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“As we don’t have a red Indian tracker in the section, I don’t really think that’s a starter, do you?”

Dooley shrugged, wincing as it aggravated his soreness. “I suppose we just wait for them to surface, and then we go haring off after them again.”

“Something like that.”

Revell returned with Andrea and Scully from a search of the rear service road. “They’re long gone. It’s like a rabbit warren out there. They could be virtually next door or on the other side of the city by this time. We’ll go back the front way, let the police know its all clear to contact the civvies in the shelter.”

They had reached the front door and were about to pass through it, when there was the report of a muted explosion. A ripple of fire streaked beneath the parked traffic.

An instant later a wall of red and yellow flame rose in front of them and black smoke billowed into the store.


A ferocious heat struck the walls of glass flanking the entrance, and there was a sharp crack as one wall split with the sudden dramatic expansion.

Tires quickly fuelled the blaze, and then the plastic and doth of the vehicle interiors. Another window snapped from top to bottom, and then fell apart. The window displays began to smoulder and crisp.

“Hope the fire brigade get here quick.” Scully lifted a hand to shield his face from the waves of roasting air. “They could lose the whole street.”

“Dooley, look about for fire hoses.”

“Aw, come on, Major. Let’s leave it to the experts.” Even as he complained, Dooley saw a blackened figure lurch past the door, collapse, and burst into flame.

“The shelter…”

Revell needed to add nothing more. It took several long minutes to locate a fire hose, another to unreel it and run it to the door. The first precious moments after the water surged through had to be used in spraying the burning window, before they could move forward to tackle the heart of the fire.

“Which is best?” Dooley had to grip the nozzle hard as the surging pressure of the water threatened to buck it from his hands. “Do I use jet or spray?”

“The jet.” Even behind the shield offered by the cascade, Revell could still feel his face scorching. “It’ll reach further.”

The windshields of the nearest vehicles exploded into millions of fragments as they were suddenly quenched by the stream. Masses of steam rose from interiors and panels as the water hit them, but still flames flared to the height of the first-floor windows.

Paint was blistering and shrinking to expose bare wood on doors, as lead was beginning to drip from downspouts. Every time the direction of the jet was switched to flush the burning fuel from under the vehicles, it was almost simultaneously replenished by that still running from the punctured fuel tanks. Re-ignition followed immediately.

Another civilian, head covered by a jacket, made a run from the air-raid shelter. A gas tank in an Opel ruptured beside him, and he was hidden in the resulting explosion. It lifted as a great red flaring tongue of flame, to reveal a smouldering body hurled against a street sign and draped around it like a perfectly tossed horseshoe.

Others jammed the shelter entrance. Revell could sometimes glimpse them through the thick smoke. They would edge forward a shuffling half step, then be driven back by a fresh outbreak. Two fell forward across the sidewalk. No one attempted to pull them back and they began to burn. A further tank explosion close to them hid the scene from sight behind impenetrable flame and smoke.

“Get up to the next floor, find another hose up there.” As fast as they subdued the fire aboard one vehicle, it would break out afresh as they switched the jet to another. Revell could hear screams now, very clearly, above the roar of flame and the constant banging of bursting tires. Showers of fiery rubber droplets carpeted the sidewalk and started outbreaks in litter bins and among the bubbling paintwork of the storefronts.

From above, a second hose added its efforts, and under the combined drenching the flames began to recede, until it licked only from the interior of vehicles whose glass had resisted the jets.

There was no help that could be given to the victims who had fallen in the street. The two bodies they had seen earlier were charred beyond recognition and no longer human in appearance.

The shelter entrance was deeply layered with black soot that was greasy to the touch. A few steps down the lighting still functioned, but the globes over the bulbs were similarly coated and gave no light until Revell dragged his hand across them and removed some of the residue.

As he went deeper, the air became roastingly hot and foul with the trapped stench of the smoke. It looked as if the shelter had once been the basement area of the store. With benches fitted and an exit made to the street % it was obviously intended to serve both shoppers and pedestrians alike.

This time it had served no one. Huddled together at the foot of the stairs, in corners, even on and beneath the benches, were hundreds and hundreds of people.

None of them moved. Smothered in yet more of the soot, they were like dark apparitions. At points in the otherwise blank walls—where heavily barred doors presumably led to the store—were heaps of bodies. Here alone the universal covering of adhering black particles had been disturbed.

Where hands had scrabbled and torn at the strong metal, masses of finger marks exposed the paint beneath. The desperation of those frenzied efforts was illustrated by the many daubs and streaks of blood.

Andrea had followed the major inside. She looked around at the row upon row of dead. Many were still in the evening clothes they were wearing when the air raid sirens had sounded in the small hours.

“The fires sucked all the air out, replaced it with this.” Running his fingers along the top of a ledge, Revell rubbed the residue between his fingertips.

“They had no other way out?” Andrea stepped over a corpse, that of a young girl in an expensive leather coat. She avoided contact with any surface.

“Apparently not. Another result of the cuts in the civil defence program, when Gorbechev’s PR men spouted off about more Soviet cuts.”

“And still there are so many in the West who believe in socialism and communism. None of this would have been possible, if they had not had so many traitors to help them.”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky, and run into a few of them.” Revell turned his back on the masses of dead and went out.

For a little longer, Andrea stayed, not seeing the bodies, not smelling the tainted air. In a corner of her mind, in a section of her memory that might have been labelled vengeance in anyone else, she was storing the-event away. In her case though, what had happened here brought no thought of revenge. It was just another reason for hating.

From the direction of the river came the loud punching thumps of cannon fire. The airport column. They had reached the Maximilian Bridge and were engaging Soviet troops on the west bank. Detached columns were crossing to the north and south. Soon they would either get behind the enemy, or force them to fall back.

That was what Revell was hoping for. He was waiting. It had been a mad race to get into position. An aggravating delay had been caused by their difficulty in breaking into the furniture store he had picked as an ideal site for the ambush. Eventually they had resorted to using an abandoned Rolls-Royce as a battering ram. The heavy bronze doors of the upmarket establishment had not been able to withstand that sort of treatment.

From their vantage point, they could see the length of the wide Maximilianstrasse in either direction, and long sweeps of the ring road that formed the other arms of the intersection.

Ripper laid three spare magazines on the polished top of the writing desk he was using as a rest. “Think that’ll be enough?”