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She knew that the Upper East Side was filled with singles bars and that all along Second, Third and Lexington Avenues, groups of young people thronged the streets, looking for a mate for the night. Tonight, she would join them.

The bus ride was pleasant and she was there quickly. Even as she climbed off the bus, a nice looking young guy stared openly at the tight shirt and her jutting tits. It was a good omen.

She walked slowly, taking her time and found a nice bar that was crowded but not mobbed. Before she had even seated herself at the bar, someone had walked over to her and was offering to buy her a drink. She accepted and joined him at the bar.

"I'm Pete," he said, offering his hand.


"Pretty name."


"For a pretty woman!"

"Thank you!" she said, with a laugh. Pete turned out to be a photographer, whose work often appeared in popular magazines. Valerie liked him and could tell that he liked her too, for his dark eyes looked long and hard at her body.

She kept looking at him, too. He was attractive, with his shiny brown hair and closely cropped brown beard. His chest was muscular and broad and the top buttons of his shirt were undone, so that she could see the thick, curly hair that covered it.

They ordered a second round of drinks. Valerie had not bothered with dinner and so the liquor affected her almost at once. She felt the familiar warmth spreading.

Two drinks soon became three and three turned quickly into four. Valerie had been drinking vodka and by now, her head was reeling. She and Pete, were hitting it off very well. His arm had slipped around her shoulder and she offered no resistance as he squeezed. She could seem him looking at her tits with naked lust, as if he wanted to take a bite out of them right there.

She laughed very hard at something he said and pushed up against him. The contact of her fits against his chest was electrifying for both of them. She felt her own body heat and saw that his cock was rigid in his pants.

"Let's go back to my place," he urged.

"OK. Is it far?"

"No, not very."

"Can we walk?" she asked, for she was feeling very hot and hoped they could get there quickly.

"We'll take a cab."

"Good. And will we be alone?"

"Sure thing, baby. I've got a room-mate, but he never bothers me!" and he paid the check and helped her out in the glowing August night.

He hailed a taxi with ease and once he had given the driver his address, he concentrated his full attention on Valerie.

His hands found her boobs and pinched them through the thin stuff of her cotton clothes.

"MMMmm baby, I've been waiting to do that since I set eyes on you!"

"Do it more. Harder."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, oh yeah." He rubbed her tits furiously, not caring that the taxi driver's eyes were wide with surprise as he watched their embrace in the rear-view mirror. His own dick grew hard as he watched Valerie slip her hand down to Pete's inner thigh and grab his cock.

The taxi driver came to an abrupt stop when he saw Pete's hand slide up the woman's body, underneath the tee shirt. He decided to keep his eyes on the road, or they would all get killed. 'Of course,' he thought, 'it's not a bad way to go!'

Pulling up in front of Pete's apartment, he cleared his throat several times to get their attention. They were so engrossed in each other that it didn't work. Finally, he said loudly, "Hey folks! We're here!!"

Pete handed him a five dollar bill for a two fifty fare and waved to him, indicating that he should keep the change. "Thanks buddy!" said the driver, "And enjoy it!"

Pete and Valerie were so hot that they could hardly stand to be unglued even for a moment. His hands raced over her trembling form, pulling her tighter and tighter. He caressed her ass on the way up in the elevator, as he kissed her and fumbled for his keys.

At the door, she whispered, "Hurry, hurry!" and he achingly fumbled around in the unlit area. Finally, the door opened and they almost fell into the apartment for their passion.

Pete didn't even bother to put on a light, so he didn't notice the body on the floor.

"Hey, what the…" he cried, as he stubbed his foot. Meanwhile, another voice said, "Be careful, would you?"

Pete flipped on the light and gaped in surprise. His room mate had neglected to tell him that he planned an orgy that night! People of every size, shape, color and description were draped over the sofas, or lying on the floor.

Everyone groaned when the light was turned on and someone said, "Shut it off!" and the whole place seconded the motion.

Pete looked at Valerie, trying to gauge her reactions. Her saw the lust dancing in her eyes as they traveled over the room full of naked, fucking people. She looked over at him and, started to smile. Her hand reached down and pulled off her tight clothes, starting with the tee shirt.

The room cheered as her big, swinging globes came into view. "Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" she said with a laugh and Pete thought it sounded like a fine idea.

He switched off the light and moved over to Valerie quickly. Their eyes became accustomed to the darkness and soon, they had no trouble seeing each other's flesh.

He pulled off his own clothes in a hurry and then leaned over to help her with the tight jeans. To his delight, she wore no underpants and his hands quickly found their home in her steamy blonde cunt.

She moaned as he caressed her, feeling so hot that she thought she might burst if she didn't come soon.

His hands grabbed her tits and the feeling was so good that she didn't even notice that the guy standing next to her was now running his hands all over the alabaster flesh of her ass.

The two men caressed her and Valerie relaxed, letting the pleasure overwhelm her completely. Pete swept her up in his arms and found an empty spot on the soft, furry rug.

Both men knelt before her. Pete leaned over and started sucking on her fits with bruising kisses, while the other man moved his face to her pussy.

She gasped as she felt his tongue slithering through the soaking blonde hairs and sliding deeply inside of her.

His tongue was working as if it were a dick, thrusting into her, only stopping to lick the lips, or the hard knot of her clit. Valerie had opened her legs and arms wide, to allow the men to pleasure her, fondle her.

Suddenly, she was aware that someone, some unknown third person had shoved his cock into her outstretched palm. She began to rub it, slowly at first and then harder. It had already been in someone's cunt or mouth, for it was slick and wet and she had no trouble rubbing it to a steel hard erection.

She tried to grasp the balls occasionally too, stroking them, in their furry little patch of pubic hair. The man attached to the cock was gasping with delight and soon, he filled her palm with his hot, sticky come. She felt something wet and probing around her hand and realized that he was licking her clean.

She had to giggle from the tickling ripples that his tongue caused, but the furious mouth at her gushing hole soon made her laughter stop and her screams begin.

Pete moved up to her face and continued plucking at her nipples with his hands while the other man sucked until she was in a frenzy of lust. Thrashing about with mad abandon, she came, her screams piercing the hot room.

When she was able to open her eyes again, Pete was pulling her arm, helping her to her knees. "That was great sugar, just great. Now it's our turn!" he said as he positioned her on all fours.

He slid underneath her and offered her his big, wagging dick to play with. She rubbed with her hands first and then leaned over to give the pulsing head a wet kiss. Pete leaned back and said, "Sit on it! Sit on my dick!" Valerie. Put both legs over him and settled down on top of him. She moved slowly, but he grabbed her and shoved her down hard. The hot cock burned for a fraction of a second and then her whole body cried out with the pleasure he was giving her.