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Pearce had to make it right. Had to make the last person pay in full.

Jasmine Bath had to die.

But she’d been too clever. Covered all of her tracks, burned all of the bridges. Couldn’t be found.

Until now. Because Ian was better than Bath.

Ian called, said he had found Bath, gave him the details. Pearce worked out a plan, but not just to kill her. That was too easy. Wanted her to suffer, and worse. He knew that was wrong. He didn’t care, or couldn’t. The rage consumed him.

Hi-def and infrared cameras along with audio mics embedded in the drone’s head recorded every moment of Jasmine Bath’s raging, terrified misery. Pearce wanted her dead, but he needed to see her die. Badly.

She didn’t disappoint. She put on quite a show the deeper she went. Thrashing and screaming in a hail of bubbles until the last one dribbled away, the light dimming in her panicked, bloodshot eyes until she finally let go.

But the drone didn’t. It swam deeper still.

Bath’s limp arms trailed above her head, hair braids pluming in the frigid water as the blackening deep swallowed her up in silence.

“She’s dead, Troy,” Yamada said. “You can release her now.”

Pearce wanted to, but couldn’t. Couldn’t shake the image of Early’s head exploding in front of his eyes.

Drowning Bath wasn’t enough, terrible as that was. He wanted to drag her down to crush depth, watch her body erupt in a pink, gory cloud.

Wanted to drag her down to hell.

But Yamada was right. The woman was dead. The debt paid.

Pearce released his grip on the controller. Let her go. Watched her corpse drift away into the fathomless dark.

His rage, too.

He was free.


Pearce’s cabin

Near the Snake River, Wyoming

1 December

The night was cold and clear, the Milky Way a vast gauzy film across a moonless, blue-black expanse. Snow-heavy pines creaked in a light breeze.

Pearce stood on the porch, pistol on his hip, coffee in hand. He thought about Daud.

He’d rebuilt the cabin all by himself. Taken him months, but it was worth it. Time to get sober again. Time to process everything, especially what Mossa had said back in the desert. The old man was right. Pearce was a masterless warrior. Useless.

The bright halogen lights of an SUV bounced into the tree line, inching its way along an unlit path in the snow. Pearce couldn’t be sure who it was from here. Bath had a network of wet-work operators. Even dead, she could get her revenge if she was vindictive enough and had signed the right kind of contracts.

Pearce had gone completely off the grid at the cabin, no electronics of any kind, including surveillance. After Ian had filled him in on all the details of his hacking op against Bath and the others, Pearce decided it was time to go back to basics, at least out here. Fireplaces, axes, well water, dried fish. He went completely off the grid at the cabin, no electronics of any kind, including surveillance. Connectivity meant vulnerability. He preferred the sound of chopping wood to laser printing anyway. He had all of the electronic gear he needed in the RV, and at his condo in Coronado, not to mention Pearce Systems headquarters in Dearborn. But out here was his solitude and silence. This was his desert.

The SUV cleared the tree line and approached the cabin. Pearce squinted in the harsh lights. Tossed his coffee and set the cup down on the rough-hewn table. The SUV lights snapped off.

Heavy doors slammed shut. Two figures in hooded parkas exited the SUV. Dark shadows crunched in the snow, trudging toward him. A figure emerged into the firelight from the window flickering in the snow. She pulled down her hood.


Pearce nodded. “Glad you made it.”

Myers looked good. Radiant, actually.

Pearce stepped off the porch and gave her a hug. Myers pointed at the man standing next to her.

“Troy, this is Congressman David Lane.”

“Just Dave,” Lane said, shaking Pearce’s hand.

Myers trusted Lane. That was good enough for him.

It was time to serve again.

Time to get back in the fight.


ABU: Airman Battle Uniform (Air Force “fatigues”)

AFRICOM: Africa Command

AFB: Air Force Base

AMF: Aviation Mission Fellowship (fictional)

Ansar Dine: “Defenders of the Faith”

ANT: Advanced Network Technology [a division of the NSA’s TAO]

AQS: al-Qaeda Sahara (fictional)

BDU: Battle Dress Uniform (Army “fatigues”)

BMI: Brain Machine Interface

BOQ: Bachelor Officer Quarters

COMPASS: Chinese version of GPS

CTD: Counterterrorism Division (FBI)

CXS: Communications Exploitation Section (FBI CTD)

DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US)

DDoS: Denial-of-Service attacks

DNI: Director of National Intelligence

DPV: Desert Patrol Vehicle

FAE: Fuel-Air Explosive

FAV: Fast-Attack Vehicle

GAD: General Armament Department (a PRC/PLA version of DARPA)

GCHQ: Government Communications Headquarters (the British version of the NSA)

GCS: Ground Control Station (drones)

GPS: Global Positioning System

HSD: High Speed Data

HFT: High Frequency Trading

JDAM: Joint Direct Attack Munition

JTRIG: Joint Threat Research and Intelligence Group, the GCHQ’s anti-hacktivist division

LARs: Lethal Autonomous Robotics

LS3: Legged Squad Support System

MAST: Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology

MAV: Miniature Air Vehicle

MGV: Miniature Ground Vehicle

Mil-Spec: Military Specifications

MNLA: National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad

MSS: Ministry of State Security

NSA: National Security Administration

OPSEC: Operational Security

PDB: Presidential Daily Brief

PLA: People’s Liberation Army

PRC: People’s Republic of China

PROCEED: Programming Computation on Encrypted Data

REE: Rare Earth Element

RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle

SAD/SOG: Special Activities Division/Special Operations Group [the CIA’s special forces unit]

SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SPAN: Self-Powered Ad-hoc Network

sUAV: Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

STOL: Short Take Off and Landing

SVR: Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service)

TAO: Office of Tailored Operations (NSA)

TERCOM: Terrain Contour Matching

UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UDC: Utah Data Center

UGV: Unmanned Ground Vehicle

USAFE-AFAFRICA: U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa

VPN: Virtual Private Network

VTOL: Vertical Takeoff and Landing


A-160T Hummingbird UAV (transport) Boeing Advance Systems
Bio-Bot Living organisms fitted with hardware and software for automated control North Carolina State University
Hybrid Quadrotor UAV (attack) Latitude Engineering
LS3 Legged Squad Support System (transport—for now) Boston Dynamics
Naro-tartaruga UUV (research) ETH (prototype)
Silent Falcon sUAS (surveillance) UAS Technologies
SmartBird UAV (surveillance) Festo
Snake UGV (surveillance) Tohoku University (prototype)
Switchblade UAV (surveillance) AeroVironment
Wraith UGV (attack) United Drones
AGM-114N Hellfire II Air-to-ground missile, thermobaric munitions Lockheed Martin
Botnet A network of hijacked computers used to perform automated tests over the Internet without the owners’ knowledge or consent Worldwide
BTR-60PB Personnel carrier USSR
DROPMIRE Surveillance hardware NSA
FN SCAR-H CQC Special Forces Combat Assault Rifle (Heavy, 7.62mm) Close Quarters Combat version FN Herstal
HEADWATER Software backdoors NSA
JANUS Facial recognition software DARPA
JETPLOW Firewall firmware NSA
LOUDAUTO Surveillance hardware NSA
M-25 grenade launcher, “the Punisher” (formerly XM-25) Laser-guided, programmable, automatic air burst grenade launcher Heckler & Koch, Alliant Technologies, L-3 IOS Brashear
M58/59/MICLIC Mine Clearing Line Charge American Ordinance
MC-130 Talon STOL special operations military transport aircraft Lockheed Martin
PHOTOANGLO Surveillance hardware NSA
Satis Bluetooth-activated robo-toilet with automated flush, spray, music, fragrance release, and data record features Lixil Group
SOMBERKNAVE Wireless Internet traffic rerouting software NSA
SPAN Self-Powered Ad-hoc Network, a wireless ground sensor Lockheed Martin
WP White Phosphorus Worldwide
XKEYSCORE Surveillance software NSA