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“Kill the motherfucker.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s the best idea, Tuck. Can’t we just forget about it? I’ll be extra cautious.”

He doesn’t answer me, and I know that’s a no to him, but I try to convince myself it’s a yes. I’ll do everything I can to ease his mind about this topic, because he needs to be focusing on football and no other drama surrounding him.

The dorms come into sight, and I feel a twinge of excitement shoot through me. I’ve actually missed my Sophie over the past few days and have so much to catch her up on. I don’t have the chance to ponder long, because I see her bounding from the front doors with Lane trying to keep up with her. I bolt from the truck and tackle-hug her ass.

“Oh my god, Blue, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine. I’m so fine.”

When I pull back I can tell she notices my perma-grin and the new glow to my skin.

“Your face looks good. Not that you ever looked like shit, but you look amazing.”

“Thanks, Sophie.”

The two men gain our attention, or shall I say Tuck does, as he very clearly instructs Lane that he’s not to leave my side.

“Baby, go work out. I’m fine.” I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into me, then stand up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips.

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“I’m a big girl, and you better get used to it. We both are going in separate directions back here on campus. Cowboy up, cupcake.”

He kisses me hard, leaving the sting of a bite on my bottom lip. “Oh, I’ll be cowboying up tonight.”

Lordy, the man makes my knees quake, even though we’ve been doing nothing but have sex the last couple days. I’m pretty sure we’ve beaten Lane and Sophie in the lovemaking department.

“Let’s go. It’s my turn with her, Tuck.” Sophie drags me away from him by the waist. I offer a wave over my shoulder as I walk away.

It sucks walking away, but I do it just like ripping a Band-Aid off a wound.

“So, are you two dating?”

I don’t have an answer to her question and stop dead in my tracks. When I turn around, I see Tuck standing by his truck watching us. He’s at least a good fifty feet away.

“Tuck.” I watch as he makes eye contact with me. “Are you my boyfriend?” I tilt my head to the side in anticipation of his answer.

He hollers back, never making anything simple. “Are you my girlfriend?”

“I asked first.”

Sophie elbows me in the ribs. “Do you really need to be hollering this right now?”

“Yes, Blue, I’m your boyfriend.”

I blow him a kiss and turn back toward the dorm. “So yeah, we are dating.”

Lane busts out in laughter and Sophie just rolls her eyes as if our roles have been reversed. I’m now the giddy, love-struck friend with stars in my eyes.

“I want details, but not you screaming in the parking lot.”

When we walk into the lobby, I see the security guard and give him a friendly wave.

“Hey, Blue, missed ya.”

“Ahh, you’re too sweet. My dad must have really paid you off well.”

He chuckles as we pass and wait for an elevator. The ride is long and torturous as I’m dying to expel every detail to Sophie. My excitement is busting at the seams.

“Oh my god, shut the door, and Lane, get out.” I flop on my bed and stare back at the couple.

“Did you not hear Tuck?”

“Are you serious?” Sophie asks Lane.

“I’m not leaving you.”

“Well, you’re about to hear a ton about sex.” I shrug and climb under my blankets, wiggling out of my shorts and getting comfy. “Grab the ice cream from the freezer.”

Sophie tosses me my favorite flavor of ice cream, and I dig in, waiting for the two of them to settle in.

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable telling you everything, because some of it’s Tuck’s story to tell.”

Lane’s eyebrows shoot up at me.

“I’ve seen him, Lane. All of him, and I’m completely heels over head for the man.”

“Wait. What am I missing?”

I keep my gaze on Lane and watch the shock cover his face. “Blue, he doesn’t even dress down in the locker room.”

“I don’t care. I love the man, and he’s going to have to get over it.”

“He’s never had a girlfriend as long as I’ve known him. Hell, he only let a few girls hang on him at that party to piss you off.”

Note to self, kick him in the shins for that.

Sophie jumps up on her bed. “Can someone fill me in?”

“Tuck has scars and doesn’t like to be exposed.”

Silence fills the room after the words leave my mouth. I trust Sophie to not publish any of this in the school newspaper.

“He opened up to me this weekend and…” I pause a second, giving Lane a chance to escape. “We had sex. Lots and lots of glorious sex.”

Sophie leaps from her bed over to mine, wrapping me up in a hug and squealing, and then starts in on her twenty questions.

“Is he hung? I mean can he, like, go a long time? Tell me everything.”

I skip the part about him being a virgin and go right into full details of our sexpcapades in his room, the shower, and the hot tub.

“Bitch, you’re on birth control. How did it feel with nothing between you guys?”

I look over to Lane, who is clearly trying his best to check out of our conversation. He’s spread across Sophie’s bed with his forearms resting over his eyes.

“It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

“By the looks of it, I bet ol’ Tuck could really entertain some meat curtains.”

I look at her in question. “What the hell is a meat curtain?”

“You know.” She nudges me with her elbow.

I try to process the two words, putting them together and pulling them apart, and still come up with nothing.

“Oh my god, you don’t know what it is?” Lane pops into the conversation.

I toss a pillow at him. “Do you know, Lane?”

“It’s like a puppet show. The balls are the curtain and the dick pops out.”

Sophie howls in laughter and I try to speak over her. “I think she’s talking about the female part.”

After Sophie controls her fit of laughter, she sits upright and faces us. “Lips spread like a curtain.” She uses her hands to gesture the sweeping motion of the movement.

Then laughter hits me and I can’t control it. Poor Lane just shakes his head. Wiping tears from my eyes, I’m finally able to speak. “Clearly, your meat curtain isn’t getting it hard enough.”

“Fuck you.” Sophie pushes into my shoulder.

Chapter 25

“Blue, why do you look so blue?”

I toss the nearest pillow with all my might toward Tuck’s head. He knows I hate, hate that saying, and he makes sure to get it in whenever he can.

“I’m fucking exhausted, and I hate this math class and can’t keep up with all of it.”

Tuck takes a bite out of the slice of pizza he’s currently making love to and raises an eyebrow at me.

“Then I have your sexy ass staring at me like that. I just want you to take me to bed and do all of my homework.”

He stands, still eating the pizza, and walks toward me.

“Take your shirt off, Tuck.”

The man still won’t strip in front of me, even though it’s been almost two weeks of us together every night at his house. I’m still constantly pushing him and pulling his clothes off every chance we get. I was shocked the day he walked down the hall shirtless in front of Noah, which proved just how close the two men really are. My dorm has basically become a ghost town with Sophie and me ditching it for our men.

In the sexiest of all sexy moves, he bites down on the slice of pizza. He lets it hang from his mouth and pulls his shirt off over his head, then covers me with his body, tossing my textbook to the side. Leaning up, I take a bite out of his pizza and smile back at him. He drops the slice on my chest, so I quickly pick it up and begin nibbling on it.