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Joe Menendez came barreling down the hall with Bianca on his heels. “Raven, you’ve got another siren washed up on the shore and two more people with bite marks in the ER, and…”

“What, Joe?”

Bianca answered. “An Empusa is dead and there’s word of a Lykan’s death. Nat is doing the autopsy on the Empusa with Davis. The Lykan, as I’m sure you know, evaporated to dust upon death. This is becoming some kind of a mystical-being murder spree.”

“A Lykan? I didn’t know they came to the island,” Raven said.

“Seems some Lykans and shifters have mated. There aren’t many around. Joe, how do you know for certain it was a Lykan?” Tobias asked.

“Solaris saw him, the Lykan. Tracy is running some tests on the…remains.” Joe looked helplessly at Raven, then at Tobias. “And they’re bringing in Emerald as we speak. She passed out in the hospital parking lot. They think she’s infected.”

“The baby!” Tobias lunged toward the ER’s dented green double doors. “If Hekate is awakened, we’ll have more to worry about than Laroque,” he said before the doors swished closed behind him.

“Hekate?” Joe asked Raven as she headed toward the lab.

The lab was in the newer section of the building. Celery green paint covered half the walls, and oak wainscoting adorned the rest. Beautiful watercolors donated by local artists added a soothing quality to the room. Raven felt anything but soothed.

Lush greenery of Swedish ivy hung in corners from macramé holders and Norfolk pines added life-giving energy to the space. Everything should be dead. Bo is dying. Everything should die with him.

Despite the homey quality of the lab, Raven was anxious. She needed to do something to try to help Tracy come up with an answer-and fast. She mentally gave herself a slap, commanding herself to snap out of it.

“Rav…who’s Hekate?” Joe asked.

Bianca attempted to fill in the blanks. Raven’s thoughts were light years away. “Yeah, Hekate-don’t ask,” Bianca said. “You mean you’ve lived here your entire life and you don’t know the folklore of the island? Shame on you,” she teased.

Joe eyed the pretty young woman.

Raven could see he enjoyed flirting with her. How can he flirt when his partner is fighting for his life?

“Then why don’t you fill me in? Take pity on an ignorant native and teach him a thing or two,” he said with a sly smile.

“You want to learn?”

“Guys?” Raven tried to get their attention.

“Honey, anything you want to teach me, I’ll be more than willing to learn. How about we start with a dinner date? Then, over drinks, you can teach me the history of Mirabelle. I’ve heard you have ancestors who helped establish the island.”

“Are you asking me out?” Bianca asked.

Raven’s ire was building. “Guys.”

“Yes, I am.”

Bianca smiled. “I accept,” she said, and headed for the ER.

“Sorry,” Joe said contritely.

Joe and Raven walked through the morgue and into Raven’s lab. Joe’s face was engraved with worry and confusion.

“I guess I’ll give you the short version of island lore,” Raven said.

Raven inhaled deeply and attempted to explain the history of the Lamai in as few words as possible.

“The Lamai originated in ancient Greece. Queen Rhia of Libya literally went insane after the brutal murder of her husband and children. She headed to Greece, blaming Hera for her children’s death, but it wasn’t Hera’s fault. It was an Empusa.” Joe looked more confused. Raven tried to elucidate. “Empusas are demons that take on human form from time to time. They are affiliated with Hekate. Rhia went on a rampage and took to traveling the earth, starting in Greece. She drank the blood of humans and, like the succubus, would manifest as a beautiful woman, only to devour her lovers. She fed on the blood and was therefore considered the Mother of the Lamai. Not a very pleasant history.

Raven walked to the table where Tracy was working on Bo’s latest blood samples. Tracy ’s affect was solemn. “What many people don’t know is that Rhia and Hekate are sisters, though Rhia chose to live as a mortal. The Empusas were once beautiful creatures. After Hekate learned what they did to her sister’s family, she cursed them with hideous looks.”

Joe was curious now. “Is she still around, this Rhia? And what does this have to do with Hekate?”

“Yes, Queen Rhia is still walking the earth, though she doesn’t feed anymore. She doesn’t have to. Hekate is the Goddess who watches over the island and is in charge of the Empusas. I suppose it’s a guilt thing over Rhia’s losses. Hekate wanted to activate Rhia’s goddess powers, but Rhia refused. They have a kind of alliance. Hekate has the power to grant mortals anything they wish. If Laroque is trying to awaken her, who knows what he may try to get from her.”

“What could he possibly get?” Joe asked, jingling his pocketful of change.

“Immortality…” Raven stood and suddenly threw herself into Joe’s arms, hugging him and kissing his cheek. “You’re brilliant!”

In a flash, she was gone.

Chapter Eleven

Solaris tried in vain to convince her friend that contacting Hekate was not one of her better ideas, but she had no luck in changing Raven’s mind. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’ em was Sol ’s motto. Dressed in lightweight hiking boots and khaki pants with a matching jacket, she packed her duffle bag.

The smaller barrier island was located a few miles south of Mirabelle Cove, hidden in the Mists of Magyck, the home of Hekate. A few islanders made the journey through the Mists at the spring and fall equinoxes and left Hekate gifts ranging from gold and jewels to exotic fruits and incense. Solaris and Raven had made the journey together many times.

However, this time Solaris hesitated before she agreed to go. It was one thing to leave gifts for the Goddess, and another to try to awaken her. Time was the one thing they had in their favor. With All Hallows Eve approaching, Hekate’s attention was on the outer world.

“Hekate’s my only hope to save Bo. I have to convince her to spare him,” Raven said after hanging up the phone with Uncle Caleb, who agreed to let her use his boat, again without question.

Sol smirked. “Wait a minute, you don’t convince Hekate to do anything. No one does. Either she does it for her own reasons or she doesn’t. You’d better pray we’re getting her on a good day.”

“All I’ve been doing is praying since Bo was infected,” Raven admitted.

“You know she’ll want something in return, and this time fruit or gold won’t suffice,” Solaris said, adding a handful of protein bars and bottled water to her bag.

The tension in the room was thick. Both women knew what was at stake. “I know. Whatever it is…I’ll give it to her.”

Solaris took Raven’s hands in her own. “Does your father know what you’re up to?”

Raven gripped Sol’s hands tighter. “No, and you can’t tell him. Promise me. He would try to stop me. Besides, he’ll be with Emerald at the hospital.”

Solaris turned, her eyes wide. “Emerald? What happened? Is she all right?”

“Yes, she’ll be all right. I checked on her before I left. It was just exhaustion that caused her to pass out-that and stress, but she and the baby are fine. Dr. Odin is certain she’ll carry to term, and Jules assured Emerald that she’ll have a healthy baby boy.”

“Emerald wanted to know the sex of the baby?”

Raven smiled. “Yeah, they both wanted to know. My father is over the moon.” She paused a moment. “Mordred is cured.”

Sol’s brows pinched together. “I’m worried about what would happen should the humans fall prey to this disease.”

“Me too,” Raven admitted.

Solaris glanced at Raven. “And how’s Bo?”

Raven’s throat tightened and her eyes threatened to spill oceans of tears. “He’s running out of time, Sol. The only thing that’s keeping him here is his sheer will and the constant blood transfusions, but if his organs start to bleed-” She couldn’t finish the thought. Wiping the tears away, she reached for her jacket. Sol hugged her.