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"Oh, my God! Unnnnggghhhh! Oooohbhhh! Aaaggghhh!" Doris moaned and gasped as her climax hit her hard, rocking her tight pussy with wondrous feelings of sexual ecstasy. She slumped over in the corner and stretched out the plastic dildo still vibrated in her limp hand. Doris was exhausted and spent.

Melissa walked over to the cute thirteen-year old girl. "Hey," she said. "Get it together, my sweet. We gotta get the hell out of this place. I've got the tapes and enough money to fly to a foreign country and live in the lap of luxury for the rest of our lives. Get some clothes from Diane's closet and get dressed. I'm going to call a cab and, before you know it, we'll be on our merry way." They kissed and Doris dashed to the closet.

Melissa picked up the telephone and called a cab, giving detailed instructions on how to reach the DeMarrow Manor. "The cab will be here soon," she called out to Doris, who was still dressing in the huge closet.

"And now I want to say goodbye to you, Miss Diane DeMarrow," Melissa hissed as she turned to face the blond beauty who lay bound and helpless on her bed. Melissa had an evil look in her eyes.

"Please don't hurt me," Diane begged. "Please! Just leave me in peace. You have what you want. Won't you just let me be?"

For a brief moment, Melissa actually felt sorry for Diane DeMarrow. She pitied the helpless woman who lay naked, bound and vulnerable in the big bed. The blonde's face was contorted in pain and fear. She was scared, frightened to death.

But Melissa's mind brought forth horrid memories. She thought about how Diane had blackmailed her for two long years. How Diane had made her serve as a sex-slave. How Diane had forced her to perform crude and debased rituals like the foot-kissing ritual. How Diane had whipped her and forced her to suck her cunt and lick her asshole. And Melissa no longer pitied Diane DeMarrow. She hated her! She hated her totally, completely, with all of her heart and soul.

"Well, Diane," Melissa said. "I guess this is goodbye." Then she picked up the dildo from the floor and, with one swift, brutal motion, she rammed the plastic prick deep into Diane's asshole. She turned the dildo on and stepped back to watch Diane shake uncontrollably as the plastic prick vibrated inside of her tight asshole. Then, just for good measure, Melissa thrust her long leg out, and, with the sole of her boot, she shoved the vibrating dildo to the hilt into Diane's asshole. Then, with her boot-tip, she pushed the big, long dildo into Diane's asshole until it disappeared. The dildo was stuck all the way up Diane's nether-hole. Melissa laughed loudly as the helpless woman writhed in agony, her asshole impaled by a long vibrating plastic dildo.

At that moment, Melissa grasped and her heart skipped a beat as a voluptuous raven-haired beauty stepped out of the closet! The woman was stunning! Her ripe figure was clothed in a tight-fitting, gold lame evening gown, with a built-in push-up bra which pulled small, but firm tits together and pushed them upward, exposing a lovely cleavage.

The mysterious woman wore thick makeup. Ruby red lipstick, rouge, blue mascara and unusually long false eyelashes. In her hand, she carried an expensive leather purse. Her legs were sheathed in sheer black stockings, and her feet were shod in black open toed shoes with five inch heels.

The dashing black haired woman stepped into the center of the bedroom. Teetering on her high heels, she performed a slow, sensuous pirouette, licked her lips vivaciously, and smile. As Melissa stood transfixed, in a state of total confusion, the sultry woman walked toward her and said, "Well, what do you think of the new me?"

Melissa instantly recognized the voice. It was Doris!

"My God! You scared the hell out of me!" Melissa gasped. "I almost had a heart attack!" Melissa was furious. She was about to chastise her young lesbian lover, but she quickly changed her mind. After all, the girl was only thirteen years old, Melissa thought. Hell, Doris was only playing dress-up. Melissa remembered that she had done the same thing when she was Doris' age. Then Melissa broke out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Doris asked, pouting and looking like she was about to break out in team.

"Nothing, my darling little lover. Nothing at all. You just scared me. You look beautiful, lovely, absolutely gorgeous. My God, you look like you are in your twenties. You look… you look like a rich and glamorous movie star!" she exclaimed. "But we've got to get the hell out of here. The taxi will be here any minute. Hurry up and change."

"No!" shouted Doris. "I don't feel like it." She pouted again. "Let me go dressed like this. Please. Please let me leave dressed like this. Will you? Huh? Will you let me go like this? Please?"

"Oh, all right. We don't have any time to waste anyway." Melissa picked up the tapes. She handed the thick pile of thousand dollar bills to Doris and instructed her to put the money in her purse. They kissed.

On their way out of the bedroom door, they glanced at Diane DeMarrow, who lay bound and writhing on the bed, the vibrating dildo stuck deep into her tight asshole.

They both laughed heartily at the sight. Then they ran down the stairs and stepped onto the front porch. The taxi was parked right out front, the engine running. Waiting, they ran toward the taxi. All of a sudden, a huge muscular man stepped from behind the taxi and gripped Melissa's arm lightly with his strong hand. It was Bull!

"Let me go!" Melissa cried. "Let me go, you big…"

"I can't," Bull replied in a deep, gruff voice. "Miss DeMarrow gave me strict order. She told me that if I ever caught either you or her niece outside the mansion, I was to stop you. And take you straight to her. I have to do what she told me. Gee, if it wasn't for Miss DeMarrow, I don't know where I'd be right now."

Bull pulled a pair of steel handcuffs from his back pocket and clasped them over Melissa's wrists.

"No!" Melissa screamed. "No! No! No!" she cried hysterically.

Bull turned and looked Doris straight in the eyes. "Who are you?" he asked. He looked her up and down. "I've never seen you before." Once again, he looked her over carefully, but he could not recognize the sexy, raven haired woman, although he felt that he had seen her before. "Who are you, anyway?" Bull demanded.

"Why, I'm a friend of Diane's. Now get out of my way, you fool," Doris said indignantly as she slid into the back seat of the taxi cab. "Let's go," she ordered the cab driver. "And step on it."

As the cab pulled away, Doris leaned out of the. I rear window and shouted to Melissa. "I'll come back and free you! I'll be back. I promise. I'll free you, my love. Trust me!" She waved at Melissa through the window.

The very last word Melissa heard Doris shout was "Goodbye!"

The taxi sped down the long driveway and was soon out of sight.