Raven could see the well-toned muscular form underneath the ebony fur that gleamed in the lamplight. She knew it was Bo. Lamai or not, Raven could tell when her man-her wolf-was near.
One grey wolf attacked the black beast, going straight for his jugular, but Bo swiftly moved out of the way. Unfortunately, he spun around into the other wolf.
Mick’s eyes glowed a golden color almost identical to Bo’s, and his fangs extended. His head swerved sharply and he was suddenly looking at Raven. “What part of stay in here didn’t you understand? Get back inside.”
“Bo…” she whispered.
A hand clamped over her mouth. Her eyes widened as she tried to look at who grabbed her, but all she saw was blackness.
“Bo went to Hannah’s Vineyard,” Julianna said, gazing into her crystal pyramid. “The charms around Laroque’s house have changed from their greenish aura to red. He would know if someone had broken through, probably as soon as the perpetrator, meaning Bo, got within a certain distance of the perimeter.”
“I agree,” Solaris said, tossing small bones onto a velvet cloth. “Bo is on the Vineyard and he’s in danger, outnumbered.”
Julianna had closed The Bed and Brew early that night to prepare for the next day’s festivities. Solaris had resumed planning the Nights of the Parades once they had the epidemic under control. There were no new cases of the virus. News of Frank’s disappearance had died quickly, thanks to some spells performed by Emerald, Julianna and Solaris.
Mordred and Bridget were busy in the back preparing food for the following night. While kneading many loaves of dough, they tossed flour at each other, enjoying the moment. The scare of only a couple of weeks ago, when Mordred fought for his life, seemed years away.
Emerald sat next to Tobias and Jade, silently envying the young lovers in the other room. She was distracted and lost in thought, daydreaming about her wedding day, which would take place on the Winter Solstice.
“We searched the Vineyard-used our abilities to try to hone in on Raven’s energy. How did Bo know she was there?” Tobias asked.
Emerald’s lips parted slightly and her eyes rolled back, revealing only the whites.
A hollow voice came from petite blonde’s mouth. It was the voice of Queen Rhia. “I told you to follow the heart. The heart knows more than the mind, Tobias.”
Emerald slumped over, and Tobias grabbed her before she slid off the chair. He gathered her in his arms and laid her down on a quilted lounge chair by the roaring fire. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at Tobias, who gently stroked her cheeks.
“Follow Bo, my sweet. He knows where Raven is. His is the heart you must follow. Go. I’ll be fine. We’re fine,” Emerald whispered as she touched her belly. “I need to go shopping with Iris anyway. My jeans don’t fit anymore.” She raised her head and their lips met. “Go find your daughter.”
Jade stood and headed for the door. Tobias joined her.
As they walked over the threshold, both became one with the vapors.
Chapter Twenty-three
Her breath came out in puffs of smoke as she exhaled into the frigid night. Dressed in clothes suitable for the tropics, Raven was shivering. She noticed a heavy sweatshirt lying in a heap next to her. She pulled it over her head and rubbed her arms, trying to warm up. Judging by the salty air and bumpy ride, she concluded that they traveled by boat.
The cabin was dark. The purring of the engine soon cut back, signaling that they were close to shore. She stood and walked over to the cabin door, which suddenly swung open and just missed hitting her nose.
“Shit!” Mick’s booming voice drowned out her cry of shock as the two almost collided.
“I don’t have a lot of time. We’ve just arrived back on Mirabelle. I don’t know where Laroque is going to keep you until tomorrow. Raven…”
“Get her up here,” Laroque ordered, climbing down the steps to the cabin.
“Come on,” Mick said, grabbing Raven by the arm.
Raven had just stepped up onto the deck when from behind a hood fell over her head. Laroque yanked her hands behind her, and she felt the sticky glue of duct tape against her skin. He wrapped it tightly around her wrists.
“I can’t see…” she said as she fell forward onto the deck.
“Get up.” Laroque had clearly not cooled off in the least. His voice communicated only contempt.
Mick took her over his shoulder and walked the rest of the way, carrying her as he would a sack of potatoes.
Bo shimmered back to his human form and wiped the blood from his cheeks. He tore a piece of his denim sleeve and pressed it against his neck. Blood oozed from the wound inflicted by one of the wolves sent to attack him.
Both of them now lay dead under the oak tree. Murderous rage pumped through Bo’s body as he strode inside to look for his lover. He’d caught only a glimpse of her before the older wolf bit into his neck. She looked thinner, and he wasn’t used to seeing her with so much color in her face, but she was still breathtakingly beautiful. Still his Raven.
Walking into the kitchen, Bo smelled her essence lingering in the air like expensive perfume. Bo went to the sink and rinsed the cloth. Her energy was strongest in this area. He was lightheaded from his blood loss and he weaved his way to the table where he practically fell into the chair.
He breathed deeply, absorbing what was left of her essence as it hung in the misty air. Her energy was ripe for the taking. Ripples of heat bombarded him as he recoiled from the energy she left behind.
Images of her plagued him, along with the feelings of love they’d shared for a decade. He grabbed at empty air with his mind, trying to get hold of her, but there was nothing to grasp. His memories took him to a time when he could hold her.
Tears filled his eyes as he thought of when they hadn’t a worry in the world. Why had it taken ten years for him to make the commitment he’d felt in his heart since the day he met her? It was love at first sight for him and he was pretty certain she felt the same.
Bo realized that he may have been too late, that he may have lost the best thing that ever happened to him. It was too much to bear. He gave into sights and feelings from the past.
Raven had just walked out onto the newly-constructed deck in her backyard. The sun was beating down on that magnificent July afternoon. Bo had just pounded in the last nail of the railing. They were ready to go for a swim in the calm Atlantic.
Bo wore cutoffs and a tool belt, nothing more. Raven greedily eyed her hunky handyman. That’s what she teasingly called him. She wore the skimpiest bikini he’d ever seen. Her breasts were barely covered by the animal print fabric. The bottom sparkled with jewels around her hips as they swayed, catching the sunlight. Simply a string covered her backside.
“You look good enough to eat,” he told her as he gave her his most scandalous smile.
She stood with the sun behind her in the western sky, which gave her a haloed effect. Her hair flowed down her back, and her pale skin was moist with sweat.
“Likewise,” she said as she walked to him.
A tattered bandana stretched across his brow and tied in the back, disappearing into his ebony locks. Raven’s hair caught in the breeze from behind and wrapped around her shoulders. Bo gently traced the outline of her face, pushing her hair away from her face. He pulled her closer and his lips seared her face with teasing kisses.
“Thanks so much for all the work you’ve done here, Detective,” she said coyly.
“You’re welcome, Dr. Strigoi,” he whispered in her ear, dropping his tool belt to the ground with one hand and pulling her closer with the other.