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Finally, she exclaimed, “Y-yes… I will marry you.”

Bo walked up behind Raven and wrapped his arms around her waist as she watched her father hold his bride-to-be. “Talk about stealing our thunder,” Raven whispered to Bo.

“We’ll be next, my love,” Bo murmured in her ear.

“Sparkling cider for all,” Iris called out as she hugged her sister once more.

Bo and Raven joined the walk to the marina, sipping some wassail that Solaris supplied along the way.

“Well, that was a big surprise. You’re going to have a brother or a sister,” Bo stated, looking out at the gibbous moon, his dark hair glimmering in the soft glow of the streetlights. “I mean, another…”

Raven drank in the sight of his chiseled features-his straight, narrow nose, the square jaw and strong chin.

“Yes, I wasn’t expecting Tobias to show up, let alone all of this. A wedding and a baby.” She pointed her gaze at Bo. “I go from being an only child, or so I thought, to having two siblings in the same day. Who knows with my father? I’m certain he has more secrets than the Pentagon. I wonder if Emerald was the only real reason my father came to the island.”

Bo put his arm around her. “I asked him to come. I should have told you, but then you would have tried to talk me out of it. And I think he should be here. You need protection, and I can’t always be around.”

Raven smiled. “It’s weird, but I still feel like I have to watch out for him, and he’s the immortal one.”

She heard the rumble of her cell phone before she felt it vibrate. “Dr. Strigoi,” she answered.

“I’m sorry to bother you, Raven, but we need you and Bo at the morgue,” Tracy said.

“We’ll be right there.” She snapped the phone shut. “Sounds like trouble,” she told Bo as they about-faced and headed back to her car.

She paced the floors, staring at Tracy. “Where is the body?”

“I wish I knew. Davis pronounced him at the site. He’s a summer resident-a human resident,” Tracy explained as Raven headed for the autopsy room. “He had no pulse, his pupils were fixed and dilated, and his liver temp was ninety degrees. Raven, what’s going on?”

“This is the DB I did the paperwork on. I guess it wasn’t a heart attack,” Bo said.

Her shadow-Tobias-had appeared in the doorway. “You’ve got a bokur that is creating vampires, but first he’s sedating them with coupe de poudre. I’m sorry, Raven, I had to follow you here.”

She turned in time to see Tobias’s grey eyes flash to icy silver. “What do you mean? Tetradotoxin?”

He nodded. “It’s taken from some species of puffer fish. It’s been used by many a bokur for zombification.”

“English, please?” Bo asked, running his hand through his hair-a long-time nervous habit. They all headed out of the autopsy room and toward Raven’s office.

Raven explained, “Tetradotoxin, or TTX, is a neurotoxin. It blocks the channels that cause nerve and heart cells to provide necessary electrical impulses. Certain bokurs know the right amount of TTX to cause a near-death state. Breathing and heart rate slow to the point that the victim is thought to be dead-and there you have an instant zombie.”

Tracy stood in awe, shaking her head in disbelief.

Raven said, “The victim suffers total paralysis yet the body still functions, at a much slower rate. Scary, right? It gets better. Later, a compound of atropine and scopolamine are administered, putting the person in a permanent state of delirium and disorientation.”

“A zombie?” Tracy asked. “I-I’ve heard Sol talk about them, but we’ve never actually had any on the island… Have we?”

“In a word, yes-the process produces a zombie. And no, as far as I’m aware, there haven’t been any here on Mirabelle Island,” Raven said.

“No, you’re right. We haven’t had any problems with zombies,” Tobias responded.

“There’s more bad news,” Tracy said, followed by a heavy sigh. “Derrick’s blood vial is missing.”

Bo’s cell phone chirped out the Charlie Daniels’ tune, The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

Wasake,” he said walking down the hall. “You gotta be shittin’ me!” Raven heard the clap of his cell phone shutting followed by his footsteps as he neared the door of her office.

Bo reported to Raven, “Jules just called from The Bed and Brew. Mordred’s been bitten. From her account, it looks like our DB is on the prowl. And Raven…a woman fitting Jade’s description was seen dining at the restaurant…where the alleged dead body was also seen.”

“You said you got an I.D. on the so-called corpse?” Raven asked, searching for his file on her desk. “Wait…what? Did you say Jade?”

Bo removed his notepad from his jacket pocket. “Yeah, Jade. Tim Donnelly’s the vic. He was here for the festival, a summer resident back for a long weekend. His girlfriend was supposed to meet him here tonight. The girlfriend checked into The Bed and Brew. Bridget saw the DB-Tim-in the back alley, right after Mordred got hit. Or, rather, bit. During the commotion the girlfriend went out back and that’s when she I.D.’d Tim. Both women are nervous wrecks. Mordred’s at the hospital. The doctor’s monitoring him carefully, doing blood work. Jet wanted to know if you could go down there. No doubt there’ll be inconsistencies in his blood.”

“You’re sure he was bitten?” Tobias asked.

Bo double-checked his notes. “That’s what Jules reported. Two puncture marks on his neck. Oh, and by the way, your other victim’s name is Bly-Derrick Bly.”

Raven nodded. “How did Jules know about Jade?” she asked, taking her jacket off the hook on the back of the office door.

“I made a few stops before I came to your home. I saw Julianna, Solaris and a couple of other friends. I’d left photos of Jade with them and asked them to call Bo if she surfaced in town,” her father answered.

“Where did you get a photo?” Raven asked, heading toward the exit with Bo and Tobias on either side of her.

“It’s a photo-enhanced picture. Between photos of your mother and Jade’s childhood pictures, a friend of mine was able to digitally print an approximation of what she would look like now. I’m leaving to meet with Jules.”

Tobias stopped before they reached Raven’s car and took her by the hand. “Be careful, Raven. You can be certain that if Jade is here, so is Laroque. He’ll try to get you any way he can.”

She wished her father would for once speak of how he truly felt. That he would someday say, “I love you, Raven.” It was just one of her fantasies, along with regular holiday and birthday visits. Most times she could safely tuck away these tender emotions, but with Tobias here, they clawed their way into her consciousness.

“I’ll keep my eyes on her, Tobias. I don’t want anything to happen to her, either,” Bo reassured her father.

“I’m counting on you, Bo.”

Emerald pulled up in her green Eclipse, which ran on solar power with a fairy dust booster. “I just dropped Iris off at the hospital,” she said as Tobias entered the car. “We’re driving back to The Bed and Brew to keep an eye on the place for Julianna.”

Bo and Raven headed to the hospital.

“Is there any way a transfusion could alter the outcome? Is it inevitable that he become Lamai?” Bo asked, rubbing Raven’s hand with his as they walked arm-in-arm.

Raven furrowed her brows. “I hope so. This is all new. I’ve never come up against anything like this.”

They entered Seacrest Hospital. Heading toward the ICU, Raven could feel the energy in the air. Julianna had been administering Reiki to Mordred, and the healing combination of Iris the fae and Julianna’s treatments was potent. Vibrations surrounded everyone there, especially Julianna’s daughter Bridget. Jet performed reflexology to try to stimulate the organs to maintain their natural size.