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They were two stunned to scream; they couldn't imagine how this had happened, but although they both froze in terror, neither one made any moves to come unbound from their erotic embrace.

"Keep at it and I won't hurt you!" Bernard barked gruffly. They just stood there. "You heard me!!" he said angrily. Then Blair noticed the uniform that the man wore, with its blue cap and small badge that said, "Security".

"Just keep it up and nothing is gonna happen. Otherwise, I'll have to tell my captain. And you know," he continued, thinking of their expensive clothes, "it would be a shame if I had to call your office and tell them that you was caught fornicating in a dressing room, at Bloomingdales! It would look real stupid, now, wouldn't it?"

They realized of course that he was right; Blair tried to reach for his pants, to keep his wallet from those mean, prying eyes, but Bernard was quicker and grabbed them first.

He pulled out the wallet and read: Blair Eldridge, Attorney then he saw a picture of Blair and his wife. Looking form the picture to Valerie, he saw instantly that they were not the same woman. "Gee, Mr. Eldridge, it would be too bad if your wife found out about your little habits!" and Blair turned beet red.

"Now," continued Bernard, "why don't you continue fucking the little lady? You was doin' it real nice before. And since she ain't doin' anything with her mouth, maybe she would like to suck my dick, too!" and he laughed.

Now Valerie really began to cry, but she lifted her head to the throbbing black cock and looked at it with disgust. She was humiliated beyond belief, but she wanted to do it and get the whole terrible thing over with quickly.

Closing her long-lashed eyes so she wouldn't have to see it, she parted her lips and drew the great, black tip into her mouth.

"Mmm, that's real nice, baby! Real nice. Now go to it, you white mother fucker!" said Bernard.

Blair started jerking in and out, tentatively at first and then with mounting passion. He hated to admit it even to himself, but the sight of Valerie's head bobbing up and down on that huge black tool drove him crazy with lust and soon he was ramming it into her for all he was worth.

She was sucking up a storm, because she wanted him to come quickly. Then she felt Blair's hand between her legs and felt him open up her cunt and start to rub her still throbbing clit.

She couldn't quite believe it, but she found herself getting aroused and soon she was shoving her ass really hard into the pounding cock and her other hole was greedily sucking and devouring the black meat. The utter humiliation was turning her on, she discovered with a start! Here she was, bent over, being used by two men and loving every second of it! Her body arched crazily and she bit into Bernard's cock with renewed fury, frantically rubbing the big, black sac of his balls, with her dainty, red-nailed fingers.

The three fucked and sucked with maddening abandon and Valerie felt familiar pulsations of orgasm begin. It started in her loins and then spread to her whole body, rising up like a sudden earthquake that shook her body violently with its tremors. "OOOH! AAAHH!!!" she screamed and bit the restraining prick that filled her mouth, even enjoying the salty taste of the blood.

Her writhing spasms made her asshole contract and pinch Blair flaming spear and he came in a burning white flood that shot up into her and gushed out of her spread hole.

Watching the two of them moaning and writhing in orgasm brought Bernard's climax too and grabbing Valerie tightly by the ears, filled her mouth with his boiling come. It kept on spurting, but she managed to swallow almost all of it as it streamed out.

Unable to move, they stood locked in their positions, waiting for the shuddering to subside. When it did, they began to get dressed, unable to look at each other. Bernard went back into his little secret room and shut the door without saying a word. Blair and Valerie got dressed and took the pile of clothing with them. Silently, he brought it to the cashier and charged the entire batch of stuff on his VISA card they left the store in silence.

Before they went back to the office, though, Valerie wanted to have a drink somewhere. The strong vodka eased her throbbing temples and brought her red face back to its normal color. Blair had a couple of drinks too and then they headed back to the office.

They went in separately, Blair first and when he had closed his door, Valerie crept in too. She had already been to the ladies room to comb and paint, so she knew that she looked as if she had done nothing more strenuous during her lunch hour than grab a bite and shop for a few things at Bloomie's. The big bag was under her arm and she set it down by her desk.

Burt, though, had seen Eldridge walk in with that guilty, the-cat-ate-the-canary face and he knew that Valerie would be in moments later.

Sure enough there she was, looking guilty as anything. He didn't even look at her as she passed, but kept his eyes down, engrossed in his own work.

She sat down and opened the drawer to her desk. Although it had a lock, she rarely used it, for she kept nothing of value in that drawer. Today, as she opened it, she saw a note in an envelope that said only 'Valerie'.

Smiling, she tore it open. She assumed that is was from Blair, who liked to surprise her; only yesterday he had sent her twelve long-stemmed roses with a card that said, "From a secret admirer".

Her shock and disbelief, then, were understandable when she read the printed words: "I know about you, bitch. I know that you're fucking Eldridge and I'll see to it that his wife finds out if you don't behave and do what I ask. And don't try to tell him, either. I already have a date with his wife on Thursday and once she hears about it, you'll be out on your ass, without or the prospect of getting another one! Just wait for further instructions, bitch and keep your trap shut!"

Valerie had to fight not to throw up as she read the note. Who could have sent such a vile thing to her? What an outrage! She shook and trembled with fear and disgust.

Walking over to the water fountain for a cooling drink, she tried to be calm. She realized that it might have been Burt, but it was hard to be sure. There were other men in the office whom she had rebuffed and snubbed and his rage could have found an outlet in this sort of twisted and perverted joke. She pinched her arms to keep from shaking.

She looked at the note again when she sat back down at her desk. It had been typed on plain white paper, so there was nothing that gave it away. Moreover, it had contained some threat, some promise whose full horror had not, been revealed yet. She had wait, in this agony of suspense, to find out exactly what this terrible person wanted to do to her.

She was afraid to tell Blair, for she knew him to be very fond of his wife. He might cheat on her behind her back, but her would never, never leave her, nor their two kids, to whom he was very devoted. No, Valerie knew that if this thing ever leaked out, it would cost her this job. Blair would be very sorry, she knew, but his wife's wishes would come first. She could only wait until the vile person revealed himself and his vile plans.

Then, a new thought struck her. Perhaps it wasn't a man at all! Perhaps the foul thing was by the hand of some woman! Valerie knew that there were many women in the office who had crushes on Blair Eldridge, women who had been there longer than she had and who might resent the fact that she, so young and new, had snapped up this prize right from under their greedy faces.

It could have been Suzanna, the very fiery-tempered woman whose sharp, stinging had tired to insult Valerie many times. Or it could have been Jane, who seemed so quiet on the surface, but who was really a vixen underneath her cool exterior.

All of this awful speculation had made Valerie's head throb and pound all over again and she wished she could sneak out for another drink. Instead, she fumbled through her purse, in search of aspirin.