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Valerie couldn't bear to go home that night, so they all climbed into the big bed after she had phoned Blair. He was a little cross, but Valerie was very sweet and said she was absolutely exhausted and that she would be home first thing in the morning. Finally, he agreed and hung up.

They called room service and ordered pastries and sweet sherry. They spent the next couple of hours like three children, talking, laughing, eating. Becky drank wine from Cora's mouth and then from Valerie's. They anointed their nipples with wine and took turns cleaning each other off. Finally, drunk and sleepy, they curled up and went to sleep.

Sometime in the early dawn, Valerie awoke to find herself spread eagle and tied to the four-poster bed. It was not the same kind of violent experience she had had with the stranger that night, or with Burt. Instead, it was something loving, gentle, playful. Her arms and legs had been securely fastened by Cora's bright silk scarves and although they were not binding or painful, she was unable to struggle free of them.

"Stop wiggling, darling, it's no use!" said Cora, unable to stop laughing. Something was tickling her foot and she squirmed, trying to get free. It was only when she tried to look down that she discovered her eyes had been covered by one of the big, billowing scarves.

The tickling continued and so did the laughter. She couldn't figure out what they were using, but it was maddening. Then, it started moving up her leg, in the direction of her spread cunt.

"No, no no!" she shrieked, a little giggling creeping into her voice too. But Cora and Becky were not to be put off. The strange tickle kept on moving, tracing its sinuous path up her inner thigh and finally ending at her cunt.

She realized that it was a long feather and she laughed out loud. It was so much more delicate than either tongue or finger and it made her squirm with delight.

Valerie recognized Cora's hands, long and smooth on her body, so she knew that the artful tickler must be Becky.

"Stop it! Stop it!" she yelled, but the girl only laughed again and kept on with her mad tickling.

Soon, Valerie's protests subsides, as the long probing feather made her cunt hot and juicy. Now, she writhed, trying to bring her cunt closer to it, closer to that ever so irritating but oh so enjoyable instrument of pleasure. Becky rubbed the end of the feather back and forth very quickly, against the clit and Valerie began to whine, "Oh, oh, please put an end to this! Eat me! Do anything! Anything!"

Finally, out of pity, Becky knelt down between Valerie's legs and stuck her sweet face into that steamy cunt. Two licks and it was over; Valerie had spent her aching passion in a glorious climax and her cries set all of the birds outside singing and twittering in response.

After she had calmed down somewhat, they untied her.

"Sorry for all the teasing, darling!" said Cora merrily. Valerie just hugged her new friends in return.

"Oh, that's OK!" she said lovingly.

They all took a hot, slippery bubble bath together, splashing and fooling around with the same high spirits of the night before. Then, Valerie got dressed and with fond farewells and exchanging of addresses, the three parted, all with the highest hopes that they would meet again very soon.

As she walked away, Valerie could still feel her cunt twitching in the after-glow of their sex play.

She could hardly wait to get together again.


Blair and Valerie went back to New York the next day. Blair was pleased to see that she was in a good mood and she didn't seem seriously upset by her bizarre experience of a few weeks ago. He insisted, however, that she take time off. She fixed her hair, had her nails done and even had a pedicure. She slept peacefully and well.

When she returned to the office, everyone commented on how well she looked. It seemed to her that they all knew she had been away with Blair, but it didn't matter to her any more. She went about her work serenely and ignored all of the gossip and the rumors.

Blair put Valerie in charge of hiring someone to replace Burt. There were several applicants for the position and it took her a couple of days to see them all. She was trying to decide between two different and equally qualified women, when someone gave her the message that there was another person who wanted to see her about the job.

"Tell her that the interviews are over," said Valerie.

"It's a him and he's very insistent. He says that you ran the ad in the paper today and he demands that you see him," was the reply.

"Oh, all right. Send him in."

Moments later, a tall very handsome man dressed in a light weight summer suit appeared at the door. He had clear skin and ruddy cheeks. His hair was black and curling and his eyes were thickly lashed and green. He had the look of some Greek statue come to life. Valerie felt her blood tinge just seeing him. To compensate for her feelings, she adopted her most icy, professional tone.


"I want to apply for the job that you had advertised in the Times today. I have three years of experience in a legal firm. I'm fast, efficient and very, very smart. I'm only doing this to help me get through law school."

'What a bastard!' thought Valerie. She said, "I'm sorry, but I've already selected the two final people whom I'm considering for this position. If you like, you can leave your resume and we'll call you if anything opens up."

"Are the other people as well qualified as I am?"

"I don't think that is any of your business."

"Are they in law school? Do they read and write three languages fluently?"

"I am under no obligation to answer to you, Mr…" she broke off.

"Mr. Stone. Hank Stone."

"Well, Mr. Stone, I'm very busy today and I really have no time…"

"Miss Jones, why don't you want to hire me? You know perfectly well that I'm better suited to the job than any of the morons who usually apply for these low paying positions."

Valerie had to stop a moment and think. He was actually right. The other two women were not as well qualified as he was and although he was rather pushy and aggressive, he did seem very bright.

"Let me see your resume, please," she said.

Then, he smiled, a very sexy, charming smile. Valerie flushed, hating herself for it. She would not smile back, but looked at the sheets of paper that he had given her. 'Hmmmm,' she thought, 'he's been Dartmouth, graduated with honors… good jobs…'

She turned back to him and said, "OK, Mr. Stone, you win. The job is yours."

"Thanks. Thanks a lot. You won't be sorry."

"I hope not."

"You won't," and he gave her a long look, filled with meaning.

Valerie was puzzled by the interview. He seemed to have some strange, mysterious power over her that she couldn't quite fathom. What was it?

Certainly, it was not sexual. He hadn't even looked once at her long, gorgeous legs, still deeply tanned, or the cleavage that was exposed by her low cut, bright yellow linen blouse. No, he didn't even seem aware of the fact that she was a woman. But she was aware of the fact that he was a man. She had noticed his strong, thick fingers and listened with pleasure to his deep, richly masculine voice. His thick, black brows and perfect, Roman nose gave his face an icy, classical beauty.

Blair was very pleased with her choice and told her so. Hank Stone seemed to be unusually bright and quick, he had said. He knew that he could trust her.

After a few days in the office, Valerie had to admit to herself that she really had done the right thing in hiring the arrogant man to work there. He was prompt, quick with his work and even found time to help other people out. His manner, if distant, was pleasant and everyone seemed to like having him around. The other women in the office, Valerie had noted, were all struck by his extraordinary good looks.