Though it wasn’t one she had asked for.
Taking a deep breath, she crept into the gardens and up to the tree. She stood beneath its canopy and stared, momentarily entranced by its perfect beauty. She waited for the tree to respond, blinking against the brilliant wash of starlight that spilled out of the night sky and streamed through the silver and crimson limbs.
Finally, she knelt, bowing her head in open acknowledgment of her position as a servant to the order of the Chosen. She closed her eyes and waited patiently, hardly daring to breathe, listening to the beating of her heart.
Then a slender branch brushed her shoulder, and the familiar voice whispered inside her head.
–You are returned to me, child–
Arling shuddered. “I am returned.”
–You are so frightened–
–Your fear caused you to flee from me–
“I am ashamed of this.”
–You need not be. Your fear is real and justified. I was once as you are. Frightened and confused. I, too, fled–
Arling opened her eyes and looked at the tree. “You fled when you were told what was expected of you?”
–Even before I understood. I was a young girl, like you. I barely remember it now. The tree spoke to me. She touched me. I grew frightened of what that meant, and I fled–
“But you came back?”
–Why are you so frightened, child? There is no pain in what I ask of you. There is so much good that you can do–
The voice was calm and measured. It filled Arling with a sense of peace that she found oddly reassuring. She shivered at the feelings it roused in her.
“I am not meant to do this. I am meant to be a Druid, like my sister. It was what I planned all along to do when my time as a Chosen was finished.”
–You would be a Druid so you could help others. Like your sister–
“I would. I would do that instead.”
–Even though you would be helping so many more by doing what I have asked? Even though you would be saving a world–
Arling hesitated, not knowing what to say. “Someone else would be a better choice.”
–You say this to me, knowing I am the one who makes all the choices? Knowing I chose you because there was reason for doing so–
Arling squeezed her eyes closed. “Was I made a Chosen because you knew you were dying and needed another of the Elessedil line to replace you? Is that why I was chosen?”
A long silence followed.
–I choose all of my children instinctively, with no prior knowledge of who or what you are. I know nothing of your histories. Not then and not now. In the beginning, I do not even know your names. When you, child, passed beneath me in the time of your choosing, you felt right to me and so I took you–
“I shouldn’t have agreed.”
–But you did agree. You accepted your choosing. Would you abandon it now–
“I must. I cannot do this.”
–Because you think it will be too hard–
“Because it isn’t something I thought I would ever have to do.”
–You would do only those things for which you were already prepared? You would accept only hardships you already understand? Will it be like that for you if you become a Druid–
Arling burst into tears, burying her face in her hands, momentarily unable to continue.
“I don’t know what else to say.”
The Ellcrys went silent again, and Arling fought to stop crying, wiping away the tears, telling herself to be strong, to stand her ground. She couldn’t be forced to do this. She couldn’t be made to take the Ellcrys seed and carry it to the Bloodfire. She didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to.
–What if there is no other to take your place–
The words broke the silence like the shattering of glass, and Arling flinched in response.
–What if you are the only one who can do this–
Arling exhaled sharply. Her oval face lifted and she tightened her lips in defiance. “But I’m not the only one. There are others. Lots of others. You choose us for this. You know which of us will be able to serve you in the ways you have need of being served. You can always find another to do what is needed.”
–You sound so certain of this. I was like you once. I believed this, too. There would be others to do what I was being asked and did not want to do. How difficult would it be to find one–
Arling brightened. “Then you understand what I am saying. I think another Chosen would be more ready than I am to take the seed to the Bloodfire. To become the next Ellcrys. More ready and capable than I am to do what is needed.”
–More ready and capable? A sweeping conclusion, child. Think a moment. Whoever does what I ask must be strong enough to survive a journey to a distant place, one filled with dangers. This Chosen may be hunted, just as I was hunted. This Chosen must have family and friends willing to die for her. This Chosen must be able to withstand both physical and emotional hardships and be willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her people–
Arling felt her momentary elation fade.
–This Chosen will need courage and resilience and strength of will that exceed those of others. The journey to find the Bloodfire and immerse my seed is a terrible trial. The journey back and its inevitable ending would be no less so. When an Ellcrys chooses a successor, all this must be taken into account. All these qualities must be considered when searching for the one who will become what I became–
“But I am not …”
–Hush, child, hush. Let me finish what I would say to you–
Arling flushed at the rebuke and went silent.
–My decision to choose you as the bearer of my seed was not arrived at in days or months or even years. It took a long time to find you. Generations of Chosen came and went. Death comes gradually if not hastened by chance or misfortune, and so it has been to me. I have seen its approach for a long time and only of late have felt its touch. The Forbidding I ward has been eroding incrementally. At first, it did not matter; the erosion was slight. But with the passage of time, the danger has grown more immediate. My search, therefore, needs resolving–
–So when I ask you what I should do if I cannot find another, it is not because another does not exist. It is because I lack the time I need to find that other. My predecessor faced this same dilemma when she chose me. The erosion of the Forbidding accelerates. The risk of the imprisoned breaking free from their world and invading this one is upon us–
The Ellcrys fell silent again, but Arling could not find the words to respond. She felt trapped and overmatched by this ancient creature, and she lacked the means to do anything about it. She slumped back on her heels and kept her head lowered against the fear that would undo her completely.
Finally, the tree whispered once more in a soft, soothing voice.
–Enough talk for tonight, child. I have sat where you are sitting and argued as you have argued and struggled to decide as you are struggling. I know how difficult this is for you. Go to your home and sleep. Come again tomorrow night, and we will speak further–
Arling shook her head. “I don’t know if I can make myself come back.”
The leaves of the tree shivered in a soft gust of wind, rustling like tiny creatures.
–You will do what you know is right. You will come to me. If you fail to appear, I will know I was wrong to choose you–
Then the Ellcrys went silent, and although Arling sat where she was for a very long time, the tree did not speak to her again.
In the hostile and blasted country of the Forbidding, the survivors of the search party for the missing Elfstones stared at the Ard Rhys in disbelief.