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Oz looked to the right, where two riders had arrived unnoticed. The man who spoke was wide-shouldered, wearing a dust-stained black coat and a red brocade waistcoat. His hair was dark, though silver at the temples. Beside him was a younger man.

'By Heaven,' said Bell, 'you're a long way from home, aren't you, Laton? Heard they butchered your gang and that you ran off with your tail between your legs. I always knew you weren't so salty. Now be on your way, we've business here.'

Threatening women?' taunted the rider. 'That's about all you're worth, Bell.'

Bell laughed and shook his head. 'Always one for words, Laton,' he said. Oz saw the killer suddenly swing the black pistol towards the rider. Laton swayed to the side, a nickel-plated pistol seeming to leap into his hand. Bell fired — and missed. Laton returned the shot, and Bell pitched from his saddle. Seizing the chance, Oz pulled the little pistol clear and fired at the closest man. He saw the shot strike home as a puff of dust came from the man's jacket and he sagged in the saddle. Horses reared and shots exploded all around him. Oz tried to aim but Zerah dived at him, dragging him down and covering him with her body.

He heard the thunder of hooves and saw the three remaining hunters fleeing. One horse was down and there were four bodies lying on the logging road. The other three horses had run off a little way and were now standing some fifty yards distant. 'It's all right, Frey, they've gone,' he said.

The man in the brocade waistcoat knelt by them, lifting Zerah from him. 'Are you hurt, lady?' he asked.

'Only my pride,' she said, allowing Laton to help her rise. 'Don't know how I let them get so close.'

Laton grinned. A groan came from the left where Bell was pushing himself to his knees, his right hand gripping his belly, blood pouring through his fingers. Oz watched as the rescuer approached the wounded man.

'By damn, Bell, you are a hard man to kill,' he said. His pistol came up and fired, and Bell pitched backwards and lay still.

'He was one that needed killing,' said Zerah, struggling to rise. Oz helped her, then recovered his pistol from the road.

'I should have done it a long time ago,' said Laton. Turning away, he called out to his friend, 'Hey, Nestor, catch those horses yonder and we'll offer these folks company on the road.'

Esther peeped out from the bushes. Zerah called to her and she scampered across to the old lady, hugging at her leg. Zerah leaned down and kissed the top of the child's head.

As the younger man rode off for the riderless horses, the older one turned to Oz. 'You did right well there, son. I like a lad with spirit.'

'Are you Laton Duke, sir?' asked Oz.

The man grinned and extended his hand. The name is Clem. ClemSteiner.'

'But he called you. .'

'Just a case of mistaken identity. I never saw him before,' he said, with a wink.

Oz shook the man's hand as Zerah gathered up her rifle. 'Idon't much care who you are,' she said. Td have welcomed the Devil himself, with open arms, just to see that piece of scum go to Hell.'

'Your grandma is one tough lady,' observed Clem.

'Yes sir!' agreed Oz. 'You don't know the half of it.'

* * *

The attack was short-lived, only four of the creatures charging at the house. Wallace took out the first with a double-barrelled blast while it was still in the yard, Shannow shot down two others as they tore the shutters away from the window. The last leapt to the porch awning and tried to enter an upstairs window.

Beth ran into the room and fired three shots into the beast's chest, catapulting it back to the yard, where Wallace killed it as it tried to rise.

The downstairs rooms stank of cordite and a haze of blue smoke hung in the air. Dr Meredith approached the Deacon. 'You have a Stone, don't you?' he said, as the Deacon reloaded his pistols.

'Yes. One small Stone.'

'Surely, with its power, you could block all the windows and the doors?'

'I could,' the Deacon agreed, 'but I don't know how long the power would last, and I need that Stone, Doctor, for when the real evil shows up.'

Meredith's eyes widened. The real evil? These beasts are not the real evil?' Quietly Shannow told him about the Bloodstone, and how it had destroyed its own world. He told him of the colosseum, and the forty thousand dead, of the absence of birds, animals and insects.

'Oh, God. . you really saw this?' asked Meredith.

'I saw it, Doctor. Trust me. I wish I hadn't.'

Then what can stop him?'

The Deacon gave a weary smile. That is a problem that has haunted me for twenty years. I still have no answer.'

Isis joined them. Leaning forward, she kissed the Deacon's cheek and the old man smiled up at her. 'A kiss from a beautiful girl is a wonderful tonic.'

'It must be working,' said Isis, 'for I'm sure your beard is darker, Jake, than when first I saw you.'

That's true,' agreed Meredith. 'How is your wound?'

'I healed it,' said Shannow.

‘I think you did more than that,' said Meredith. Tsis is right-your skin is looking less wrinkled and ancient.

You're getting younger.' He sighed. 'Good Lord, what wonders could be achieved if we had more of those Stones!'

The Deacon shook his head. The Guardians had them, but the Stones were corrupted — just like everything man touches. Sipstrassi has its dark side, Doctor. When fed with blood the result is terrifying.

Look at the creatures yonder, the Bloodstones in their brows. Once they were Wolvers, gentle and shy.

Look at them now. Consider the Bloodstone himself: once he was a man with a mission, to bring back the earth to a Garden of Eden. Now he is a destroyer. No, I think we would all be better off without any Stones of power.'

Beth called out to Meredith, to come and help her prepare food. The doctor moved away and Isis sat beside Shannow.

'You are sad,' she said.

'You see too much,' he told her, with a smile.

'I see more than you think,' she said, her voice low. 'I know who you are.'

'Best to say nothing, child.'

‘I felt as if I was floating on a dark sea. Then you came to me. We merged when you drew me back. We were one — as we are one now.' She took his hand and squeezed it, and he felt a sudden warmth within his mind, a loss of loneliness and sorrow. He heard her voice inside his head. 'I know all of your thoughts and concerns. Your memories are now mine. That's why I can tell that you are not an evil man, Jake.'

'I am responsible for the deaths of thousands, Isis. By their fruits shall ye judge them. Women, children -

an entire race. All dead by my order.' Harsh memories erupted into his mind, but Isis flowed over them, forcing them back.

‘That cannot be changed. . Deacon. But an evil man would not concern himself with guilt. He would have no conception of it. Putting that aside for a moment, I also share, now, your fears about the Bloodstone. You don't know what to do, but in your memories there is one who could help. A man with great imagination and the powers of a seer.'

'Who?' As swiftly as she had merged with him, she was gone, and Shannow felt the pain of withdrawal, a return to the solitary cell of his own being.

'Lucas,' she said, aloud.

He looked into her beautiful face and sighed. 'He went down with the Fall of the world hundreds of years ago.'

'You are not thinking,' she said. 'What are the Gateways, if not doorways through time? Amaziga took you back to Arizona. Could you not travel the same route? You must get Lucas.'

‘I have no horse, and even if I did it's a three-day ride to Domango. I haven't the time.'

'Why go to Domango? Did not Amaziga tell you that the stone circles were placed where the earth energy was strongest? There must be other places where they did not place stones, yet the energy is still there.'