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Frank tried to turn away, but he could not-not with Jade in the room. “You’re insane-like your father.”

Jade’s eyes narrowed as she glared at the mayor. “And my mother, right? That’s what you’d like everyone to believe, anyway, that she was mad with guilt over what she did to Tobias. And from what the powerful sorceress in the French Quarter told me, she was guilt-ridden over her betrayal of Tobias. But her love for her family was stronger-her love for Tobias-and his love for her kept her sane.” Jade sat again across from Frank, staring him down, wanting to melt his very soul with her blazing gaze.

Tobias tossed Frank into his desk chair as if discarding rotting garbage. “What are you saying, Jade? And why should I believe you? How can I be certain you’re not lying, too?”

Frank coughed. “That’s right, Tobias. Don’t believe her.”

Jade shifted in her seat, getting more comfortable and settling back. No one knew that she had become a force to be reckoned with. Her father had taught her well. She removed a velvet bag from her jacket pocket.

“I could take this concoction and administer it to you, Frank, and you would be compelled to tell the truth. Shall I?” She addressed her question to Tobias.

Turning toward Frank she continued. “It’s very similar to the powder that accompanied the spell. You remember the spell. The one you bought from the innocent fae. The spell that would make my mother fall in love with him?”

“Go on,” Tobias instructed.

“I finally put the pieces together when I was recently brought back home. I visited Charlene Sabin. You remember her, Frank. She was my mother’s best friend and High Priestess, knowledgeable in Vodou, Santaria and other occult arts. She’s also a natural bruja. Frank has powerful magick of his own, Tobias. Were you aware of that?”

“Of course he wouldn’t know that!” Frank raged in indignation. “He only acknowledged my presence when he needed something from me. He was so wrapped up in his life that he never noticed…”

“Never noticed what?” Tobias bellowed.

Frank’s face contorted with disdain. He paced himself as he slowly turned to his nemesis. “I wanted your pain to match what I felt whenever I thought of Nicolette in your arms. You’re a monster. You never knew how I really felt about Nicki.”

Tobias laughed at the crazed man. “And that was-what? You loved her? Everyone loved her. You were like a brother to her, nothing more.”

“Laroque was more, though, wasn’t he?”

Jade’s tone was softer as she spoke. “Tobias, it went deeper than that. Frank was obsessed with her. And part of that obsession involved pitting you against Philippe. My father is a powerful bokur, but his magick couldn’t make my mother love him. Frank appeared with a spell from a novice fae and some powder. According to Charlene, my father preformed the incantation. Only you never told him it wasn’t permanent, did you, Frank? The spell magnified my mother’s feelings toward my father. It took the smallest bit of attraction she had for my father and amplified it. At Mardi Gras they conceived me. Frank convinced Maman to tell you she was raped because he hated you both-my father and you-the only two men my mother ever gave herself to freely, more or less. Isn’t that correct?”

Frank’s face turned pale. “Yes,” he spat.

“Frank would report to my father how happy she was and that she had told you, Tobias, it was your baby she was carrying. But you knew the truth. Frank needed for you to know the truth so that your hatred would grow, and it did. As my mother’s belly grew with me inside, your hatred took over. That is, until her love for you assuaged the hurt. You two were expecting another child soon after I was born. She wanted to have many children with you, Tobias. She promised to bear you many offspring. She wanted a part of you always inside of her. Her love for you was immeasurable.”

“Unfortunately, people break their promises all the time,” Tobias muttered.

“She didn’t break her promise. She was pregnant with your baby when she was killed.”

Tobias’s world was rocked, and the mighty vampire was brought to his knees. He steadied himself against the armchair next to where Jade sat. She took her leather bag and pulled out a document, handing it to Tobias while eyeing Frank with a malevolent stare.

Tobias noticed a change in her. However, he could not fully focus as he read the autopsy report over and over. Decedent approximately six weeks pregnant. Tobias went limp as he fought back the tears that threatened to overtake him.

Jade went on. Her voice cut through the air like a machete. “There was a conspiracy between Frank and the M.E. in New Orleans to keep that and other information secret. Who was that M.E., Frank?”

Frank remained quiet.

“You forgot your own brother, Darryl?” Her voice echoed malignantly throughout the room. “Different last names-different fathers, same mother? I hate to be the one to tell you, Tobias, but your ‘friend’ here-the man who helped raise me and Raven-killed our mother! But not before he raped her. And that time, she really was abused.”

Time seemed to stand still. What happened next slowly drew Tobias’s attention. Jade moved with such speed no one had time to react until it was too late. Still, he remained in his seat, weak, as if someone had drained him of all his blood. Tobias gradually focused on what was materializing on the other side of the maple desk in Frank’s office.

Tobias thought he was seeing things.

“Nicolette…” he whispered.

Jade’s eyes grew paler until they were the color of her precious namesake, and her mouth bore fangs. “You’re going to wish Tobias had killed you,” she muttered as she sank her teeth into Frank’s flesh. She grabbed a handful of cottony hair and wrenched his head back.

As she drank, she saw it all.

Chapter Fourteen

Her mother was so happy, bouncing Jade on her lap as Raven played in the backyard, when she noticed Frank walking through the gate.

Tobias had just purchased their new house, which rested on a cliff and was recently fenced in for the children’s safety. The yard was their sanctuary.

“Come on inside, Frank,” Nicolette said, taking her daughters in for their naps. She returned from the girls’ bedrooms, a smile on her face.

And Jade took in more blood.

Frank and Nicolette sat at the kitchen table. Nicolette poured some iced tea into two glasses.

“You’re glowing,” Frank said. “Is it because you’re happy to see me?”

“I’m always happy to see you, but no…I’m pregnant.” Jade’s mother was absolutely radiant.

“Whose baby?” Frank coldly asked.

Jade experienced her mother’s hurt feelings as she dug her teeth further into his neck. He tried to grab onto her, but she was too angry, too powerful. She worked hard at portraying the weak little bastard child. In the past, she could not afford for anyone to know the extent of her strength.

“Tobias’s baby, you idiot,” Nicolette said.

“I’m sorry. That was mean.”

Frank got up from the kitchen table. He embraced Nicolette. He held her so close, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Did you tell him?”

“You’re the first to know.”

Frank held her. He kissed her cheek. “That’s great news. Congratulations!”