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He grabbed her legs with one of his enormous hands and told her to keep still. Opening the can of foam, he squirted it out into a large cloud on his free hand and started to apply it to her cunt.

Valerie struggled against him, but a stunning blow to her cheek made her grow quiet. Lifting the razor blade up to her terrified eyes, he said, "Look bitch, you just better behave! If you cause me any trouble, I'll use this to slice off those nipples of yours, so watch it!" Valerie believed that he would keep his promise and she kept very, very still.

His hand moved back to her crotch, as he carefully applied the white foam. She winced at the first touch of the metal, more out of shame that out of actual pain. He was a neat and expert barber and within minutes, he had shaved her pussy clean.

He moved past her into the kitchen to get a damp cloth. Valerie realized with horror that he had wet the rag with vinegar. It stung bitterly as he applied it to her shorn crotch. Looking down, she could see how truly naked and vulnerable she looked without the protective covering of golden fur. The bare mound looked pitiful in the bright light and she turned her, head away so that she wouldn't have to look at it any longer.

Hank was pleased with his work. It was all a part of his plan to humiliate her totally, to bend her to his will. He reached up and caresses a lock of her shimmery blonde hair.

Valerie eyed him nervously. She knew better that to trust the tenderness she felt in that touch. Her fears were realistic, for in the next moment, she saw him take a large pair of scissors and playfully snip a few strands of her hair.

Once again, the stream of tears poured unchecked from her eyes, but she didn't even, try to struggle. He clipped off the long hair of which she had always been so proud, humming a little tune as he did it.

After he had clipped her tresses to a short and rather unruly mess, he returned the scissors to the table. She was worried that he might decide to shave her head entirely, but apparently, he was not going to do it now.

Hank was quite excited by this time. He had not yet come and the sight of the beautiful woman's naked distress was making him very hot.

He decided that he would fuck her cunt. He drew a tall stool from the kitchen and placed it next to her. He sat on it, so that his raging cock was exactly at the level of her pussy. Taking the dildo from the floor where he had put it, he aimed it at her ass crack.

First, he slipped underneath her and drew her body down to meet his. The huge ten inch member was so big that he could barely get it into her lips. Secretly, he was delighted, for he knew that it would hurt her more. Pushing her legs apart as far as they would go, he bore down on her lower back with his other hand and shoved his dick deep inside of her.

The flaming rod almost cut her in two, but. Valerie almost welcomed the sensation. At least he wasn't beating her for the moment and she had to admit that she had never felt a dick that big and fat in all her life.

As he was cramming that amazing tool into her pussy, he put the inflexible dildo near her ass and started to shove it in.

It was extraordinarily painful and Valerie felt pain shoot through her like a searing knife. After he had rammed the brutal thing into her, he left it there and continued to fuck her pussy from the front.

He was able to reach up and bite her nipples, which Valerie secretly loved and she grew, hot despite the awful pain. He sensed that she was aroused and he picked up something from the floor.

She couldn't make out what the strange contraption was, it had nasty looking little screws and clamps. Using only one hand, he was able to slit one of the things onto her left nipple and then he fitted one onto the right nipple. The little clamps squeezed the delicate flesh of her nipples, twisting both of her breasts into an odd, unnatural shape. She feared they might burst from the terrible pressure. The pain was terrible, for her nipples were so sensitive. It felt as if a snake had sunk its vicious fangs into her innocent tits and would not let go.

He kept fucking her, harder and harder, so that she felt that her inner walls her aching and bruised. His movements were wild and erratic and conformed to no recognizable pattern.

He fucked her shaved cunt like a wild man, uttering deep, low growls and as he came, he sunk his teeth into her belly, wanting to taste the salty blood.

He moved away from her slowly, but left the cruel dildo lodged up her ass. Stripping off the black leather garments, he turned to her airily and said, "Good night, Miss Jones. I hope that you will be very comfortable tonight. I'll see you in the morning!" With those words, he turned and walked out of the room. She could hear the sounds of the sink and she realized that he was preparing for bed. Her mind revolted against the knowledge that he meant to leave her here, hanging like a carcass, all night long. Bitter, hot tears scalded her face, worse and more galling than vinegar.

She listened for a few more minutes as Hank put on the radio and got into bed. Then, he shut the lights and very soon, she heard the gentle sound of his snores.

Her mind was so dazed by the pain she had been forced to endure that she was unable to concentrate on any one thing for too long. After a while, she realized that she had to urinate, but that she couldn't get down. Her bladder grew swollen and she wondered if it might burst inside of her. Tears trickled slowly from her eyes as she tried to think of something else to take her mind off of the intense pain caused by needed to urinate.

Finally, she could bear it no longer and she let herself urinate all over her legs and the floor below. She was so ashamed of herself! There was a wet, sticky mess all over her legs and a huge puddle on the floor. The smell was quite unbearable to her and she feared she might throw up from it.

It seemed to fill the whole kitchen and was so vile, that it counterbalanced any relief she might have felt in emptying her bladder.

The night was an eternity. Her arms and back were beyond pain. Her wounds were still painful and sore. Some of them had begun to heal, but others were still angry, bloody gashes. Her tits aches inside of the cruel vise and her head reeled form the lack of sleep and the awful stench she was forced to endure.

Valerie drifted in and out of consciousness. Her mind spun, crazily at times, sluggishly at others. She began to hallucinate. She was sure that there were rats in the room, who would come to gnaw on her live flesh. Or else she was certain that there were birds in the room, vultures or bats who would peck her eyes out.

Gradually, it grew light and soon, the morning sun streamed in from the kitchen window behind her. Her eyes closed for a brief spell and flew open when she heard Hank come into the room.

His eyes were filled with sleep and his naked body looked much less menacing than it had the night before. He said nothing, but looked at the urine that was all over Valerie's body and the floor below her. He glared at her, but said nothing.

She cringed as he came near her, but he only removed the awful dildo from her ass. Then, to her amazement, he unbound her arms from their cruel shackles. She was too weak and dazed to move and collapsed in heap on the floor, oblivious to the urine that was still there.

"You can remove the gag from your mouth if you want. And the nipple clamps," he said calmly.

Valerie said nothing. She simply sat there, as if in a coma. Finally, he came behind her and helped her off with the gag and the clamps. Still, she did not move. Her will had been broken somewhere in the night and she lost the power to do anything, for herself. Hank looked at her and said, "Would you like to bathe?"

"Only if you'll help me, Master," Valerie whispered. Hank grinned; it had worked. She had used that name this morning with no prompting from him. It was only the first lesson, but he could see that it had worked very well, very well indeed.