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Willow cradled her ribs gently, dragged her hurt leg behind her, as she slowly made her way towards the demon. No fear. Save Lyonis. Save the baby.

“I love him so damned much demon. You can’t take that away from me,” she said fiercely. Tears slid down her face.

The demon held out its big hand and started chanting.

From behind her Telal shouted, “Now, Willow!”

Willow flung the dagger hard. It whipped around flying end over end. It seemed to take forever to watch it move. Willow waited, body still, breath held. With a dull thud it landed in the demon’s chest. The spell Lily’d given her came from her mouth, faster and faster, louder and louder.

“Go back whence you came, I unsummon thee, demon!”

The demon squealed; the horrendous sound carrying so much energy it knocked Willow down to the ground. Still, she kept saying the words, over and over again. A loud rumble came from the ground; the distant walls shook and crumbled to the floor in large chunks. The place was going to collapse in on itself, she thought rather calmly.

The demon dropped to its knees and pulled the dagger out. It glowed white as the holiest of lights in its black hand. The light became so blinding that Willow looked away as she whispered the spell from her chapped lips.

The demon became engulfed in the surrounding white light. With a final terrifying cry, the demon exploded. Thick, black, viscous fluid flew in every direction with a loud boom. Willow ducked away, covering her face as the black filth landed over her clothes, hair, and skin like tar.

Then all was quiet.

Willow looked around in a daze. Telal watched her with a peculiar look on his face. Then he glanced down at Lyonis and said, “Come, lilit, I’ll do this thing for you.”

How could he bring back the dead? The cold, harsh word brought forth a rush of hot tears as she crawled so damned slowly back to her mate. A sob left her followed by more as she fell onto his cooling body.

Telal grabbed her shoulder and nudged her back. “Move on now, the quicker I do this the better chance it’ll work.”

Willow moved back from him, feeling drugged and drunk, her body and mind loopy.

Telal leaned over Lyonis and pressed his palms over one shoulder and then the other. His eyes closed, breathing became deep, each breath being held longer than the next. Soft, strange words left him in a rush. He spoke with a passionate energy that even Willow could feel. Goose bumps spread over her body, the hair on her arms stood up—and she had the distinct, peculiar feeling that something great was happening.

White energy blasted out of Telal’s hands. He grunted, but kept speaking. Willow watched as the color came back into Lyonis’ face with a jolt. His chest moved as if he’d been zapped with a defibrillator. Telal’s arms started shaking, his eyes closed as if in pain, but still he kept chanting those strange words. Lyonis’ body jerked again and then his eyes were blinking frantically; he gasped one ragged breath of air.

Telal’s face was ashen, eyes red and bloodshot when he opened them. He shook like a leaf in a storm.

Lyonis came to like he was going into battle. He shoved Telal away from him and came to a stand, his eyes looking around the room for any threats, then he spotted the exploded pieces of Dura. His eyes landed on her next. He dropped on his knees before her.

Tears wouldn’t stop falling, then suddenly she burst into a fit of laughter. Lyonis’ gaze traveled over her body repeatedly as he tracked her many injuries. Shit, where wasn’t she hurt, she thought.

Then she threw her arms around him. He squeezed her close, arms shaking around her. He accidently put pressure on her ribs and the pain became unbearable. She let out a cry and passed out in his wonderful arms.

Chapter 41

One month later

Willow swayed in his arms, her head resting on his chest as the soft, classical violins created a soothing rhythm around them. Other couples danced and swirled hand in hand, cheek to cheek at the packs first ever dance festival.

Willow’d insisted on having a dance festival after defeating the demon Dura and getting out of that hell with her man—alive. What had surprised her was that Lyonis hadn’t been surprised at her declaration for an impromptu dance. Maybe he’d even understood her need to have a moment like this with him, surrounded by the pack.

Rachel, Danny, and Stephanie returned to themselves after the demon’s death and aside from needing some therapy, their families stated they were doing well.

The pack was once again happy, the tension gone with the death of the demon. And most of all, her mate was alive and well. She still didn’t quite understand how Telal brought Lyonis back to life. She’d wanted to ask him after she woke up in the medical ward, but he’d already dissolved back home without a word to anyone apparently. He’d just ported all of them back one person at a time, then disappeared before anyone could say anything.

For the first time in a long time, she felt truly content...and happy. Lyonis surprised her by having all of her snow globes brought up from her home in Florida. She hadn’t been strong enough not to cry at the sight of them. They reminded her too much of Papa. Now Lyonis’ home felt a lot more like hers.

When the doctor told her the baby was alive, she couldn’t believe it. Not after everything that happened in the rift. But somehow, her baby still lived and was strong and healthy. Lyonis had just smiled confidently at her and said, “She’s strong like her mother.”

To which, she’d gaped. “Girl?” He’d nodded at her with a sly smile.

She was still getting used to this whole large belly thing. In one’s month time she’d nearly doubled in size it seemed. Though she couldn’t complain when Lyonis treated her like a queen. Who knew she’d like having a man’s attention like that?

As the dance neared to an end, Lyonis and Willow made their way through the crowded dance floor saying their goodbyes. Willow kissed her sister’s goodbye, then Thane and Jackie as she passed them. With a final goodbye, the pack waved back at them with smiles as they ducked out the door.

“You finally plan on telling me about this David fella?”

Willow sighed. “I promised you I would, but only ‘cause you almost died buddy.”

He laughed at her as he drove them home. He came around to her and carried her inside and up the stairs to the bedroom.

“Begin,” he commanded.

With a dramatic sigh, she began her story. “David and I started dating when I was 22. I fell in love with him, hard. I didn’t know it at the time but he was emotionally abusive, manipulative.”

He tensed as he set her on the bed and she kissed him until he sat down next to her.

“I still plan on killing him,” he promised with deadly sincerity.

“No,” she said. “I was young and not as strong as I am now. I thought he loved me even when he made me change the clothes I was wearing cause he didn’t like them or put makeup on, little things like that.”

“But it wasn’t always smaller things like that...”

“No,” she agreed. Surprisingly, she didn’t mind talking about this now. The past with David seemed like ages ago since the night with the demon. She was so grateful to be alive with her mate that she honestly didn’t care about that anymore.

“I started to get uncomfortable when he’d make his friends watch us have sex.”

He stiffed around her like a brick. She petted his arm and curled into him the best she could with her belly.

“I know baby, but I don’t care anymore. Really, I let him because I loved him and so on. So anyways, I was humiliated more and more and when he finally offered to share me with one of his buddies, I left him. I knew then that if he loved me he wouldn’t be trying to share me. I know I’m stupid and that it took me that long to realize that, but hey I’m not perfect.”