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Rabell Mendez, N., 127

Rahman, Mujibur, 227–28

Rajcsanyi, Zita, 305

random chess, 307

Reek, Jan van, 38

Rein, Yevgeni, 33–34, 60

Reisman, Marty (the Needle), 20

Reshevsky, Samuel, 7, 15, 17, 18, 20, 37, 82, 225

Reykjavik, 1–3, 50, 122, 123, 124, 133, 138, 145, 192, 195, 239, 307

Rice, Tim, 308

Rodionov, B. I., 290

Rogers, William, 143

Rosenwald competition, 7–8

Rossolimo (chess master), 225

Rostropovich, Mstislav, 91

Royal Game, The (Zweig), 74–75

Rubinstein, Akiba, 78

Rusakov, Konstantin, 276

Rusk, Dean, 186

Russell, Bertrand, 188

Russian Mind, The (Hingley), 56–57

Russian nationalism, 40, 55, 58, 60–61

Russian Orthodox Church, 38, 60


Sadat, Anwar al-, 279

Saga hotel, 133, 250, 282

Saidy, Anthony, 135, 137

Saidy, Fred, 137

St. Petersburg. See Leningrad

Sakharov, Andrei, 62

Schmid, Lothar, 1, 30, 95, 96, 137, 138, 147, 157, 158, 161, 167–69, 171–75, 178–84, 192, 208–9, 210, 213, 219, 220, 236, 241, 243, 245–47, 266, 281, 282, 307, 311

Schonberg, Harold, 73, 146

Schultz, Don, 20, 23–24, 213, 226, 264

Searching for Bobby Fischer (film), 306

Shakhmatni Listok (chess magazine), 61

Shchelokov, Nikolai, 292

Shcherbacheva, General, 293

Shcherbacheva, Marina, 293, 294

Shelepin, Aleksandr, 102

Sherwin, Jim, 6, 22, 30

Short, Nigel, 308

Sigfusson, Sigfus, 195, 286

Sigurdsson, Halldor E., 138, 282 64 (chess magazine), 36, 95, 100, 103

Skliarov, Yuri, 260–61

Skoff, Frank, 213–14, 223

Slater, James, 148–50, 283

Smith, Ken (Top Hat), 130–31, 236

Smith, Tommie, 11

Smyslov, Vasili, 28, 37, 38, 41, 45, 62, 80, 86, 105, 107, 121, 184, 200, 287

Sneider, Harry, 302

Soltis, Andrew, 119

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 52, 90, 91

Sophocles, 162

Sosonko, Genna, 119

Soviet Union, 5, 7, 17, 33–35, 50–58

chess’s importance in, 8–9, 35–38, 50, 52–58, 89–92

extra-chess intrigue and, 249–57, 261–67

Fischer’s hatred of, 26

ignorance of West, 55

“Ours (Means) Better” policy, 55, 57

press coverage of match, 274

propaganda edifices, 38

Spassky championship loss and, 287–92

travel restrictions, 53–54, 258–59, 267, 293

See also cold war; Communist Party, Soviet; Sports Committee

Soviet Union Since the Fall of

Khrushchev, The(Brown), 50

Soviet Union vs. the Rest of the World (1970), 82–83

Spanier, David, 285

Spasskaia, Larisa (Boris’s second wife), 44, 46, 107–8, 116, 209, 221, 233, 249–51, 286, 287

Spassky, Boris, 38–69, 99, 131, 216

Angola, lack of interest in, 293

anti-Semitism of, 61

background and youth, 33–35, 38–41, 60

Baturinskii, breach with, 114

Bondarevskii, falling out with, 116

career rise, 41–48

character and beliefs of, 58–61, 64–65

chess style of, 73–74

defection rumors about, 267–69

Dostoyevskian affinities of, 59–60, 61

earnings of, 65–66, 107–8

Estonia, support for, 65

extra-chess intrigue and, 249–51, 253–57, 262, 263, 265–67

Fischer similarities with, 32

Fischer viewed by, 30, 295

Geller’s charges of pressures on, 237–40

Icelanders’ view of, 194–95

life outside of chess of, 77

KGB and, 61, 63, 258–62, 267–69

marriages of, 25, 44, 46, 107–8, 116, 293–94

move to France by, 293–94, 295

post-Fischer match loss by, 282–83, 285–95, 300

on possible Fischer random chess match, 307

Russian history, interest in, 61

Russian patriot, 60

Soviet Communist Party and, 61–66, 109–13, 290–93

and Sports Committee postmortem on

defeat, 287

stress management by, 80–81

Taimanov’s defeat by Fischer and, 92

training plan of, 110

university education of, 43, 60–61

world championship, 48–50, 63–64, 66, 68–69, 84, 98, 100–101, 107, 117, 124, 285

See also Fischer-Spassky competition

Spassky, Ekaterina Petrovna (Boris’s mother), 38, 39

Spassky, Georgi (Boris’s brother), 34, 39

Spassky, Iraida (Boris’s sister), 39

Spassky, Tania (Boris’s daughter), 44

Spassky, Vasili (Boris’s son), 46, 108, 294

Spassky, Vasili Vladimirovich (Boris’s father), 38, 39

Speelman, Jonathan, 167

Spitz, Mark, 232

Sports Committee, USSR, 37–38, 52–53, 62–63, 90, 99–102, 106, 107–14, 155–56, 202, 253–57, 261, 265, 267, 273, 287–91, 293, 294

Stalin, Joseph, 33, 36, 41, 51, 52, 55, 59

State Committee for Physical Training and Sport. See Sports Committee

State Department, U.S., 3, 12, 16, 145, 252

Staunton, Howard, 201

Stein, Leonid, 45, 62, 200

Stein, Richard, 162, 171, 173, 224

Steiner, George, 71, 77, 133–34

Steinitz, Wilhelm, 78

Suslov, Mikhail, 276, 301

Szabo, Laszlo, 41


Taimanov, Igor, 87

Taimanov, Mark, 29, 38, 40, 62, 74, 80, 83, 96, 104–5, 131, 205, 253, 287, 310

Fischer match with, 86–93

Tal, Mikhail, 22, 25, 30, 38, 43, 45, 46, 53, 62, 80, 88, 105, 121, 184, 200, 204, 290, 310

Targ, Joan Fischer, 4, 5, 8, 221, 306

Tarrasch, Siegbert, 35

TASS (news agency), 129, 137, 273–74

Thorarinsson, Gudmundur, 124, 127, 128, 138–42, 144, 145, 147, 151–52, 154, 157–58, 161, 163, 164, 170, 171, 180, 183, 197. 201, 237, 281–83, 309

Thorarinsson, Johann, 124

Thordarson, Ulvar, 209–10

Thorsteinsdottir, Anna, 283–84

Tikhomirova, Vera, 118, 121

Tolush, Aleksandr, 40, 41, 43–44

Toner, Bob, 153–54, 227

Torre, Carlos, 78

Treasury Department, U.S., 304

Tremblay, Theodore, 142, 143, 145–46, 153, 154, 160, 251–52, 267–69

Tsarapkin, Semion, 84

Tsvigun, Semion, 261

Tupikin, A. P., 290

Turover, Isaac, 147, 178


Uhlmann, Wolfgang, 86, 87

Ulvaeus, Björn, 308

Unzicker, Wolfgang, 31

U.S. Chess Championship, 8, 10, 15–16, 17, 82

U.S. Chess Federation, 10, 84, 104, 127, 128, 212, 305, 308

U.S. Junior Chess Championship, 7

USSR Chess Federation, 64, 66, 100, 120, 127, 128. 147, 299

USSR Council of Ministers Committee for Physical Training and Sport. See Sports Committee


Vartanian, Professor, 256, 262

Vasil’iev, Dmitri, 257, 260

Vasiljevic, Jezdimir, 304

Vasiukov, Yevgeni, 9, 15, 88

Vietnam War, 11, 12, 188–89, 230, 232

Viggoson, Hilmar, 221


Wade, Bob, 7, 131–32

Walker, Peter, 148

Warner Brothers, 297

Washington Post,136, 159, 160, 172, 176, 270–71, 272