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"She's got it," Spike said.

"Ronan, you can't fight him," Elizabeth said quickly. "Without a Collar, he has all the advantage."

"Too late," Ronan said. He touched her face and gave her one last, firm kiss. "I've fought ferals before, Lizzie. I can do this. This is my job."

Elizabeth looked up at him, eyes luminous, but she closed her mouth and nodded. Her expression told him, however, that she'd prefer to knock him on the head and drag him back home, and would have if she'd been able.

Shifter fights had few rules, Spike had said. Shifters could fight in whatever form they wanted, and shift back and forth during the fight if they felt like it. The only hard and fast rules were: no weapons of any kind--they couldn't hold anything at all, in fact; the fighters had to stay within the circle; and they had to fight, without rounds, until the refs decided that one Shifter was down so far it would be life-threatening for him to continue. The one who wasn't half-dead was declared the winner.

Ronan didn't recognize four of the five Shifters who stepped in to referee, but he rarely went to the other Shiftertowns in the area. He'd bet that Julio had instructed these refs to let the fight carry on past the point of no return.

Julio's bodyguards fell back, and the feral stepped into the ring. He rose to his full human height and fixed his red eyes on Ronan before he shifted.

The feral changed smoothly, almost effortlessly, and landed on all fours as a large Alaskan gray wolf.

The thing was huge. Ronan had met wolf Shifters in his area of Alaska, but he and the wolves had given each other a respectful distance. This wolf had lost respect for everything a long time ago.

Spike was spouting advice. "You can do this, Ronan. Don't try to take him down quickly--he's got the advantage of speed at the first, but you have the advantage of stamina. He'll wear down a long time before you will. Then you've got him."

Ronan nodded, but he had his own ideas. He stepped into the ring, staying human, and nodded to the refs that he was ready.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked behind him. "Why don't you shift?"

"You can't talk to him once he's in the ring," he heard Spike say in the relative hush. "But you can yell for him all you want."

The quiet lasted another few seconds, then Elizabeth's shout sounded loud and clear.

"Kick his ass, Ronan! "

The crowd burst into sudden cacophony. Half the Shifters and groupies around them were taking the feral's side, or at least betting on him, but plenty shouted for Ronan. He was popular in the Austin Shiftertown.

Elizabeth's voice gave Ronan strength. She was the mate of his heart, and once he disposed of this effing feral and got rid of the rest of her problems, he would make her understand that.

Meanwhile, he stood, in his human form, and waited to see what the feral wolf would do.

The Lupine circled him, growling, hackles raised. Ronan turned with him, keeping his face to the wolf's.

The Lupine would try to goad Ronan into attacking first. But Ronan's Collar wouldn't go off as quickly if Ronan remained on the defensive. With any luck, Ronan could take down the Lupine before the Collar emitted more than a couple of sparks.

Not gonna happen, something inside him said. This was going to be a nasty, brutal fight, and Julio had known it would be.

He was aware of Sean, behind him, fading into the crowd. He and the rest of the trackers were here to keep tabs on Julio and find Casey, who must be around somewhere. Dylan being here wasn't a coincidence. Sean had not been surprised to find Dylan at the fights, but to find him actually fighting.

Ronan had planned to use the fight to distract Julio, but Julio was using the fight to distract Ronan. Ronan had to trust his friends now to take care of the periphery for him while he concentrated on the matter at hand.

Killing the feral.

Meanwhile, the feral was gearing up to kill Ronan.

To the death? So be it.

The Lupine suddenly launched himself straight at Ronan. Ronan opened his big arms and let him come.

The wolf landed against Ronan's chest, claws digging into human skin. Ronan endured it for the few seconds it took him to shift.

The Lupine now found himself inside the grip of a two-ton Kodiak bear.

The crowd went crazy. Ronan had told Elizabeth that he'd been nervous with all the Shifters watching him when he'd first come to Austin. Now he had to ignore a hundred Shifters surrounding him and shouting for blood. He made himself shut them out and focus on the wolf.

Ronan's strength was, well, his strength, and he used it to crush the feral between his huge paws. The Lupine twisted, and faster than Ronan could have guessed he'd be able to, tore himself out of Ronan's grasp. The Lupine landed on his feet, mouth open as he leapt for Ronan's throat.

Ronan roared, paws coming out to stop the leap, but the wolf moved like smoke to close on Ronan and sink his teeth into Ronan's neck. Ronan shook himself like a dog, but the Lupine held on, his body flopping.

The crowed shouted, and Elizabeth cried his name. The sound of her voice galvanized him. Ronan grabbed the wolf and yanked him away, feeling his own fur and flesh come away in the Lupine's teeth.

The wolf landed on all fours. Ronan rose up on his hind legs, roaring again, fur rising on his ruff, a Kodiak at his most intimidating.

Ronan came down and charged the wolf. Ronan's Collar sparked, but his fury didn't let him feel it. He went for the wolf, who suddenly wasn't in the spot he'd occupied a second ago.

The bastard could move . Ronan swung around. The wolf was waiting, but evidently thought Ronan's bulk would slow him more than it did. Ronan's blow caught him on the side of the head, even as the wolf danced aside.

The watchers roared. The noise swelled louder and louder, until Ronan could hear nothing but it and the crackling of his Collar. He ran at the wolf again, who was feinting and snapping. Ronan's animal was taking over, lust for the kill overcoming all reason, but the human part of him still felt the Collar.

This is going to hurt like a bitch, was Ronan's last coherent thought before he charged.

Chapter Fifteen

Pablo Marquez heard the noise of the fighting long before he reached the barn at the top of the hill, the edgy roar of people in a blood frenzy.

He and his four bodyguards had had to park at the end of a long line of cars on the dirt road and hike up to the door of the huge barn. A massive number of people and Shifters crowded around one of the rings inside, no other fights going on.

A large Shifter stepped in his path. Pablo recognized him as one of the Shifters who'd come to the body shop, the black-haired one called Nate. "No weapons," Nate said. "You gotta leave your guns in your car."

Rules of the fight clubs. But the space between Pablo's shoulder blades was itching, a sign he'd always learned to heed. His instincts had saved his ass more than once. At the moment, they were telling him to keep his gun close at hand. "We're not going in," he said to Nate. "Just tell me who's fighting."

"A bear called Ronan, and a feral Lupine. Don't know his name."

Mother of God. What was Julio doing ? "Stop the fight. The Lupine's mine."

Nate narrowed his eyes. "Shifters fight by their choice, not for someone else."

"Yeah, well, that Shifter's insane and doesn't know what he's doing. My brother's running him, and he has no right to. The Shifter belongs to me."

Nate didn't move, but Pablo felt the man's anger like a cold front. "No one owns a Shifter."

"My brother thinks he does. Stop the damn fight."

"It's against the rules."

"Cristo ." Pablo started to say more, but he sensed, rather than saw, shadows under the trees to the left of the barn. He signaled his guards to follow and noticed, distractedly, that the Shifter faded back inside the barn, out of sight.