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With a full tummy and relaxed muscles with the slightest numbing sensation, I watch as the three boys fool around with the football.

“Ruger has a game tomorrow that he’s dying for Tuck to go to.”

“I can’t wait.”

“He wanted you to cheer for him in that skirt Tuck told him about, but I told him you were hurt.”

I giggle at the thought of Tuck actually telling his family things about me. Mabie is trying to chew on her big toe without tipping over on the grass, and I laugh even harder at the sight.

“Thank you for all of this, Joe.”

She places her hand on mine. “You are so welcome, and I know it’s none of my business, but you should really tell your parents and file that report.”

“I know. The thing is, my dad is a plastic surgeon and my mother a worrywart. I’m their only child and shit will hit the fan. I just want to pretend it never happened.”

“Shit like this doesn’t just disappear. You need a support team.”

“She has me and needs nothing else.” Tuck’s deep voice breaks into our conversation. “Enough, Joe.”

“It’s fine.” I shrug. “I think I need to lie down now.”

Standing up, I give Joe a hug and thank her once again.

“Oh, hey, when do I get to meet you guys’ parents? Do they live around here?”

As soon as the words are spoken, I know I never should’ve asked. I see the painful look blanketing Joe’s face, and then my gaze focuses in on Tuck’s clenched jaw.

“They passed away several years ago,” Joe finally says.

My hands fly to my chest. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

Joes waves me off, and in typical Tuck fashion, he scoops me up from the picnic bench and carries me to the house. I’ve lost the fun, carefree Tuck.

“I’m so sorry, Tuck.” I place my hand on his chest. “You know I can walk.”

“It’s a good workout.” The stairs creak below his feet as he takes them one by one. “It’s fine, Blue. I should’ve told you. It’s just a hard topic.”

“You can tell me anything, Tuck, and I do mean anything. Well, besides to leave.” My finger traces a swirl pattern on his chest through his shirt.

Tuck lays me in the bed and gently slides down my shorts, and then undoes my bra. I wait for his playful fingers to try some funny business, but they don’t. He nestle me up in his blankets, and his scent captivates me. I’ve never been so immersed in Tuck. My eyelids win the war as I fall instantly asleep wrapped in his musk.

Chapter 21

Watching Tuck pace back and forth at Ruger’s game is comical and bordering on the edge of panty melting. He’s clearly a hometown hero. This morning when I woke up, it dawned on me that I had no idea where we were, and Tuck’s response was small town, Arizona.

He was up and out of bed before I had the chance to cuddle with him. He’d already hit the gym and made the whole family breakfast. Seeing him sweaty and in his workout clothes made me sad, and I instantly longed for the gym, and then remembered everything that had happened. The face of the man who attacked is still muddy in my memory, but pieces of it haunt me when I sleep. More and more of the attack is coming back to me, like hearing Tuck’s voice on the phone and then fighting to get to my pepper spray. I even remember ripping off the man’s ski mask.

A chill runs up the length of my spine, and I focus back on the game and the peace surrounding me. Just like his uncle, Ruger is the running back, among other positions. He constantly keeps looking over to Tuck for his approval.

“Here.” Joe hands me Mabie. “Can you hold her while I grab the snacks for the team?”

“Yeah.” The pads of my fingers brush over her sweet little cheeks.

“Are you sure that doesn’t hurt you?”

“Not at all. Whatever is in that one pill has really helped my side.”

“It’s a strong-ass ibuprofen and probably helped relieve some pain.”

“Go, we are fine.” I wave her off.

Mabie does cause a tiny bit of pain to my side, but it’s well worth holding the perfect little girl who is decked out in a pink cheerleading outfit with her chubby legs sticking out. She’s very intrigued with my baseball cap and aviators, trying to pull both of them off. I really didn’t want to go out in public looking like I’d just had my ass kicked, but Tuck left me no choice.

He’s been overprotective since the attack, and I know deep down he stills feel guilty. It’s a good thing I’m quite the pro with working miracles with make-up. The long, nasty bruise lining my jaw is barely visible. Even though it’s tank-top weather, my arms are covered in a long sleeve t-shirt and my legs with a pair of blue jeans to hide scrapes and bruises.

“Here, sissy.” Tuck pulls the baby from my hands and props her on his hip.

She’s immediately content with him as she lays her head on his broad shoulder.

“Come here. There are some people I want you to meet.” He holds his other hand out to me, and I’ve never seen anything that looks and feels more like home to me. “What’s that grin for, Blue?”

Looking up to him through my aviators, I clutch his hand with confidence, and simply say, “Because I’m happy.”

I snuggle into his side as we walk, and he leans over and kisses me on the top of the head. “I am too. For now.”

And there’s the reluctant Tuck.

We spend the next hour talking to his old teachers and coaches, and it’s even more evident how everyone in his hometown adores him. I don’t miss the stares of concern when eyes float my way and know they are only worried about me breaking Tuck’s heart. If only they knew the truth of the situation and how this man could crush me in a matter of seconds.

“Tuck, go with them.” I wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest.

“Nah, I’ll go home with you guys.”

“Take Ruger and go have lunch with your friends. I need a nap anyway and will ride home with Joe.”

His large palms cover my cheeks, forcing me to look up at him. “Are you sure, Blue?”


“Have I ever told you that you are gorgeous?”


His lips lightly graze mine.

“I’m serious, Blue, like you’re more than I deserve.”

“Stop.” I pound on his chest. “Not that slippery slope.”

He kisses me again, and it’s light and quick. We both know anything else leads to nothing but trouble and overheated actions.

“Go, Tuck.” It takes all my willpower to shove down my pent-up horniness and walk away from him. I send him a quick wave over my shoulder as I head toward Joe’s minivan.

“I’m impressed,” Joe says with raised eyebrows as I shut the door behind me.

“What?” I flip down the visor to check out my bruise.

“That you got him peeled away from you.”

“I’m not going to lie, me too.” A light laugh escapes me.

“He’s so in love with you.”

I whip my gaze in her direction, and I expect to see a joking expression covering her face, but I don’t find it.

“It’s no joke, Blue. That boy is head over heels for you.”

“Joe.” I pause to readjust myself in the seat to face her. “He won’t open up to me. I mean, he’s practically treated me like I was nothing until this. I knew he wanted me, but he kept pushing me away.”

“Tuck has issues.”

“I’m scared, Joe.” Mabie’s bottle flies into the front seat, startling me. Leaning over, I pick it up and hand it back to her. “I’m afraid when we get back to campus and I’m healed up that he’ll put his walls back up around him.”

“Like I said, Blue, he has his issues and I’ve encouraged him to tell you, but he is Tuck, and Tuck has always been a stubborn ass.”

“He is that.” I run my fingers up and down the tan interior of the door. “I just hope he takes a chance on me.”