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Bo hadn’t left Raven’s side since he’d charged into the ER the day before.


The tough, strapping shape shifter looked up. “Tobias. How long have you been standing there?”

Tobias walked over to watch his daughter sleep. She looked as she had when she was four years old and still afraid of the dark. “Not long. I wanted you to know something.”

“What is it?”

“It’s about Raven. She is in more danger now than ever before.” The ancient vampire sounded desperate.

“What do you mean?” Bo absentmindedly stroked Raven’s hair while she slept. He was just grateful to have her alive and home with him again. He wanted to start his life with Raven. No more delays, no more setbacks-this was to be their time. Bo would be unwavering in his effort to do whatever it would take to keep his mate safe.

Tobias let out a long sigh before he answered. “You can be certain that Laroque will be back, and Raven is no longer protected by Lamai blood. In fact, if she is bitten in an attempt to change her back, she will die.”

Bo stood and strode toward the doorway, motioning for Tobias to follow. Other than losing a few pounds, Bo felt fine. The only thing that was abnormal was the evident fear in his wolf’s soul.

“She’ll need constant protection, and you know that’s not going to sit well with her. My daughter has a stubborn streak.” Tobias smiled slightly.

“I’m not leaving her side, whether she likes it or not.” Bo sat on the living room couch, leaning his head on his broad hands. “I feel so responsible. She gave up who she is to save me.”

Tobias shrugged his wide shoulders. “She loves you. You can’t be with her every minute of every day. You have a job to do, and so does she.” He tugged at his neatly trimmed beard nervously, as if he expected Laroque and his minions to swoop down upon them at any moment and steal Raven out from under their noses.

Bo looked hard at Tobias, knowing he was right. “I can take time off until…”

Tobias interrupted. “Time off isn’t going to solve anything, and you know it. The only way to ensure her safety is to stop Laroque permanently.”

Though it was a truth both knew, up until that point, neither had wanted to voice it. Going after a powerful bokur such as Laroque would not be an easy task, especially knowing he had an arsenal of deadly viruses at his disposal.

Resolutely, Bo replied, “Then that’s what I’ll do. I’ll get Laroque.”

“How? You’ll need my help.”

“No. Raven would never go for that.”

Tobias patted the young man’s back. “Then we won’t tell her.”

In the early morning light, Raven nuzzled closer to Bo, needing the heat of his body to keep the chill away. His arms enveloped her while he kissed her neck. Her soft flesh beckoned to him, no longer the pale white of a Lamai, but an olive complexion.

Her skin alone was a constant reminder that he must be gentle with her. She lifted her face to his and kissed him with a hunger that mingled with fear-fear from almost having lost him, fear that she was a vulnerable, mortal being.

The thrill of his touch on her flesh was like tiny flames, teasing her as his hands caressed every inch. There was no outward manifestation of the desire that screamed inside her-no ice-colored irises gazing back at him, no extended incisors ready to playfully bite his inner thigh. The sensations of her desire were all normal, for a human.

All mortal.

“I would die without you, my love…” he whispered. His hands continued their blazing dance across her skin. Her lips grazed his soft skin, igniting each touch with her unbridled passion while she yearned to feel him inside.

“I want you,” she whispered.

She waited for the familiar signals within her. The need for him was still there, the aching to feel his teeth tear at her skin and to take in her lustful blood.

But it was mortal blood.

A gentle heat began to radiate from every cell in her body. And as he entered her the heat became a raging inferno. She clung to him as he plunged deeper inside and she nipped at his neck. Only this time, there was no blood.

“Mine,” he muttered.

“All yours,” she answered.

She could feel Bo getting lost in every part of her-her scent, her feel, the taste of her. His eyes began to take on the golden glow of his counterpart. Old habits between them were to die a slow and agonizing death.

A mortal death.

Raven was no match for Bo’s strength, and although she tried to keep her expressions of pain concealed, he soon would see the bruises his body was leaving on hers. She didn’t care, though. She begged him to merge with her, but the magick was gone.

“Love me…” she whispered.

“Always,” he moaned as his body rocked with a powerful orgasm. He rolled off of her. She knew he sensed she was not the same Raven as before and that he was trying to be extra careful.

“No… I want more…I want it to be like it always was…” she begged.


Raven gently guided Bo onto his back, taking him inside her. She straddled him, her hands holding his wrists above his head. She felt him grow harder. She wanted to possess him. Fear welled in her heart as she realized that in trying to save him, she may have ended up losing him.

The only thing left that was savage about her was her passion for Bo. Slowly she sensed her aching for him increase in intensity while she moved with him, rising and falling over his prone body. He freed his hands from her grip and began caressing her waist, creeping up her back and around cupping her breasts.

Raven could feel herself cresting to orgasm and she slowed the pace, ebbing and flowing, wanting the feeling to last forever. Her knees dug into his ribs as she ground her hips frantically, taking him deeper inside, riding the waves of pleasure.

Bo’s hands clasped her buttocks as she felt him hurtle toward his own destiny with ecstasy. The world went away, and Raven felt the need to reach out to Bo with her soul. But things were different. A soft moan escaped her lips and grew louder as the full magnitude of her climax hit her. Bo’s body arched up to meet her as he, too, gave into the excruciating pleasure. He pulled her down to him, moaning with a longing that remained unfilled.

Raven pulled open the curtains and let the sunlight into her den. “I feel fine, Ian. I want to go back to work,” she protested the following afternoon.

“Raven, as your friend, and with the complete agreement of Dr. Cole…y-your…” He stuttered before he could get out his complete response.

She was startled when she realized what he was trying to communicate. “My what? New human doctor?”

Ian looked at Raven with an odd expression. It would be quite a while before she would be used to the new way of life she was embarking upon.

It was not an enviable path.

“I’m human now, so I assume I’ll have a doctor who-well-deals with human physiology.”

Ian crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze narrowed. “Yes, you will, and we both-Dr. Cole and I-feel you need time to recover. This is something I’ve never dealt with. I don’t know what side effects you may experience, short-term or long-term.” Dr. Odin explained the reason for Raven’s sabbatical.

Tobias, too, was adamant about her staying away from the hospital. Her father called in quite a few more favors to have Raven watched twenty-four hours a day, and keeping her home was a crucial part of the plan.

Ian plopped himself on a recliner. “I must say, though, you look great.” He changed the subject, but Raven saw right through the tactic.

She continued her questioning, trying a different approach. “What’s going on with the epidemic? How many more people have been infected? Any humans come down with symptoms?”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that right now. Davis is taking care of the autopsies, along with Nat. We’ve got everything running smoothly.”