In the reign of Ptolemy Lagus Egypt never produced elephants for military purposes but during the reign of Ptolemy II and Ptolemy III the elephants’ industry was arranged. Many of them were caught in the Central Africa and were brought to Alexandria. Some of these animals were captured during the wars between the Ptolemies and the Seleucids. Only after the Battle of Raphia, where African animals were defeated by Indian beasts of Syrian rulers, the Ptolemies stopped to be interested in the African elephants’ producing.
Greco-Bactrian kings (III–II centuries BC) and their successors in Indo-Greek kingdoms (II–I centuries BC) had the corps of war elephants. Euthydemus I and his son Demetrius I utilized these animals in their forces. Later their successor Indo-Greek ruler Menander I had a special corps of them. One of the most important sources for the reconstruction of the Hellenistic war elephant’s look is the falar from the collection of Peter the Great from the Hermitage might have been made in Greco-Bactria.
During the Punic Wars war elephants played a very important role on the battlefields. The Carthaginians and the Romans during this period used African beasts.
In the course of the First Punic War (264241 BC) the Carthaginians utilized these animals against the Romans in Sicily and in the Battle of Tunis (256 BC). Afterwards these animals were employed in the Carthaginian army during the Mercenary War and the conquering of Spain. Hannibal began the Second Punic war (218–201 BC) with these beasts in his forces. He used war elephants against the Romans near Capua, in the Battles of Canusia and of Zama. In the end of this war Hasdrubal and Mago utilized these animals in Northern Italy. After the Carthaginians’ defeat they were forced to own these beasts anymore.
Subsequently, the Numidians and the Romans used war elephants nearly 150 years. Romans’ war elephants crushed Roman enemies in Macedonian Wars in the Battles of Cynocephalus (197 BC) and of Pydna (148 BC), in Spain, in Africa against of Carthaginians in the Third Punic War (149146 BC) and in Gallia against the Allobroges and the Arvernes.
The latest episodes of usage of these animals in the Roman military history: the Battle of Thapsus (46 BC) where Numidian elephants were in the Pompeian’s army and were fighting against Caesar’s legions and the Caesar’s campaign in Britain.
During the epoch of the Empire Romans used elephants for fun in the circus, fin construction works and for triumphs but not on the battlefields. These giants could have destroyed right Romans’ tactic. As a result, the Romans stopped employing elephants in the military science.
In the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages these animals appeared in the Sassanid army. Persian kings used them from the 3rd century against the Romans, then against the Armenians and the Arabs on the battlefields, for besieging of the Romans’ castles and cities, for carrying baggage and harem, for hunting. Dramatic events of besieges of Nisibis (350 AD), of Amida (359 AD), of Edessa (551 AD), of Archeopolis (552 AD), of Phasis (555 AD), of the Battle in Maranga and Julian’s death (363 AD) were connected with the Persian war elephants.
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