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and power.

There are no glass houses. The shades are drawn and «real» life begins. Some

activities are impossible in the open. And these secret events are the voyeur's

game. He seeks them out with his myriad army of eyes — like the child's

notion of a Deity who sees all. «Everything?» asks the child. «Yes, every-

thing», they answer, and the child is left to cope

with this divine intrusion.

The voyeur is masturbator, the mirror his badge, the window his prey.

Urge to come to terms with the «0utside», by

absorbing, interiorizing it. I won't come out,

you must come in to me. Into my womb-garden

where I peer out. Where I can construct a universe

within the skull, to rival the real.

She said, «Your eyes are always black.» The pupil

opens to seize the object of vision.

Imagery is bom of loss. Loss of the «friendly

expanses». The breast is removed and the face

imposes its cold, curious, forceful, and inscrutable


You may enjoy life from afar. You may look at

things but not taste them. You may caress

the mother only with the eyes.

You cannot touch these phantoms.

French Deck. Solitary stroker of cards. He

dealt himself a hand. Turn stills of the past in

unending permutations, shuffle and begin. Sort

the images again. And sort them again. This

game reveals germs of truth, and death.

The world becomes an apparently infinite, yet

possibly finite, card game. Image combinations,

permutations, comprise the world game.

A mild possession, devoid of risk, at bottom sterile. With an image there is no

attendant danger.

Muybridge derived his animal subjects from the Philadelphia Zoological

Garden, male performers from the University. The women were professional

artists' models, also actresses and dancers, parading nude before the 48


Films are collections of dead pictures which are

given artificial insemination.

Films spectators are quiet vampires.

Cinema is most totalitarian of the arts. All energy and sensation is sucked

up into the skull, a cerebral erection, skull bloated with blood. Caligula

wished a single neck for all his subjects that he could behead a kingdom

with one blow. Cinema is this transforming agent. The body exists for the

sake of the eyes; it becomes a dry stalk to support these two soft insatiable


Film confers a kind of spurious eternity.

Each film depends upon all the others and drives you on to others. Cinema

was a novelty, a scientific toy, until a sufficient body of works had been

amassed, enough to create an intermittent other world, a powerful, infinite

mythology to be dipped into at will.

Films have an illusion of timelessness fostered by their regular, indomitable


The appeal of cinema lies in the fear of death.

The modem East creates the greatest body of films. Cinema is a new form of

an ancient tradition — the shadow play. Even their theater is an imitation

of it. Bom in India or China, the shadow show was aligned with religious

ritual, linked with celebrations which centered around cremation of the


It is wrong to assume, as some have done, that cinema belongs to women.

Cinema is created by men for the consolation of men.

The shadow plays originally were restricted to male audiences. Men could

view these dream shows from either side of the screen. When women later

began to be admitted, they were allowed to attend only to shadows.

Male genitals are small faces

forming trinities of thieves

and Christs

Fathers, sons, and ghosts.

A nose hangs over a wall

and two half eyes, sad eyes,

mute and handless, multiply

an endless round of victories.

These dry and secret triumphs, fought

in stalls and stamped in prisons,

glorify our walls

and scorch our vision.

A horror of empty spaces

propagates this seal on private places.

Kynaston's Bride

may not appear

but the odor of her flesh

is never very far.

A drunken crowd knocked over the apparatus, and Mayhew's showman,

exhibiting at Islington Green, burned up, with his mate, inside.

In 1832, Gropius was astounding Paris with his Pleorama. The audience was

transformed into the crew aboard a ship engaged in battle. Fire, screaming,

sailors, drowning.

Robert Baker, an Edinburgh artist, while in jail for debt, was struck by the

effect of light shining through the bars of his cell through a letter he was

reading, and out of this perception he invented the first Panorama,

a concave, transparent picture view of the city.

This invention was soon replaced by the Diorama, which added the illusion

of movement by shifting the room. Also sounds and novel lighting effects.

Daguerre's London Diorama still stands in Regent's Park, a rare survival,

since these shows depended always on effects of artificial light, produced

by lamps or gas jets, and nearly always ended in fire.

Phantasmagoria, magic lantern shows, spectacles without substance. They

achieved complete sensory experiences through noise, incense, lightning,

water. There may be a time when we'll attend Weather Theaters to recall the

sensation of rain.

Cinema has evolved in two paths.

One is spectacle. Like the Phantasmagoria, its goal is the creation of a total

substitute sensory world.

The other is peep show, which claims for its realm both the erotic and the

untampered observance of real life, and imitates the keyhole or voyeur's

window without need of color, noise, grandeur.

Cinema discovers its fondest affinities, not with painting, literature, or theater,

but with the popular diversions — comics, chess, French and Tarot decks,

magazines, and tattooing.

Cinema derives not from painting, literature, sculpture, theater, but from

ancient popular wizardry. It is the contemporary manifestation of an evolving

history of shadows, a delight in pictures that move, a belief in magic. Its

lineage is entwined from the earliest beginning with Priests and sorcery, a

summoning of phantoms. With, at first, only slight aid of the mirror and fire,

men called up dark and secret visits from regions in the buried mind. In these

seances, shades are spirits which ward off evil.

The spectator is a dying animal.

Invoke, palliate, drive away the Dead. Nightly.

Through ventriloquism, gestures, play with objects, and all rare variations of

the body in space, the shaman signaled his «trip» to an audience which

shared the journey.

In the seance, the shaman led. A sensuous panic, deliberately evoked through

drugs, chants, dancing, hurls the shaman into trance. Changed voice,

convulsive movement. He acts like a madman. These professional hysterics,

chosen precisely for their psychotic leaning, were once esteemed. They

mediated between man and spirit-world. Their mental travels formed the crux

of the religious life of the tribe.

Principle of seance: to cure illness. A mood might overtake a people burdened

by historical events or dying in a bad landscape. They seek deliverance from

doom, death, dread. Seek possession, the visit of gods and powers,

a rewinning of the life source from demon possessors. The cure is culled

from ecstasy. Cure illness or prevent its visit, revive the sick, and regain

stolen, soul.

It is wrong to assume that art needs the spectator in order to be. The film

runs on without any eyes. The spectator cannot exist without it. It insures

his existence.

The happening/the event in which ether is introduced into a roomful of people

through air vents makes the chemical an actor. Its agent, or injector, is an

artist-showman who creates a performance to witness himself. The people

consider themselves audience, while they perform for each other, and the gas

acts out poems of its own through the medium of the human body. This

approaches the psychology of the orgy while remaining in the realm of the