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Lane spins me around in his arms and begins shaking me like a ragdoll.

“Get a grip, Blue.”

“Fine.” I pull back, throwing my hands up in the air. “I’m fine.”

“Seriously, Tuck is not a bad guy, nor is Noah.”

“Yep, they’re fucking heroes,” I shout over my shoulder as I walk away from the whole fucked-up scene.

My phone goes off in my pocket, and when I pluck it out, I see Noah’s name.

Noah: Are you okay?

Me: Fuck you

I type out a quick message to my mom telling her I will be gone the rest of the day and then turn off my phone to avoid any further distractions. I need to clear my mind and get my head right. Holy shit, I’ve never blown up like that in my life, not in public, nor have I ever let that many f-bombs fly. I’m on the road straight to disaster if I can’t get a grip on it. I might as well catch the next flight back to Colorado.

When I pass a little boutique with bikinis displayed in the front window, I stop in and find one of the cheapest two pieces and decide to walk to the beach. It’s not the same one Noah has taken me to, but I do know of one about a half mile away.

The beach is quiet, with hardly anyone loitering around. I don’t even worry about not having a towel or the sand getting in my crack as I slide down my workout shorts and peel off my tank top. The lady in the boutique was nice enough to let me change before I left. The sun pounds down onto my skin, tingling it with its heat. I let the waves entertain all my senses as I focus on my breathing and trying to let everything go.

I don’t want to be angry, needy, desperate, or in love. I just want the old Blue back, but have a feeling deep down that Tuck has placed an invisible curse on me.

“Is this you, god? Playing a nasty trick?” My voice is weak compared to the roar of the ocean.

“What do you expect from me?” My voice is louder this time as I raise my hands up to the heavens, waiting for the answer.

“Fuck me in the goat ass,” I growl as I flop back on the sand and close my eyes. I’m pretty sure the higher powers didn’t appreciate that last part.

Between the sound of the ocean pounding the beach and the tingle of the sun, my eyes close, and my problems slip away one by one as I drift off.

Time isn’t a factor, and Tuck doesn’t touch even one thought while I’m out. When I roll over, a stinging sensation shocks my skin, and when I sit up, my whole body is stiff and burned. Reaching in my bag, I grab my phone and wait for it to power on. I skip the several missed text messages and look at the time. I’m stunned to see that two hours passed.

Crawling up to my feet, I stretch out my kinked body and cringe when I feel the sting of the burn. But it’s almost a delicious, welcomed pain. My phone starts to go off, and I take a quick look at all the texts. I ignore Noah’s and a weird number, but respond to Sophie. I’d hate to mess up their lovemaking schedule since Lane is using his get out of free jail card, after all.

Me: I’m okay. I’ll be ready to go by 7. Pick me up at dorms?

Sophie: KK. Noah came and asked about you.

Me: They are now a hard limit to me…no more talk of them.

Sophie: KK

I can’t count how many times I’ve told her that the use of “KK” in speech and text is annoying and absolutely unnecessary, but I guess some habits are hard to break. Nothing drives me more nuts than that use. Ignoring the stupid-ass two letters put together, I make my way out to the water for a quick dip to cool my skin.

The waves crash into my shins, and it’s a quick eye opener of how ice-cold the water is. I just keep walking deeper and deeper into the ocean, letting the waves threaten to knock me off balance. I fight forward, struggling to stand straight up. By the time I go under, I don’t have the panicked sensation or envision anyone’s face…I’m numb.

Chapter 13




Counting Stars blares in the dorm room as I wiggle my lotion-slick body into a tiny black dress from Sophie’s closet. The bastard is tight as hell and hugs every curve, while showcasing my lean, long legs. I’m thankful my lobster red burn has simmered down into a glowing olive tan. The one factor that may talk me out of this dress is the boob region. Man, the girls are perked up and plenty luscious for the viewing.

It’s the third dress of Sophie’s I’ve tried, and I think it’s the one. I strap on a pair of her blinged out sandals, and by blinged out, I mean they could blind someone in the sun. They’re flats, because with how short this dress is, I don’t need to add any more attention to my legs.

My platinum blonde curls fall over my shoulders, hiding some skin, so I decide to pin them back, letting my shoulders be visible. I’m not sure if listening to Miranda Lambert’s latest hit, Little Red Wagon, was the best idea while getting ready, but it sure makes my badass come out.

I touch up my light make-up and let my sun-kissed tan shine through, then send Sophie a quick text telling her I’ll meet her out front. As I step in the elevator and check out my reflection in the mirror, it may be the first time I feel like a college freshman with no cares in the world.

“Hot damn.”

Sophie’s not shy or quiet about her excitement as I step out of the lobby into the parking lot. Lane even lets out a low whistle, causing me to blush.

“Shut up, you guys.” The backs of my legs stick to the leather interior as I try to slide in beside Sophie. Climbing up into a monster truck in a short dress is damn near impossible to do without flashing a shot of my beaver to the world.

“You’re going to show him.”

I elbow Sophie with all my might and don’t even feel bad when I hear her let out an umph of pain. “Hard limit, and I’m not kidding.”

It takes everything to not add the f-bomb in there somewhere.

“Are those my shoes?”

“Maybe.” I grin in her direction.

“Is that my dress?”

I just shrug.

“Let me see your panties.”

Sophie grabs the hem of the dress, trying to rip it up, and I let my head fly back and roll into a fit of laughter.

“Stop.” I swat her hand. “I’m wearing my own. Thank you very much.”

“Good, keep your poisonous coochie out of my panties.”

We both crack up at that. Poor Lane has no choice but to listen, but he’s a smart man, not laughing at any of the jokes. Even Sophie knows they’re borderline, but hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself, as they say.

When Lane pulls up to the party, my body truly goes into overdrive. It’s a similar scene as the first one, but on steroids. I spot other cheerleaders, soccer players, the cross-country team, and several other students. Bodies fill the yard, barely leaving a tiny path up to the house.

“Everyone have their phone?”

I know the question is directed at me and shake my head. “I’ll be fine.”

“Blue, you won’t be fine dressed like that and with your attitude.”

“Afraid I’ll get lucky tonight, Lane?” I shoot a high arched eyebrow in his direction.

I slide from the truck and look back at my worried friends and then grab my crotch and give them a little hip thrust. “It’s poison, remember?”

“Do you have your phone, Blue?”

“No, I don’t, Lane. I am a big girl.” I enunciate every word like an immature, childish asshole. I don’t want to be a royal bitch to my only two friends left on campus who will actually talk to me, but I don’t want to be protected either.