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She didn't want to admit to a thought like that. But it was true.

It turned her on.


Valerie stayed in her bed for three days, refusing all phone calls and visitors. She told Blair that she had the flu and simply didn't want to see anyone. She also said that she had called a doctor, so that he needn't worry about her health.

Valerie stayed in bed and dreamed. Several times she almost called the man she had met the other night. Her hand would pick up the phone, but she realized each time that she hadn't even been able to throw the piece of paper away, but neither had she been able to open it.

She could only lie in bad and fantasize about him, his enormous dick as it cut deep into her, or his rough, brutal hands and cruel, biting belt.

On the fourth day, Valerie returned to work. Everyone seemed glad to see her and despite her desire to keep things cool around the office, Blair pulled her in to his office and tried to fuck her once quickly on the desk.

She refused, not because she didn't want to, but because her body was still red and sore from the beating she had taken. She told him that she had really been quite sick and the doctor had advised her to refrain from sex for a while.

Blair was grumpy, but he complied with her wishes. Valerie was just as glad. Her recent experience was very unsettling and she still had not fully internalized it yet. She moved as if through water, often she was unaware of what happening around her.

Then, the notes started again. She found one under the blotter of her desk one day when she returned from lunch. She found another slipped into her pocketbook. A third one was on her desk, innocent and bland, as she came in one morning. That one was more specific: "OK, bitch. You've been warned. Now I want you to meet me tonight, after work at six o'clock exactly. Go into the staircase that is in the lobby. BE THERE."

Had this happened a week or two ago, Valerie would have been terrified. Now, for some reason she could not explain, she was very, very curious. She wanted to know what this was all about and she had every intention of going to meet this person.

The rest, of the afternoon passed without incident. She was sweet and loving to Blair and even sucked his cock underneath his desk until he came, great hot gushes of ejaculation, all over naked, dancing fits. He was so relieved, that he didn't even notice that she was all bruised; Valerie had taken good care to turn out the lights and draw the blinds.

She spent the afternoon engaged in effortless, pleasant tasks and when Blair had to leave at five-thirty, she sweetly and fondly told him good-night.

"Aren't you coming?" he asked.

"No, dear."

"But, Val, I miss you!"

"Oh, you're an angel, but you know tonight I really can't… well, I can't fuck you tonight, Blair. I'm just not feeling too well."

"But can't I buy you dinner somewhere nice?"

"Oh, darling, I'd love to but I'm really not very hungry at all."

"Some nice French restaurant maybe?"

"Not tonight, really Blair."

Finally, he had to give in and let her have her way. He left, more than a little concerned and planned to call her later on that evening. She said she had some work to do and remained at her desk, busy and seemingly calm, but all the while, her mind was racing ahead to her six o'clock meeting with her mystery correspondent.

As the clock neared six, she went to the ladies room to freshen up. Spraying a whiff of perfume behind her ears, she inhaled the intoxicating smell. She brushed her hair until it gleamed and painted her lips a deep shade of coral. She really didn't know why she was doing all of this but the fact was that it was making her excited, as if she had been a kid in high-school and this was some really hot date. She had to laugh at the thought.

At six, she rode down in the elevator and stepped off in the now rather empty lobby. Making sure that no one was following her, she slipped unnoticed into the stairwell, her heart beating wildly. She had to take several deep gulps of air to catch her breath.

Then, she saw him. Deep down, she guessed she had always known. Burt stood there, tall and menacing, smiling down at her.

"You knew it was me, didn't you, Valerie?"


"And you came anyway?"


"Curious, I guess."

"Curious!! Don't make me laugh! You were scared! Fucking scared!"

"Yes, I guess I was…"

"Scared because I know about you and Eldridge. Well, baby, he might have the money, but I'm gonna show you that I've got the balls!"

Valerie just shivered. She didn't know what was happening to her. Why was she listening to this lunatic, anyway? Why wasn't she screaming at him, slapping his sassy face, calling the police, or calling Blair? Instead, she listened, feeling her body tingle with anticipation and just stood there.

When he propelled her down the steps, towards the cellar, she let herself be led, without protest. He pushed her along the darkened wall, into a strange musty room.

It smelled bad and Valerie imagined that she heard the scuttle of rats. It was lit by a single naked bulb. She shivered.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Show you what a real man is, bitch!" and he put down the heavy valise he had been carrying with a thud and looked at her for a long moment.

Valerie was shivering so much that she could not control herself, even though the room was even more stifling than the hot, summer night.

Her teeth chattered and her body felt convulsed by chills. He grabbed her roughly, by the shoulders. "I've seen how he treats you, buying you stuff, taking your shit! Well, baby, I won't!" he said, throwing her violently against the wall.

Her head hit against it with a smack and she remained there, motionless. He crossed the room in a few quick strides. "I'm gonna show how a real man does it!" and he slapped her face, so that for the second time in two weeks, Valerie tasted her own salty blood trickling down her throat.

Burt marched over to his valise and pulled out a strange, black leather contraption. She realized with a start that it was a mask, or a hood of some kind.

Burt slipped it over his head. It was made of black leather and had small holes for his eyes, nostrils and mouth. The top was pointed and it gave his whole face an eerie, menacing look.

Then, he donned a tight leather vest, that was studded all the way up the front. He reached into his bag again and came up with a pair of shackles. They were made of some heavy metal and each one had a long chain attached to it. Each chain then had a small metal loop.

Walking over to Valerie, he said, "Now it's your turn, bitch!" and before she could protest, he grabbed both of her arms. Slipping each delicate wrist into a shackle, he bound the poor girl to a heavy pipe that crossed the room somewhere up above, near the ceiling.

He spread her arms wide, so that she would be in pain as she hung there. He was not finished with her yet, though. There were other things that he had intended for her.

He took out a thick, metal collar, studded all around and put it around her quivering throat. He made it very tight, so that breathing was difficult. He felt the long, thick silvery chain dangling, so that he could pull on it when he needed to punish her a little more.

He yanked her legs very far apart and shackled each one a pair of spiggets that protruded from the floor.

Valerie didn't know which hurt more, her splayed legs, or her arms, but both left her body very uncomfortable. Then, he took out her mask, which was also leather, but she noticed with a shiver that it had no holes for her eyes, only very small slits for her nostrils and one that was slightly larger for her mouth. He forced it on over her head, zipping it securely. Now she couldn't see nor hear. Breathing was difficult and her breath came in short, harsh gasps. She could only guess what he was going to do next.