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Valerie dressed and discarded her torn panties in the waste basket that stood by the side of her boss's desk. Smoothing her flushed cheeks, she slipped out of his office and headed towards the ladies room, where she could wash her face and comb her tousled hair.

She moved quickly and didn't notice Burt's hostile gaze following her. He had noticed that she had gone into Eldridge's office and grew suspicious as the time passed and she didn't come out. Now, when he saw her stealing off, so red and guilty looking, he knew what she had been up to.

His thoughts were confirmed when he noticed Mr. Eldridge himself emerge a moment later. His tie had been hastily tied and his hair was a mess. His cheeks were very red and his eyes unusually bright.

He moved off in the direction of the men's room and left the door to his office slightly ajar. Making sure that no one was watching, Burt quickly stepped in to the office.

He glanced around and saw the large wet stain on the couch, then he looked on the floor and picked up the pad, with its odd letter. He tore off the sheet, folded it up and slipped it carefully into his pocket… Taking a final look around, his eyes happened to look down and into the waste basket. He smiled when he saw them and a moment later, he drew them out. The panties were shredded and torn; their crotch was still wet with the dew of her passion. He couldn't help putting them to his face and sniffing deeply for a moment; the aroma was wonderful, musky and sweet at the same time, very intimate and exciting. He decided to keep them too and slipped them into his pocket.

With the same care, he came out of the office and went unobserved, back to his own desk. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do, but the fates had delivered into his all too willing hands a very powerful weapon for revenge.

He looked up and saw that Valerie had finished in the bathroom. Her hair had been combed and her lovely lips had a new, gleaming coat of lipstick. He looked at her for a long moment and smiled an evil smile.

Valerie saw his look and his smile. She didn't know what they meant, but they filled her with deep misgivings. Despite the heat of the day, the warmth of her blood engendered by her recent activity, she shivered. She didn't like Burt and didn't trust him. She toyed with the idea of mentioning this to Mr. Eldridge and made a silent vow to keep out of Burt's way.

Then, not looking at him, she went back to her desk and resumed her tasks. Burt smiled again, to himself. The haughty cunt! He would teach her a thing or two!


One hot afternoon, about a week later, Valerie waited on the corner of Park and Fifty-Ninth streets for Blair to come around the corner. True to his promise, he was going to buy her some new panties to replace the ones he had torn the week before. His only stipulation had been that he could go with her and help pick them out. Valerie's body heated with the idea.

She tapped her foot as she waited, peering anxiously down the street for the sight of his tall, handsome form. Soon enough, it came into sight and they kissed for a long moment. Surreptitiously, he reached for her tits, tempting him in their pale, peach cotton covering that set her golden skin glowing. She shuddered as he fondled her and then they moved down the street together and reached the store some minutes later.

It was crowded, as it always was at this time of day and they moved their way past the throngs of people downstairs, to the lingerie level. It was cool and it appeared to be slightly darker than the rest of the place, or perhaps Valerie was imagining it.

They moved in and out of the erotic, sensual garments, each one more beautiful and brilliantly colored than the rest. Valerie felt as if she were some reeling, drunken bee, who was making its dizzy course from fragrant flower to flower.

Her eye was caught by an exquisite red satin gown. It was long and only had one strap, so that she could easily imagine the other shoulder and arm naked, with nothing to cover it. Her eyes met his in a long, smiling look.

"Take it and try it on," he said approvingly.

She drifted her way through the Dior nightgowns, pale and virginal, edged with frilly lace and ribboned borders. Her eyes fixed on a long, simple gown of sheer blue, thin enough to be completely transparent. It went on her arm along with the red one.

Then, she moved on, looking for the garments that had actually inspired this little shopping jaunt panties. There were so many different pairs that her head began to reel. Blair chose a pair of very sexy black ones, held together by the merest wisp of ribbon and said, "I'll have to fight very hard with myself not to rip these off you!" and she giggled. He then selected a red satin pair that matched the gown. It came with a red satin camisole too and Blair wanted her to try on all three of the seductive garments.

His eye was caught by a black lace garter belt that was trimmed with red satin ribbon. He had the saleswoman show it to them and they measured Valerie's tiny waist to see what size she needed. She had to lift up her blouse a little bit to do it and he was given a peek at her trim, tanned flesh as the tape-measure wrapped its way around her.

The saleswoman said that the garter-belt would be nice with some stockings and she showed them a pure silk pair, that had very provocative seams all the way up the back.

Deciding that she had enough things for the moment, Valerie looked around for a dressing room, where she might sample the lovely under things. Seeing the sign, she moved off. Blair followed.

She was about to tell him to wait out there for her, when he piped up: "Excuse me, Miss, but I'm here with my wife to buy her a little birthday gift and I was wondering if I might go into the dressing room with her to see how the things look."

The woman seated outside the dressing rooms looked a little shocked at his request, but when Blair took a five-dollar bill out of his wallet and quickly slipped it into her palm, she nodded her assent and simply looked, the other way when he followed Valerie into the dressing room.

The rooms were actually rather large. They contained a small, green and white chair and they all had two minors, so that a person could see the front and the back of themselves as they modeled the clothes.

They went into room number twenty-six, which was rather far down the hall and Blair locked the door behind him.

"OK, baby, why don't you give me a little fashion show?"

"OK, but you have to close your eyes until I say, 'ready'."

"Will do!" and he shut them tightly.

Valerie stripped out of her own garments and with quaking fingers, began to slip on the red panties. They fit beautifully over her perfectly molded ass, hugging the little cheeks and settling enchantingly in the crack.

The garter belt was next; it cinched in her already tiny waist, making her hips curve and swell in response and the black garters danced on her lovely thighs. She slipped on the stockings, which were a perfect fit and fastened them. The elastic became taut and pulled against her pretty legs, as it stretched down to grip the slithery sheer stuff of the stockings.

Realizing that there was no bra, she pulled on the red satin gown, loving the way it hugged the curves of her body. It was low cut into a deep V, leaving her gorgeous cleavage exposed.

"OK, you can open your eyes!" she called out gaily. Blair's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the vision before him: Valerie, excited simply by putting on the clothes, stood, her wet lips parted and her tits heaving and throbbing. She licked, her lips and ran her hands quickly through the long, unbound mane of her hair.

The double mirrors reflected her image twice and her could see the twin globes of her ass, held lovingly in the satin embrace, twitch and dance before his excited gaze.