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They seemed to have alot of fun together, talking and laughing as they ran. Valerie was envious of their intimacy and wondered how she might make their acquaintance.

One morning, when she was alone, Valerie sat in a small cafe and ate scrambled eggs and toast. As she sipped her steaming, rich coffee, she noticed the mother and daughter. She smiled, her white teeth lighting up her lovely face.

They recognized her and smiled back. Then Valerie said, "Would you care to join me?"

"Delighted!" answered the woman.

"My name is Valerie."

"Cora Hastings and my daughter, Bec."

"Pleased to meet you."

"And I'm pleased to meet you! You are the first person that's spoken to us since we've been here!"

"Have you been here long?"

"Only about five days. And you?"

"Oh, about, ten. I'm here with my boyfriend. I had a bit of an accident back home and I needed a rest, so we came down here."

"What a pity! But you look as if you've healed quite well! In fact, you look quite charming and lovely to me!" she said, laughing. Cora had a faint British accent, which Valerie found very appealing and she blushed at the compliment.

"Are you here with your husband?"

"No, I'm divorced."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be! I am much happier alone with my Becky!" she said and this time they all laughed.

Since Blair was busy, she spent a good deal of time with Cora and Becky that day. In fact, Blair was so engaged in some project or other, she suggested that the three of them have dinner together and let Blair alone to work. He could just call room service for a bite when he got hungry.

"Are you sure you don't mind, honey?" he queried.

"Quite sure. You just stay her. I'll be fine. Cora is such a nice woman."

"Well, OK. But I'll wait up. Enjoy!"


"Give me a kiss first!" he pleaded and she did. He thought that she looked especially lovely that night and he told her so. No one would ever guess that a scant two weeks ago, she had been brutally raped and abused. Her long hair was swept up and coiled in a knot on top of her head. She wore cream colored silk skirt and matching silk shirt. The clothes were loose and billowy and seemed to sway from her supple form like the petals of a flower. Her narrow waist was cinched by a shiny black patent leather belt and her shoes, high and sexy, matched the belt. A thing gold chain, gift from him, encircled her slender throat. Her color was rich and deep and she smelled like heaven, wearing the new Halston perfume he had bought for her down here.

Valerie knew that she looked lovely that night. She read it in the greedy eyes of the men who gazed at her as she walked to the restaurant where Cora and Becky were waiting.

They had already arrived and found a nice table by a window. She noticed with approval that Cora too looked quite beautiful. Her hair was down and her green crepe de chine dress suited her coloring. It was low cut, to reveal the woman's ample, swelling breasts. Becky wore a simple white cotton dress and her magnificent head of hair shimmered down her back.

"Hello, darling!" Cora greeted her.


"Don't be cross, but we've already ordered some wine!"

"What kind?"

"A nice rose! Look, here it comes!"

Valerie sat down at the table as the waiter drew out the cork and poured the rose colored liquid into the delicate, long stemmed goblets.

"Let's drink a toast!" said Valerie.

"All right! To good friends!" said Cora and she gave Valerie a look that made her blush as red as the wine.

Dinner was wonderful. The food was excellent and the conversation even better. The two women found that they had a lot in common and soon moved from general topics of conversation to more intimate, personal ones.

Over the dessert, Cora noticed that Becky looked a little sleepy. The girl yawned and her eyes teared alot.

"Let's go back to my hotel room and get her to bed. Then, we can continue our talk," said Cora, as she looked for the waiter to get the check.

As they walked back in the cool, moonlit evening, Cora tucked her arm into Valerie's. The younger wornan was touched at the display of affection and she hugged Cora's arm a little in return.

Back at the room, Cora helped undress her sleepy child. Valerie couldn't help noticing how inviting the girl's breasts were. They were pink and tiny, no more than buds, really, waiting for the spring of her womanhood to ripen and blossom.

Once Cora tucked the sleepy girl in, she settled down on the little sofa and kicked off her shoes.

"Now, where were we?" she asked. "You were telling me about your marriage."

"Oh, yes! Well, Reggie and I were married for about five years. That was a long time ago, when I still lived in London. You see, I was so young and innocent, I had no idea of what it meant to be… if I may be frank… sexually fulfilled. Reggie was, to put it bluntly, a bore in bed. Oh, I was silly and very inexperienced too. Girls in those days didn't have much experience. But now, it's so different. Girls are much more… active. I'll bet that a lovely woman like you has had a lot of experience…" she said, touching Valerie's neck lightly as she spoke. Valerie flushed.

"Yes, well…"

"For instance, your boyfriend… is good lover?"

"Blair? Yes, of course!"

"You say it like you're not too sure."


"Go on."

"He's so good to me. Kind. Caring. But he's married," she said, hoping she had hid the real reason for for hesitation from her new friend.


"And he loves his wife and kids!"

"Oh! Poor baby!" she said and drew Valerie into her arms to comfort her.

Valerie didn't know whether it was the wine, or the older woman's touch, but suddenly, she felt hot and aroused.

"Tell me Valerie, have you ever, in your many experiences, been with… a woman?"

"No," she answered simply.

"Oh, my dear, you don't know what you're missing!" and she drew Valerie's mouth so that it was at the same level as her own. Looking deeply into her eyes, she kissed her on the lips.

Almost involuntarily, Valerie's mouth opened and she was kissing her back. Cora's mouth was sweet and soft, the lips so delicate when compared with this of a man. Their tongues glided through each others mouths, tender and, exploratory.

Then, Valerie felt Cora's hands reaching down to touch her breasts through the fabric of her dress.

"Oh!" Cora exclaimed, "They're so big, so full and juicy!" and she started to fondle them with both her slender hands. Valerie's hands moved to Cora's tits and she found herself loving their fullness and plumpness.

"Let me undress you darling," murmured Cora and pulled away her greedy mouth as she set about pulling off the clothes form the younger woman's body.

She unzipped the pale skirt and laid it down. Gently, she pulled off the blouse, leaving Valerie in her white panties and white bra. They glowed, luminescent next to her tanned body. Cora's hands reached around to undo the bra, removing it with trembling fingers.

"OH!" she cried, as she saw them, glowing white against the tanned neck and arms, "Let me kiss them!" and her mouth enveloped the two palpitating mounds, covering them with little fluttery kisses.

Valerie leaned back to savor this new, exciting sensation, Cora knew all about teasing and tickling, darting and timing. Her tongue painted burning pictures on Valerie's hot lips.

"And now for your cunny, darling!" she cooed as Valerie lifted herself up and the frothy white panties were slipped off.