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"Instead of being merciful, or gentle with me, he wanted to punish me for what I had done with Brad. And punish me he did. Over and over again the stick came down on my back, until I could see the blood oozing from me and onto the ground below."

"Just when I thought that I was going to pass out from the pain, he stopped. I thanked God, but once again, I had allowed myself to breathe easily too soon! He came towards me, with his awful thing in the air and I knew that he was going to do it to me, that my own father was going to deflower me out there in the backyard, with my mother asleep in the house!"

"I struggled as best I could, but it was no use. His hands probed me until he found my wet, quaking pussy and he stuck his fingers in. I could feel his fingers sliding into me deeper and deeper. My pussy was already wet and juicy because Brad had been licking me and my father managed to use this to his best advantage."

"Then, I felt it. He stuck the tip of his shaft near my virgin hole. I wanted to vomit, but that thing was in my mouth so tightly, that I could barely breathe. It pressed harder and harder and to my disgust, I felt the thing sliding into me!"

"He laughed and I felt his hot breath against my neck and in my ears. It was foul with sleep and lust. He pushed into me harder and harder until I thought I would die of the pain. I was fifteen and a virgin and my own father was raping me!"

"His enormous dick met the thin membrane of my virginity. I closed my eyes against the awful searing pain and then, in one violent thrust, he was in! I felt the blood dripping slowly from the poor, attacked hole. I shook with repressed sobs, tears pouring from my eyes."

"But it wasn't over! He kept ramming that cock of his into me, again and again, so that the walls of my cunt were bruised and sore for days to come. His hands gripped my flesh and he dug his nails into my boobs, tearing the flesh even more."

"He had no pity and no mercy, but thrust it into me again and again. I felt his body stiffen and the sudden hot flood that gushed through me let me know that he was coming."

"When he finally pulled out of me, dripping with come and blood, I wept not with pain, but with relief. Now and only now would my ordeal be over. But once again, I was wrong!"

"Lifting up the stick that had fallen to the ground, he shoved it deep into my already bruised and bleeding cunt. Then, with a final slap, he left the backyard and went up to bed. I knew, because I heard him mount the stairs. He left me there, hanging like that! My back and arms were killing me and the stick in my cunt, so recently assaulted, was agony!"

"Minutes passed like years. Although my wounds burned, I grew cold and shivered when the breeze came. Insects buzzed around me, smelling the blood and by morning, I was all covered with bites. I couldn't scratch them, because my hands were bound."

"I needed to move my bowels, but I couldn't because I was tied up. It was a new pain and it grew so intense that I forgot all my other aches and was consumed totally by this one."

"I felt the pressure growing and growing, until I thought that it might burst inside of me. It was a new, awful pain, unlike anything that I had experienced earlier. I couldn't even cry out, or bite my lip, for I was bound by that terrible gag."

"I felt as if knives were being thrust through my insides, that's how sharp and intense the pain was. Anything, anything was preferable to this slow, unending torture. Even the horror of being whipped or beaten would have been better than this."

"Finally, I could control myself no longer. I had to do it! It was so awful, so humiliating! I can't bear to think of it! I can't!"

"But it happened. I soiled myself. Yes, like a little child, I could no longer control my bowels and I made a stinking mess all over my body and legs! I was so shamed! I couldn't keep the tears from streaming down my face."

"And it didn't end, no not there. My father was upstairs, asleep in his bed. I could hear him snoring through the open window. I think that was the worst of all. Somehow, knowing that he could be sound asleep while I was left hanging there… It filled me with such sadness, that my own father could be so cruel to me. Even though he had been very strict and severe with me, I had always loved him, always wanted his approval for the things that I did. I always wanted him to be proud of me…" said Valerie, as her voice trailed off.

"Yes and then what happened next, my dear? I know it is so very painful to speak of, but you must be strong and recount it all," said the doctor.

"The hours oozed by like molten lead. Soon, I heard the birds twittering and the sky began to grow all pink."

"Dawn had just broken."

"Now, a new fear entered my aching head. I was terrified that the neighbors would start to get up and they would see me hanging there, naked and covered with my own filth! God only knows what they would think."

"I heard a noise and saw my father coming downstairs. He was dressed in some pants and a shirt. I quivered in fear, not knowing what new tortures he had devised for me."

"But to my shock and surprise, he actually smiled at me! He looked at my awful stats and clucked his concern. I was so bewildered that the tears started gushing again. My father came towards me, still smiling. Then, ignoring the filth that was stinking up the whole place, he drew me into his arms and started to hug me!"

"He petted me for a bit, in a kind and truly fatherly way. I was afraid that he might want to rape me again and to subject me to the horror of being fucked by him, but this was not the case. He untied me and took the gag from my mouth."

"I felt so sick from the pain and the stench, that I threw up, all over myself! He didn't care a bit! He kept petting me and stroking me. Then, he gave me a robe he had been carrying over his arm and helped me upstairs. My mother was still sound asleep and she didn't know anything".

"He ran the water in the bath and helped me into it. He washed me himself, his hands going over every, part of my wounded body, his eyes filled with concern and pity."

"He left me for a few moments and returned with breakfast on a tray. He insisted that I eat it while still soaking in the tub and he helped to feed me."

"As if I were a child, he put the spoon into the cereal and lifted it to my parched and still quivering mouth. I noticed that there was a little vase on the tray which contained a single rose. He had picked it from the backyard."

"When my mother got up, he told her that I hadn't been feeling too well and that I was going to spend the day with him as a little treat."

"He took me out to lunch and then we saw a movie. Then, we went to the drug store and he bought me a new watch and some new lipstick and other cosmetics. He was sweet and kind to me, as if the crazy night before had never happened. I really didn't know what to think any more."

"After that, he was always kind to me. He stopped yelling so much and stopped being so critical of everything that I did. I still was unable to trust him though. I never knew what his kindness meant. And yet, it was so nice, to be treated well by him… He died a year or so later, quite suddenly. I never told my mother what had happened that night. I've never spoken a word about it until today…" Valerie stopped talking and started to cry, very softly. She put her face in her hands and sobbed.

Dr. Bendiner knew that it was over.