouble getting through to him.”


“I’ve tried twice. Nothing to worry about. He may try to call me. I told the switchboard girl to route the call to me here in this room if he does.”

“Do you think there could be a problem on his end?”

“No. It’s nothing. You got to understand he’s an eccentric old guy with a mind of his own. He feels like stepping out for a while, he steps out for a while.”

“I see. I hope everything is all right.”

“Everything’s cool. The money’s safe where it is, like it has been for almost a year now. Nothing’s going to happen.”

“I wish I could share your confidence,” Felix said, wagging his head gravely. “I won’t feel safe until the money is in that bank of ours.”

“Me, too, but no sweat. I can’t see how anybody could know where the cash is. Do you know where it is?”

“No,” Felix said.

“Maybe you’re telling the truth,” Nolan said, “I don’t know.” He took a gulp of his beer, giving Felix a chance to say something, then went on. “You know enough to find out, that’s for sure. You know about the bank job, and I went so far as to tell you the money’s stashed in Iowa someplace. Send some boys snooping to find out about me, you could figure where the stuff is, easy enough. Charlie could’ve figured it out, if he wasn’t dead.”

Felix smiled meaninglessly, like a sphinx.

“But nobody else could,” Nolan said. “Unless you leaked what you know about me. Or unless you talked as loose as I am now in front of bodyguard clowns like these two.” Nolan caught out of the corner of his eye Greer narrowing his. “Nobody in my field knows I’m the one who pulled that particular job, and if they did, they sure wouldn’t figure I’d leave the money sit where I did. For this long especially.”

“What you’re saying,” Felix said, taking a genteel sip from his glass of beer, “is this hiding place is so stupid it’s smart.”

Nolan shrugged, took another gulp of beer. They’d been over all of this before, a lot of times. Nolan had resisted handing the money over to the Family immediately because he didn’t trust them, he wanted to fully understand their intentions before making any final steps. Now, after these months at the Tropical, he felt assured that the offer Felix had made in that other room in the motel at the LaSalle-Peru exit on Interstate 80 was legitimate. Of course, even by Family standards the amount of money involved was a sizable one, but it didn’t seem logical that they’d try to get at it through so elaborate a double cross. And why should they double-cross him? Nolan was convinced that the Chicago Family was grateful to him, glad to be rid of Charlie. After all, they had entrusted Nolan with the reins of the Tropical, an expensive bauble for even the Family to be tossing casually around, and had been paying him well for this “trial run.” But still he’d waited until recently to tell Felix he was ready to transfer the money, and it was only yesterday that he’d mentioned to the lawyer that Iowa was where he had to go to get it.

Felix said, “What I had in mind was this. You will leave here this evening, around eight or nine, and arrive in Iowa, wherever in Iowa it is, sometime after midnight, depending on how far you’re going. We have a car for you with a specially rigged trunk compartment, so that you can get stopped by the police, for God knows what reason, and still get by even a fairly thorough search. You will deliver the money to our bank in Riverside an hour and a half before opening — that’s seven-thirty, Daylight Savings Time — and the bank president, a Mr. Shepler, will be waiting for you.”

“Fine. What’s the name of the bank in Riverside and how do I get there?”

“Just leave that to Greer.”

“To who?”

“Greer,” he said, nodding toward the baby-face gunman.

“Why should I leave it to him, Felix?”

“He’ll be accompanying you, Nolan. You wouldn’t want all that money to go unguarded.”

Nolan sighed. He took two long swallows from the Point Special, set the half-empty can on the floor beside his chair and got up. Felix was starting to get on his nerves. Felix was starting to be a pompous ass. Nolan paced for a moment, till the urge to tell Felix those things went away. Then he said, “I don’t like muscle, Felix.”


“What do I need muscle for? I can take care of myself.”

“It’s a big responsibility for one man.”

“I’ll pick up somebody else when I get there.”


“Never mind who. The other guy who has a say in where this money is going, that’s who.”

“A partner of yours? Is he capable?”

“All my partners are capable,” he said, but that wasn’t quite true. It was Jon he was talking about, and Jon was just a kid, hardly a seasoned veteran. But Jon was who he wanted, not some mindless strongarm. And he didn’t want any Family accompaniment at all.

Nolan sat back down and finished his beer in one long swig. He was getting surly and he knew it. He supposed he ought to stay nice and businesslike around Felix, but the pompous little prick was getting to him. Nolan put the empty can on the floor. He said, “Greer? Is that your name?”

Greer nodded, sitting forward in his chair. Greer sensed Nolan’s hostility and unbuttoned his green sportscoat.

“Are you good for anything, Greer?” Nolan asked.

Nolan watched the hood bristle, then he said, “Greer, get me a Schlitz.”

Greer got up slowly, a pained look on the baby-face, and went over to the cooler of ice and beer and got one.

Nolan said, “Well, Felix, I suppose if you insist he go along...”

Greer handed Nolan the beer and Nolan reached inside Greer’s coat and took the.38 from out of the underarm holster and pushed the snub-nose up under Greer’s Andy Gump chin.

“You son of a bitch,” Greer hissed.

“Shut up,” Nolan said, pushing him backward, toward the straightback chair. Greer crouched and got a fierce expression on his face, as if he was thinking of doing something. Nolan gave him a look and the hood sat down. Over on the other side of the room Angelo was smiling.

Nolan said, “Felix, is that who you want to go along and protect me?”

Greer waved his hands and said, “I wasn’t expecting...”

“You weren’t expecting,” Nolan said. “I suppose if somebody wants to hit us en route, they’ll announce it.”

Greer said, “You fucking son of a bitch...”

Felix said, “Greer.”

And Greer got quiet.

Nolan examined the gun. “I got no respect for a man who carries a snub-nose,” he said, tossing the gun back to Greer, hard. “You can’t aim the damn things, they shoot different every time. And all that damn fire coming out of the muzzle, and noisy, shit. What kind of bodyguard are you, anyway, carrying a snub-nose?”

“You’ve made your point,” Felix said. “You’ll go alone.”

“Fine,” Nolan said.

Felix was explaining to Nolan how to get to the Riverside bank, drawing a little map on note paper, when the phone rang. Felix told Angelo to answer it and Angelo did, then said, “It’s for somebody named Logan.”

“That’s my name here,” Nolan explained, and went to the phone.

“Nolan?” the phone said. “Nolan, Christ, Nolan, is it you?’

“Jon?” Nolan said. “Calm down, Jon, what’s wrong?”