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‘Perfect,’ replied Natalia. ‘She’s changed the doll’s name to Olga.’

He’d been at the airport before he’d thought of buying another present and the choice there seemed limited to more dolls, so he’d left it: he was very much an amateur father. He’d decided against buying anything for Natalia, too. ‘You believe me now about Sasha, don’t you?’

‘I suppose so.’ There was neither doubt nor acceptance in her voice.

‘It would be nice to see her again.’ She’d asked him for a meeting. And needed him. He was taking advantage of her vulnerability but not in any way to harm her. The opposite. He was doing it to protect and safeguard her and Sasha and knew he could do in better than anybody else.

Natalia sighed. ‘Not now, Charlie. I don’t want to talk about Sasha at the same time as everything else. She’s part of it all, I know, but I don’t want to think of it like that. Let me fool myself, just a little.’

If Sasha’s safety and future were part of their thinking – which they were, not part but paramount – then the child had to be part of every discussion. But it was all right for Natalia to close her mind off to it. He’d think for both of them, was thinking for both of them. Doing now, in fact, what he should have done for both of them years ago. He wanted to tell her but didn’t: she’d see it as more of a threat than a reassurance. Charlie was lifted by the thought of having someone to care for. It was a feeling with which he was unfamiliar and he liked it.

‘What is it you want to tell me?’ she asked, breaking into his thoughts.

They rounded a huge arbour to join a pathway deserted except for themselves. In contrast to the outside chill Charlie was now sweating. He spoke not looking at her but with his head bent, choosing his words. Long before he finished she reached out, bringing him around to face her. He liked the pressure of her hand on him. There was a slight sheen of perspiration on her upper lip, too.

‘You’re not seriously asking me to believe this?’

‘I suggested letting a robbery run at the very beginning, remember?’ It wasn’t an answer but it would do. ‘We might not recover any more of what was stolen at Pizhma. We can’t wait for the next robbery to happen before we do something to get inside the business.’

‘The bottle jammed in Agayans’ throat filled up like the blood was coming from a tap!’ she said, disbelievingly. ‘These people are monsters!’

‘I’ve thought about protection. Agayans wouldn’t have been killed outside, with his people around him.’

Natalia sniggered nervously, shaking her head. ‘No one will agree! They’ll laugh at you, which is what they should do. I can’t believe London even considered putting it forward!’

Neither could Charlie. He’d dismissed the easily anticipated financial objections of Gerald Williams before they even came but was astonished there hadn’t been ridicule from everyone else, led by Rupert Dean. He wouldn’t have had such an easy ride if there hadn’t been all the other diversions – with the additional bonus of another seizure right in the middle – but now it was being officially suggested, which was all he wanted. He had to play by ear everything that followed now and hope to Christ he didn’t lose both ears in the process. ‘If you get involved in any discussion about it, particularly at ministerial level, I want you to support it.’

‘No!’ Natalia refused at once. ‘It won’t be discussed because it’s too ludicrous. But if it is, I’ll oppose it’

Surely there was still some feeling, buried deep down! Or was it nothing more than simple, objective professionalism? Not the time to think about that now. Or how she might have reacted if he’d suggested what he suspected he might find out. ‘Please support it, if it comes up!’

‘No!’ she repeated.

‘Then don’t oppose it, either. Just stay out of it. But do something else.’


‘I want to know who goes for it and who doesn’t.’

Natalia put her head to one side. ‘Why’s that important?’

‘It is.’

‘Why?’ she insisted.

‘I want to know how genuine the supposed determination is to block this business,’ lied Charlie, smoothly.

Natalia remained frowning. ‘I don’t see the connection.’

‘I might, if there is one.’ And if there wasn’t he was going to waste an awful lot of time and an awful lot of money to load Gerald Williams’ siege guns to overflowing.

‘It’ll never arise.’

‘If it does.’

‘Aleksai found out, about your coming to Leninskaya,’ she announced, abruptly.

Charlie set off along the lonely walkway and Natalia moved with him. ‘How did you explain it?’

‘That you were trying for some sort of advantage, from the first time.’

‘You surely didn’t…!’

‘Of course I didn’t,’ she stopped him. ‘I told him I threw you out.’

‘He believed that?’

‘He was very angry at first: wanted me to complain, officially. I told him that would be giving it more importance than it deserved.’

Charlie wished it hadn’t been so easy for her to dismiss it like that. ‘Has he mentioned it since?’


‘Never?’ They rounded another giant display. The exit was at the far end of the corridor.

‘Never. But that’s why it’s difficult for you to see her again. She said something.’

So that was the reason for Natalia’s objection, not that she personally didn’t want him to be with the child! Or here. ‘I understand.’

‘I don’t see how it’s possible.’

He’d find a way, determined Charlie, believing a door was being unlocked if not nudged open. ‘Let’s leave it for the moment.’

Charlie re-established contact with Kestler on his first full day back, saying he had things to sort out before he could come personally to Ulitza Chaykovskovo but he guessed there was a lot to talk about. The American said he didn’t know about that. The ministerial press conference after the Shelapin and Agayans arrests had been a back-slapping affair but there hadn’t been anything since and he wondered if the shutters had been put up against him as well now. Popov wasn’t available and wasn’t returning calls. None of which mattered much in view of the edict from Washington, which none of them had yet worked out. Charlie waited for the other man to talk about the satellite voice tape but he didn’t.

Charile decided that re-entering the British embassy was like being the first of an invading force arriving at a village nervously unsure if he was going to shoot all the men and rape all the women. Those who believed, from his earlier efforts, that he was someone with special London influence were now totally convinced and either sought him out or worked hard to avoid him. It was from Thomas Bowyer, so quick to get to him the man must have had the gatehouse advise of his arrival, that Charlie learned of Nigel Saxon’s recall to London. The Chancellery head wasn’t expected to return and it was the only topic of conversation around the embassy. Bowyer talked of possible misunderstandings between them in the past and hoped there wouldn’t be any in the future. Charlie, disinterested in continuing attrition, allowed the man his escape and said he hoped so, too. He warned Bowyer of his possibly spending much less time in the embassy which the newly briefed and disciplined Scotsman accepted without question, anxiously agreeing to maintain the telephone link that Charlie said might be necessary. Bowyer said that judging from the second recovery it looked as if the remaining Pizhma material could still be somewhere in Moscow after all, instantly turning a complete and instant backward somersault when Charlie said he didn’t think that was so. Finally, unable to hold himself back, Bowyer suggested a lot seemed to have emerged from his London recall and Charlie, less generous than he had been at the beginning, said a lot had but that it was unfortunate it had happened in the first place.

Paul Smythe was one of the people who thought Charlie had God’s private telephone number and went with him to the embassy commissary and logged without comment the largest single alcohol order ever recorded against a legation staff member, which Charlie judged necessary to stock Lesnaya if he was permitted to set himself up as a crime-serving entrepreneur and more than sufficient to keep out Moscow’s winter cold if he weren’t. Charlie also withdrew from the equally eager-to-please Peter Potter?10,000 in US dollars against an inadequate receipt listing it as a Special Contingency Fund, just to keep Gerald Williams’ blood pressure bubbling.