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His tongue left her body only long enough to make room for his cock. He slammed into her pussy and fucked her with all his strength, driving her forward. Her head and shoulders mashed into the pillow beneath her. Her pussy clenched around him as the orgasm roared through her, robbing her of breath, of movement, of anything but the feel of him.

When she could catch her breath again, she realized Parker hadn’t come yet. He was still inside her, hot and hard. His movements slowed as she came down from her high. “I’m not done with you yet.”

She couldn’t even find the will to protest. She was enjoying the hell out of this. She’d never had a lover like Parker, and she never would again. “You going to fuck my ass now?”

He slapped her ass, right on one of the bite marks he’d left behind. Incredibly her pussy said, Yes, more please, to the love tap, heating under his palm in eager anticipation.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

She nodded. Before he could react, she had him on his back. From the look on his face, she’d surprised him. “Yup. I do. Know what else I’d like?”

“What?” He tweaked her nipples, sending more ripples of pleasure down her spine.

“I’d like to ride you until you go blind.”

Parker blinked, his expression turning feral. His eyes burned into hers, bright bloodred. His cock twitched beneath her. “Oh hell.

She giggled and reached for the lube. “First things first.” She slicked him up, taking her time. She loved the way he moved under her palm, eager and oh so ready for her.

“Let me slick you up.” He reached for the lube, but she backed away.

“Uh-uh.” She shook her finger. “Wouldn’t you rather watch?”

He swallowed hard. “Sure,” he croaked. He buried his fingers in the comforter.

Amara winked at him and turned around, straddling his thighs. She slicked up her fingers and reached behind her, bending forward slightly. She slipped a finger into her ass and moved it around, spreading the lube and preparing the way for Parker’s cock.

When she was ready, she added a second finger and fucked herself with it. It was starting to feel really good. She scissored her fingers, stretching herself farther.

Parker moaned. “So pretty. Make yourself ready for me, love.”

She added a third finger, gasping at the slight sting, her hips hunching forward. “Feels so good, Parker.”

He touched the area where her fingers entered her ass. “Bet I know something that would feel even better, love.”

She stroked into her ass faster, the dark pleasure beginning to build inside her. “What could be better than this?”

Parker was up on his knees so quickly she didn’t have time to blink. He curled his hand around the back of her neck, drew her fingers free of her ass and slowly pulled her back. His cock was at the small of her back, and a vision of what he wanted danced inside her head.

“Try this.” Parker grabbed her hips and lifted her, placing her slick ass right over his cock. She took him in one inch at a time, the burn warring with the pleasure; soon, only the pleasure was left. Far too soon her ass rested on his thighs, and his cock was so deep it throbbed in her belly. “Now. Fuck me, Amara. Take me. Make me yours.”

Amara rose on her knees until only the head was inside her, then lowered herself. She loved the slow, wet slide of him, so thick, so hard.

He tilted her head until her neck was bared. “Play with yourself, love. Come on my cock. I want to feel you coming around me.”

Amara reached between her legs and stroked her clit. The sensation as she rode him was so intense, so very good. “Like this?”

“Mmm. Pretty. Now dance for me.” It took Amara a moment to figure out what he wanted, but when she swiveled her hips and danced on his cock, he almost lost it. “Yes. Just like that. Take me, sweet.”

He licked her neck, prepping her for his bite. He tugged on her nipples, bringing them to stinging life. The added pleasure-pain caused her to move faster. She abandoned the dance and rode his cock hard, eager to bring them both to climax.

He stroked his fangs across her skin, and she knew he was close, knew he’d bite into her before they came. She clenched her muscles, needing the feel of his fangs within her, the knowledge she was feeding her mate. “Going to fuck you under my tree, Parker. Make you a part of her, a part of us. Make you mine once and for all, so no one will ever take you from me.”

His thrusts became erratic. She felt a sharp sting as one of his teeth accidentally drew blood.

“You’d like that, Parker? Like to hold me up against that rough bark, the wind caressing our bodies? My hands pressing into my tree while you fuck me from behind and take my blood?”

She was baiting the beast, but she was close, so damn close. He had to take her, had to bite her.

“Do it, Parker. Bite me. Make me yours.”

Sharp pain and then pleasure, so much pleasure she drowned in it. She screamed soundlessly as she came; her body arched into his, her ass throbbing around his cock.

She was bent forward onto her hands and knees, his body thrusting inside hers, his fangs embedded in her neck. He fucked her like a wild thing, taking what he wanted from her. He ignored her gasps as the orgasm rolled into another one, this one almost as intense, almost as good as the last.

When he finally came, she was wrung out, sweaty and tired and oh so thoroughly fucked she couldn’t do much more than purr her pleasure. She felt the gentle swipe of his tongue as he closed the wounds.

“I gather you liked that idea.”

His entire body wrapped around hers. “You think?”

She snuggled in and allowed him to warm her cooling flesh. “We’ll have to see when we can arrange that.”

“Soon,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

“Soon,” she agreed. Sooner than soon if she had her way.

She stifled her grin. I wonder when he’ll be up for round two?

Parker picked up the broken shards of the ornate pot he’d used to plant some of the hardier orchids and sighed. It was going to take forever to get The Greenhouse back up and running.

Luckily he had an in with the owners. “Greer?”

“Yeah?” The blond poked his head out from behind some ferns he was manhandling onto a table. The ferns were beat up, but with loving care, they’d survive what had happened. “It’s going to take a lot longer than we thought to get this place back open.”

Greer shrugged and hefted the second pot. It had to weigh almost as much as he did. “I know. Ash knows. Mina is ticked, but she knows too. It is what it is, man.” The dryad leaned over and whispered to the ferns. Parker swore the plants quivered in green ecstasy.

“Terri is alive.” Parker’s jaw clenched. It had been three days since the attack on the town, and he’d neither seen nor scented his nemesis. He’d hunted for her high and low, in and out of the forest, but he’d found no sign other than a blackened patch of ground where Dragos had ripped off her head. Mina had been livid.

She’d circled the area, chanting so softly Parker couldn’t pick up the words. When she was done, not a leaf would drop into that spot. It was isolated from the rest of the wood by the forest queen’s will and would remain that way until she was satisfied the poison had been completely leached from the soil. Earth elementals monitored the site, trying to repair the damage. From their hollow looks, it wasn’t going well.

Amara had watched Mina’s ritual with wide, glowing eyes, and he’d understood instantly how much being included had meant to her. The knowledge that the local dryads not only accepted her presence but wanted it had lifted his dryad’s spirit. Last he heard, the town’s female dryads had organized some sort of shopping trip. He’d told her to come home with plenty of lacy underthings or not at all.