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“I’m not a doctor yet.”

“A minor technicality that you will rectify soon enough.”

Her smile slayed him. “I am very grateful…” she said with a sigh, her arms sliding around his narrow waist, her hands slipping around to his rear.

“Really?” he asked as his mouth worked its way down the slender curve of her neck.

“Truly,” she answered, grabbing his shorts by the waist and yanking him up against her hips.

“Show me, my love,” he said, finally pressing his lips to hers.

With lips parted, he slipped his tongue inside and teased hers to come out and play. His hands tangled in her mass of coal black hair.

She wiggled from his grasp and knelt in front of him, pulling down his shorts. His erection was clearly visible through the flimsy old denim, and she moaned with desire as her hands grasped him from behind. She kissed the tip of his cock and took him into her mouth for a moment. Moans of ecstasy escaped his lips as he slowly dropped to his knees and took her by her shoulders, guiding her down upon the grass.

“I’ve wanted to make love to you all day. You’ve tortured me, parading around in that poor excuse for a bathing suit,” he murmured between long, passionate kisses. His hands managed to remove the bikini without her even realizing it.

The sun felt wonderful against their naked flesh as they lay upon the soft grass. It was their favorite place to make love-outdoors, under the bright blue sky or with the moon peeking down, just as it was on their first night together.

Raven rubbed against his hips, inviting him to enter her and ease the wanton lust. But he wanted all of her right now, from head to toe and needed to taste her salty skin and velvet flesh. His hand rubbed at her pebbled nipple while he devoured her breast with his lips.

Letting out a moan, he felt the desire rise from his being and settle between his legs. A throbbing hunger pulsed inside as he waited to feel her tender flesh. The anticipation became overwhelming.

“Now, Bo, I can’t wait anymore… I was fantasizing about you all day, too.”

The sun on his back felt wonderful as he traversed the landscape of her ivory form. His mouth toyed with her breasts, his tongue teasing and suckling, first one then the other.

He reached for her hand and guided it to his shaft, wrapping her fingers around it and letting out a low groan of delight as she stroked him ever so gently. She eased over to him and kissed his mouth with a fierce hunger and unbridled craving.

“I love you so very much, Raven,” he said, nipping at her neck, licking at the blood that pooled.

The slight smell of blood in the air caused Raven to die a little death. Her eyes flashed to silver and her incisors extended with another type of hunger. The two merged and she bit down into his flesh, sucking his blood while crushing her hips upward, trying to guide him inside. The ache was unbearable, and he needed to feel her, wanting to be one.

Bo moved down and kissed her stomach. He felt the familiar tug as all feelings merged to his cock. She spread her legs apart, panting as he moved closer with the growing promise of pleasure.

“Please, Bo…” she pleaded, trying to wrap her legs around him.

But he wanted her to lose herself. He placed his lips between her legs, licking playfully, tasting her. Gently he sucked in her smooth folds, teasing with his tongue, and she’d asked for more. Her slender fingers grasped at clumps of grass as he felt her come. So powerful was the experience for Bo that it blotted out the sun itself as her cries echoed across the ocean.

She lifted her head and grabbed a fistful of Bo’s hair. His eyes met hers. She was gone. Blood covered his bottom lip. She swiftly moved, turning him over onto his back, sucking at his lip. His body jerked in response, longing to make love to her.

Her head nestled between his neck and shoulder, and she writhed back and forth on top of him, his cock just at the entrance of paradise. He could feel she was wet with hunger, devoid of all thoughts as she stared at him. Encompassing her soul, he owned her very being. Bo couldn’t begin to tell where she ended and he began.

She sank her teeth into his flesh once more and tasted him, slowly moving her hips down to meet his awaiting sex. He cried out as he pushed himself deep inside, almost climaxing at the velvety feel of her. She drank from his neck, yet it was if she were making love and sucking his cock at the same time.

His whole body trembled.

Firmly grasping her by the waist, he rammed farther inside her, the feel of the wet grass beneath him, the smell of salty air and skin all around. Her eyes, a liquid silver, held his gaze as she wiped his blood from her mouth in a seductive manner, which drove him over the edge. She had that look. The look that drove him wild.

He turned her over now, covering her body with his own, delving into the inner depths of his love. Their animal instincts took over and their lust for each other knew no end. Her fingers dug into his back as she clawed desperately at him. Bo needed to get as close as he could to her very core, where her soul resided.

She licked the blood from her fingers. He felt wave after wave of pleasure taking control of her. She smiled seductively.

Her legs wrapped tightly around him. With every thrust, he lifted her off the grass. She held on as if her life depended on staying connected to him.

“More… I want more…” she begged as he crashed into her, mimicking the waves against the rocks a few feet away. It seemed as if it wasn’t enough, as if she could never get enough of him.

“Is this what you want, my love?” he asked as he rocked inside her.

“Oh, Bo…yes…and more…” She closed her eyes.

His arms curved underneath hers and he cradled the back of her head. With every thrust, he felt closer to release. He tried to delay, but the day had been long and in his fantasies he had made love to her a hundred times already.

As their passions crested, his will grew weak.

But this was just the beginning. They would have the whole night ahead of them. They would enjoy every moment spent in each other’s arms.

“Love me…” he whispered as his teeth sank into her flesh once more.

With a sudden jolt, he came inside her. Lifting his head to the heavens, he let out a blood-curdling cry of pure ecstasy.

He held his head in his hands at the table. His mind whirled at the memory of that afternoon, sending signals to his body that were better ignored. He ached for Raven. He knew there was a message for him in that memory. Since they’d made love so close to the ocean, his best guess was that she was traveling over the water again. Back home. To Mirabelle.

He stood, inhaled deeply and headed for the boat. The memory of their coupling clung to him as fiercely as Raven had on that blissful summer afternoon.

He headed for the Boston Whaler. It bobbed in the water at the dock, a quarter-mile down from Laroque’s property.

Chapter Twenty-four

Bo was lost in thought as he stumbled out of the house at the same time Jade and Tobias shimmered out of the vapors. They practically collided.

“Damn!” he cursed, sidestepping Jade, virtually falling over the front steps.