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He stopped the car. Valerie opened her eyes, not recognizing where she was for a moment or two. She got the sense of water and saw the long piers that extended out into the swirling oily waters of the Hudson River.

Fear suddenly overwhelmed her and her teeth began to chatter from the uncontrollable shaking of her body. He was going to kill her, she knew it. He would split her skull, or slit her long, brown throat and dump her mutilated carcass in the river. It would be days before they found her…

"Get out of the car," he said, breaking into her thoughts. She obeyed and he took her arm and led her across the deserted street. They stopped in front of a huge truck. He fiddled with the lock for some minutes, using some tools that she didn't recognize. It gave and he shoved her inside with such force that she fell to her feet.

He closed the door behind him and Valerie tried to adjust her eyes to the pitch black around her. He was quicker to adapt, though and before she knew what was happening, he had come suddenly behind her and pinned her arms behind her back.

Startled, she tried to break loose, but he was strong and gripped her with hands like a cruel vise. Close to her ear, he hissed, "Just keep your mouth shut, bitch and everything will hurt a little, but Christ, you know you wanted it, or you never would have gotten into the car with me!"

His voice was dripping with contempt, "You are my slave for tonight, get it? Slave, baby, slave and I am the master. Now open up those sweet lips and say it." Valerie heard her own voice, sound strange and disembodied, "Master," she repeated hoarsely, "Master."

"That's good, very good," he crooned and flipped on a flashlight. "Now slave-bitch, strip for me!"

Looking at his icy eyes and lips that seemed to snarl, Valerie trembled; whether it was fear, or anticipation, she wasn't sure. She reached around and unzipped her dress slowly and then turned her back to him. Wiggling her ass, she shook her golden form out of the pale cotton dress, so that she stood before him in her bra and slip. Back still towards him, she unhooked the back and pulled it from her.

Turning around, she kept one hand over each nipple, so that although the milky white globes were revealed, the nipples remained hidden, the secret jewels dancing before thee man's rapt gaze.

Slowly drawing her hands away from her body, she showed him her nipples. His eyes seemed to bum right through her flesh and she felt her nipples growing rigid just by his looking at them.

Her slip was next, sliding off her body with ease and grace, leaving only a pair of frilly white panties, another gift from Blair.

Slipping her hand down below the elastic, she began to finger her own hot clit, first to please him and then in earnest. Closing her eyes, she let her writhing body get carried away by the tempo set by her quickening hand, as it slid in and out of her moist crack.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp blow across her mouth, that sent her flying to the floor. Too stunned to fight back, she sat there, blood spurting from her split lip, gazing at him in horrified wonder.

"Bitch, cunt, slut," he raged "who told you that you could touch yourself? I am the master, I give the orders. You are nothing but my slave! How dare you try to pleasure yourself! I will teach you to be obedient!!"

Stripping off the thick leather belt, he brought it down with a resounding crash on her shoulders. She yelped with pain and tried to scramble away, but the truck was not all that large inside and offered her nowhere to hide. The first blow, she discovered, was only the beginning. Over and over again, the thick belt rained down heavy blows on her back and shoulders.

Huge welts rose up on her skin almost instantly and the gold and white of her body became pierced with traces of her ruby blood, gleaming in the light.

She had yelled and screamed the first few times, but the door of the truck was very thick and the street empty anyway, so it was useless. Then, it seemed that it drained her strength too much to cry out and could only crawl or roll along the floor, sniveling like an animal.

Suddenly, the blows stopped and Valerie was about to cry out in sheer relief, but she felt a strong hand across her broken lips.

"I'm sick of your whining, slave!" he said and twisted the fine, French cotton dress into a gag for her mouth. She struggled, but vainly and she was soon gagged, the only sounds she could emit were the little muted cries of a baby kitten, or a lamb.

Her eyes opened wide with horror when she saw him approach her with a ball of thick, scratchy rope. She bolted in terror, but there was nowhere to escape to and she got a furious smack across the ear that left her head ringing, long after the blow was over.

Taking the thick, cruel rope, he expertly bound her flailing arms tightly behind her back. The position strained her neck, back and shoulders and her whole upper body was twisted into a mass of unending pain.

Dragging her by her still unbound feet across the rough surface of the floor, he pulled her over to where a long thick rod was suspended across the width of the the truck.

Yanking her up, he pulled her bound hands, stiff from lack of blood, up above her head and tightly bound them to the pole. It was placed fairly up, so that her whole body was forced into a tense and unnatural position. Her toes barely grazed the floor, her back was arched and her tits jutted out, looking warm and inviting.

It was then and only then, that he himself undressed. She could see the lean, yet muscular torso and the sparse blond hair that covered his chest and legs and arms and other parts of his body. His big dick was already stiff as he stepped out of his skin tight jeans and it stood out in front of him, like an angry red banner of lust.

Putting the belt down, he came towards her and slowly began to caress her body. Despite the beating she had received she still began to get aroused as his hands slid over her hips and flat stomach.

His mouth moved towards her jutting tits and catching a stiff nipple between his teeth, he started to chew. Valerie was amazed that her body could still feel pleasure, for she was bruised and aching and her odd position helped to intensify the pain she was feeling.

Yet, to her great surprise, her nipples tingled from his lips and her pussy grew damp in anticipation.

Rubbing a hand between her moist slit, he chuckled, more to himself than to her. "So, you dig it when it hurts, don't you? Yeah, yeah, you all do. Screaming and hollering, but creaming all the same!" and then he laughed out loud.

As he fondled her slippery cunt, his hands reached again for the belt. She started shaking her head from side to side, frantically, as if that might save her.

It didn't. Growing impatient, he grabbed his shirt and formed a blind fold from it, which he fastened over her eyes. "Stop struggling!" he commanded, "Your eyes say no, but your pussy knows what it wants!"

Now, Valerie could not see what evil tortures he was planning for her. She tossed and writhed, but it only brought new, shooting pains to her already tortured back and arms.

She didn't hear him for a moment and she grew terrified that he might just decide to leave her. Then, she felt the cruel but by now familiar crack of the belt as it descended upon her nearly naked, defenseless form.

She was still wearing the panties she had had on earlier, but a smart crack of the belt turned them into a bloody, tattered mass of lace that slipped to the floor. He continued to beat, the strokes now long, hard, measured, slow, turning her white buttocks into a network of the heartless attack. She felt the stiff organ as it the cheeks of her ass. He finally tossed it to the floor and hurled himself onto her savagely, using his hands to strike and beat her now.

He pulled on her nipples and bit her flesh hard enough to draw forth her salty red blood. His nails scratched and scraped against the smooth flesh, leaving their own brand of vicious tracks to mark their progress.