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She was looking much better these days. Her bruises and sores had healed nicely and the new haircut was very becoming to her. Blair knew about her preference for pretty night gowns and he had sent her several, so she no longer went around in the strange, shapeless hospital garb.

"Good-morning, Valerie," said Dr. Bendiner, pleasantly.


"Are you ready to relax, so we can talk about your master?"

"Yes Dr. Bendiner."

"Good. But first, I want you to relax…"

Dr. Bendiner brought Valerie to the semi-trance of the hypnotic state. He began to ask her about when she first started dating. Her father had been very strict and hadn't liked it when she would stay out late. One night in particular, they had had a quarrel. Valerie began to describe the incident in the strange, sing-song voice of her hypnotic state.

"I was going out with this boy named Brad. I was only fifteen and Brad was nineteen, maybe twenty. Daddy didn't like him, not at all. He didn't want me to see him, but sometimes I did, anyway. One night, we were outside my house, in the tiny little backyard. It was very late and my parents were asleep."

"Brad and I were sitting on this little plot of grass, near a bush. He was kissing me…" and her voice broke off.

Dr. Bendiner sensed that something important was about to happen and he urged her to continue.

"Well, he was kissing me on the mouth and if felt so good. He was older, you see and more experienced. And then he started kissing down my neck, little tiny, biting kisses and it felt even better. Then, his mouth reached my breasts…" and Valerie's hands crept up to her breasts now and she began to stroke them through the thin, silky material of her night gown.

"Yes, yes, go on!" said the doctor, trying to ignore the hardening lump in his trousers.

"His mouth came to the top of my breasts. They were big for my age and firm, and ripe. I knew that I shouldn't let him kiss me there, but it felt so nice, I couldn't help it. He unbuttoned my blouse and kissed me through the bra I was wearing. Then, I felt his fingers undo the hooks of the bra and he was pulling it off my body. It was the first time a man had ever seen my naked tits. He seemed to love them, for even in the dark, I could see how his eyes were glowing. He bent his lips to catch the nipples and I thought that I was in heaven. His tongue swirled around and around my nipples, making them grow hard and taut. I loved the way it felt. I unbuttoned his shirt too, so I could feel the muscles of his body. I can remember how hard and smooth and cool his chest felt next to my fiery body."

"He was tugging at the waistband of my skirt. He couldn't get the button opened, so he pulled it up instead. I was hot and wet from his touch and I let him put his hand between my legs. I knew that it was wrong and that it was bad, but I couldn't help it."

"He started to pet me, there in that secret place between my legs. I had touched that place myself before, but only once or twice. I always felt very guilty after I had done it and I promised never to do it again. But now Brad wad touching me there and rubbing me there and I couldn't stop him, I couldn't. He moved away my underpants and he was touching me there, where it was all wet and soft, I couldn't believe that he really wanted to do that, but he did. Then, he put his face there and I could feel his hot breath against my thighs…"

"His tongue slid out of his mouth and licked me, just like a little cat or puppy dog. It felt so good, I can still remember how my head was spinning and I saw stars, painted all over the sky…"

The doctor had used the protective edge of the desk to hide himself, for he had taken his prick out of his pants and was playing with it. Valerie's story had made him very hot. He noticed that she herself was becoming aroused as she recounted her tale. Her cheeks were painted with her passion and her eyes were wide and bright. Her delicate nostrils were flared and he could hear her strained breath. Her body was also revealing signs of her passion. Her breasts were heaving up and down in a most arresting fashion and the nipples were very stiff. From time to time she would touch her body as she spoke, rubbing her swollen tits, or running her hand down the smooth surface of her torso.

"Do go on, Valerie," Dr. Bendiner urged, hands still fondling his own meat.

"Well, I let him kiss me… there."

"Where, dear?"

"You know."

"Tell me, Valerie."

"In my cunt I let him. I did. But you see, I really couldn't help it. He was so talented."

"You mean he liked to do that to you?"

"Oh yes!"

"How do you know?"

"Because he kept telling me how good my pussy tasted, how sweet and hot it was and how he loved it."

"I see. And you think that he spoke the truth?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"How do you know?"

"He wouldn't have lied?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! He kept telling me. And besides, there was something else."

"What else?"



"I don't want to say it."

"You must."



"No! No!"

"Valerie, it is imperative that you tell me what the other thing was. Now go on."

"I won't!"

"You must!"



"No!!" she screamed at the top of her voice. He paused for a moment and fumbled in his pocket for a cigarette.

"Valerie, are you going to tell me now?"

"It was his thing."

"What thing?"

"You know, you know! You're just tormenting me!"

"Valerie, you must tell me everything. Now what thing?"

"His dick, all right! It got hard and big and he started to rub it all over my legs, yes, he did that! While he was kissing me, that thing of his got real hard and he rubbed and rubbed!"

"And did you like it?"

"Yes… I mean no, no! I knew that it was wrong and I didn't like it at all, not at all!"

"But you said that you did!"

"No, no!"

"Valerie, don't lie to me! Did you like it, that prick that slipping and sliding all over your pretty legs, rubbing into you and over you? Tell me the truth flow!"

"Yes! I liked it! Loved it! So what? Is that so awful?"

"No, no, of course not! Just continue with the story, please."

"I felt his dick rubbing against me and I knew that he wanted to stick it in me. I knew that he wanted that very badly. My father and mother had always warned me about that, but on that night, I just didn't care. I wanted him to stick it in me, I wanted to feel him shove that hot, pulsating thing far, far in me, as far as he could." The doctor's dick was throbbing as he listened to the woman tell her erotic tale. He wanted it to end, so he could shoot his steaming sperm all over his desk.

"He asked me if he could do it and I told him that he could, that I loved it, I loved him, I felt it press against my bottom and I felt his hands probing me, looking for the hole. I was so upset and disgusted by what he was doing to me that I didn't notice that he had picked up a stick from the ground, a big, terrible stick."

"He kept touching me there, in that wet hole, and started to touch me in the other hole too! It was awful, just awful! His fingers were mean and ugly and he hurt me. And it was so disgusting, repulsive! He was my father! My father! And he was touching me in that terrible, terrible way that he shouldn't have touched me!"

"He moved away for a second and, relief poured through me. I thought that it was over, that he had only wanted to shame and humiliate me and that now he was going to let me go. But I was wrong! I heard the terrible, whirring noise and then I felt the awful crack on my back. He was whipping me, beating me with a harsh wooden branch that he had found on the ground. I tried to scream, but my mouth was gagged so that I couldn't. He wouldn't stop, no not for a second! He hit me over and over again, laughing out loud as I twisted and struggled under the blows. I was bleeding, I could feel the wounds start to swell and ooze with blood, but he didn't care, no, he didn't care a single bit!"