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The big car rolled along a driveway for what seemed like a mile. The estate was huge. Doris surveyed the grounds with wide eyes. There were spacious, well-kept fields, dozens of beautiful, thoroughbred horses running free in a pasture. As they approached the huge white Grecian mansion, adorned with five white pillars out front, Doris saw the stables, a tennis court and a huge swimming pool.

"My, what an absolutely lovely, beautiful place!" Doris exclaimed. "Does Aunt Diane own all of this?"

"Yep. All two hundred acres of it," Bull replied.

"Wow, this is really something!" Doris was really excited. Her new life with Aunt Diane was going to be so much fun and so thrilling. Doris came from a very wealthy family and had always lived well. Her boarding school in New England had been one of the most exclusive boarding schools in the whole world. But never had she seen such luxury as this estate. Aunt Diane must live like a queen, she thought.

The Rolls pulled to a stop in front of the mansion and Bull opened the car door for Doris. As she stepped out of the car, Diane came out of the mansion to greet her niece.

"Well, hello Doris!" she welcomed her niece, giving her a peck on the cheek. "So nice to see you again. I'm so gad that you are coming to live with us. I have a room all fixed up for you and, since I know how much you love to ride horses, I picked out a beautiful little Shetland pony just for you. You'll simply love it here, I'm sure."

"Oh, Aunt Diane!" the cute little thirteen-year old girl exclaimed. "You are so nice! My own pony! Wow! I can't think of anything I'd like better. Thank you ever so much. This place is so big and beautiful, and you are so nice, I just know I'm gonna love it here. Gee, I am so happy. I'm so lucky to have such a nice aunt." Her face flushed with unbridled joy as she hugged her aunt tightly.


Gushing with happiness and enthusiasm, and excitement at starting a brand new life at DeMarrow Manor.

"Well, let's go inside and get acquainted, shall we?" Diane said. "Bull, you take Doris' bags around back and put them in the shed for the time being. I don't think she'll be needing them right now."

They walked together up the stairs and through the huge front door of the mansion. As they entered the hallway, Aunt Diane stopped Doris and said, "Okay now. Here is your biggest surprise. Close your eyes and hold your hands out in front of you."

"Oh, Aunt Diane, you are so good to me!"

"Yes, and I am going to be even better, sweetheart. Now, close your eyes tight. No peeking…"

She closed her eyes tight and placed her hands out in front of her, wondering what wonderful surprise Diane was going to give her. She felt a heavy bracelet being slipped around one wrist, and then around the other. My, they were heavy, but Doris did not dare peek. Aunt Diane was being so nice that it would not be fair to ruin the surprise.

"Okay, darling. You can open your eyes now."

"Thank you, Aunt Diane."

Doris' heart skipped a beat as she looked down in disbelief. Aunt Diane had handcuffed her! The bracelets weren't bracelets at all; they were heavy steel handcuffs. She was bound!

Diane laughed cruelly. Her lips curled, and she hissed through her perfect white teeth. "Well, have you no manners? You aren't going to thank me for your latest present, you little bitch!" At that, Diane slapped her niece's face hard. Once, twice in quick succession. Smack! Smack!

From behind her, Doris felt big, clammy hands fitting a dog collar around her neck. She turned to see who it was, but before she could turn all the way around, Diane slapped her again.

"I didn't give you permission to turn, bitch! Now that you live under my roof at DeMarrow Manor you do only as Bruce and I tell you to do. If you disobey, you will be punished, instantly and brutally. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes. I guess I understand. I just didn't expect…"

Doris was slapped again. She got the message and shut up real fast. Bruce stepped from behind Doris and handed the dog leash to Diane. He stepped forward and took a close look at the bound and leashed little thirteen-year-old girl.

Doris was crying. Her mind was spinning all of her hopes and dreams of only a few minutes ago had been shattered. She wondered if she were not dreaming. Could this really be happening? It was all so bizarre!

Bruce looked her over as though he were teeny-bopper virgin. Hell, he almost shot a load in his pants just talking about it. Well, let Bruce break her in with a good fucking, then she would have her fun, or they would have fun together with Doris. It did not really matter anyway, because, as of this moment, Doris was a new, permanent member of the family. A new slave! Diane's cunt filled with pussy-juice at the thought of owning a new sex-slave. But, she had promised Bruce first crack at her. So she decided to go upstairs and finger-fuck herself while she watched Bruce fuck Doris on closed circuit T.V.. "Listen, Bruce," she said. "Take her into the special room the one that's wired for stereophonic sound and full color. I think I'd like to watch this play in Technicolor."

"No!" Doris screamed.

"Sure thing. It'll be a fine performance. Believe me. I'll use all of my acting and directorial skills to make this a great show, even if I only have an audience of one."

Then Bruce turned to Doris, grabbed the leash and led her down a long corridor and into a square room. Bruce turned on the lights, and the worn lit up with harsh, hot bright lights. She glanced around and found that there were five movie cameras in the room, one in each corner and one staring down from the ceiling. They moved back and forth slowly, just like the cameras she had seen in stores, where the cameras record shoplifters stealing stuff, or in banks, where the cameras record the actions of bank robbers.

How strange and repulsive this all was, Doris thought. She could feel Bruce's hands clawing at her clothing, ripping off her little uniform and bra and panties. She could feel it, but she had a hard time believing this nightmare. Everything had changed so much in the past fifteen minutes. She had come here believing that her life was going to be so wonderful, and now this cruel man named Bruce was stripping her naked and preparing to do God knows what to her, while she was helpless not only helpless, but totally humiliated, handcuffed and held fast by a dog leash. She thought that she was going crazy! She tried to scream, but she was so scared and confused. Her vocal chords refused to work! She couldn't make a sound.

Diane went upstairs to her bedroom and rang for Melissa. She got comfortable in her big bed and picked up the remote control device, and began pushing buttons. One at a time, five television screens began to focus in front of her. She chuckled and laid back to enjoy the production. She had five different views of the action going on in the special room. She picked up her battery operated dildo and rubbed its tip over her cunt lips, pressing it lasciviously against her clit. Her cunt-juices started flowing as she watched Bruce slap her niece across the face. Bruce had the thirteen-year-old teeny-bopper stripped naked, and he was no doubt getting ready to fuck her. Bruce was starting to get into it. He had his cock out of his pants. Damn, what a giant prick Bruce had! Then she pressed another knob on her control box and turned up the sound. She did not want to miss any of the action. This was going to be a great performance, she thought.

"Okay, now, my little, teeny-cunt," said Bruce. "This is the way we are going to play this scene. It's a love scene you see. The reason that I call it a love scene is because it's the type of scene I just love. Ha! Ha!"

Doris felt miserable. She was frightened and totally overwhelmed by this dreadful situation. Bruce seemed to be a very mean man, with a somewhat crummy sense of humor. She knew that she had better do whatever he ordered. He looked like the type of man who [missing text].