‘I haven’t had a drink in five years. Best take it easy to begin with.’
‘Your liver’ll be in better shape than mine.’ Joe put the kettle on before getting out his gear to roll a spliff.
Nick stood at the window. Massive Magritte clouds rolled across the sky. A young mother was wheeling a pram on the opposite side of the street. Cars passed. Ordinary life going on. Sweet.
‘Here. Let’s have one of these before she gets in.’
Joe passed the joint so that Nick could start it, then poured the tea. Nick hadn’t had a smoke in so long, he almost refused. He liked having a clear head. But he didn’t want to offend Joe. And what was Nick keeping his head clear for? The joint flared into life, giving off a pungent odour. Nick got the buzz before the first draw had left his lungs, a heavy, sweet high. Then the acrid smoke made him cough.
‘Skunk,’ Joe told him. ‘The stuff kept getting stronger while you were away.’
Getting stoned was easier than making conversation. Joe put on a Radiohead album and the two men sank into it: doomy stuff, full of self-pity – it reminded Nick of the prog rock he listened to at fourteen. He was glad when Caroline came in and Joe took the album off.
Nick had always fancied Caroline, with her thick, brown hair and intelligent eyes. Today, however, his sister-in-law looked exhausted. She was only thirty, but had four fine lines beneath each eye. Her stomach was bloated.
‘Open a window, can’t you?’
Joe did as he was told. Nick hugged his pretty sister-in-law with the hennaed hair and ripened boobs. He kissed her on the cheek.
‘You’re looking really good, Nick. A different man.’
‘This is a surprise,’ Nick said, pointing at her belly.
‘We wanted to wait until you were out before saying anything.’
‘Congratulations. I’m sorry I missed the wedding.’
‘You had to miss a lot of things. Has Joe shown you around?’
While Joe made more tea, Caroline took him on the house-and-garden tour, finishing with the newly decorated box room that would be Nick’s base until he found better. Nick enjoyed Caroline’s pride in the house. It might be done up more to her taste than Joe’s, but she worked hard for that privilege.
‘When does your maternity leave start?’ Nick asked, solicitously.
‘From the weekend, effectively. I’m not going back after Easter.’
Nick would have to get a place of his own pretty soon then, but didn’t say so: never make a promise you can’t be sure of keeping, that was one of the maxims he’d adopted inside.
‘You know, I really appreciate . . .’
Caroline gave him a plucky, this-is-what-I-do smile, which humbled him.
‘I’m not feeling very articulate,’ he mumbled.
‘You’re Joe’s brother,’ she said, putting a gentle hand on his upper arm. ‘And you’re stoned. There’s no need to be grateful all the time. But don’t go getting Joe into any trouble, okay?’
‘Okay,’ Nick said.
The following afternoon, Nick decided to look at his stuff. A combination of legal bills and negative equity had cost him his flat in the Park. With it went his white goods and other fixtures and fittings. When Joe visited in prison, Nick had told him to throw away whatever he saw fit to lose. Joe only had a flat at the time, so the best storage available was a friend’s lock-up. Some of Nick’s things were still in that garage, on the edge of some allotments, but Joe had moved the more valuable stuff here when he and Caroline bought the house.
The loft was accessed by a pull-down metal ladder. It covered the full width of the detached house. Nick found his hi-fi tucked into the eaves, wrapped in plastic sheeting: Quad record deck, Mission speakers, NAD amplifier and an early AIWA CD player. Behind them, covered in bubble wrap, was a sweet piece of equipment: his FM/AM tuner – an elegant wooden box with a huge dial that Sony made in the mid-sixties. Andrew Saint had given it to him when he upgraded his in the late 1980s. Underneath the tuner was Nick’s scratched up, matt black AIWA double cassette deck. He’d used this to make endless copies and compilations, what Joe called ‘mix tapes’. Where were his boxes of cassettes? He hoped Joe hadn’t thrown them out. Nick used to have several hundred vinyl LPs. They would have been too heavy to lug up here but should still be in Joe’s friend’s garage.
Here were his CDs. A small selection. He’d only upgraded to CD a few months before being arrested. Nevermind by Nirvana. Led Zeppelin’s third and fourth albums. He’d forgotten he’d bought that new Joni Mitchell, couldn’t remember a thing about it. Pod by the Breeders. Those Van Morrisons he’d picked up because he’d never owned them on vinyl. Sarah took hers away when she moved out. And there was the Beatles box set, shaped like a writing bureau. He’d bought that out of his homegrown money, along with those Atlantic soul CDs. When Nick was inside, Joe offered to bring in some with a CD Walkman, but HMP didn’t allow CDs. The silver discs, so easy to crack, made good weapons. In prison, the cassette was still king. Nick had given his small ghetto blaster to his cellmate, Baz, when they let him out.
Nick’s SLR camera was there, too, tucked into a box which also held old T-shirts and jeans that, since he’d dropped a waist size inside, would no longer fit him. Most of the T-shirts had politically related slogans: People’s March for Jobs, Think Global, Act Local, Bushwhacked! There were more clothes, but Nick’s chest had expanded while his gut declined. Oxfam for them.
Then there were the boxes of books. The English teaching ones were a waste of space. Nick would never be allowed back into the profession. He should have told Joe to dump the politics, too. The densely packed paperbacks ranged from Tony Benn’s diaries to the complete speeches of Lenin. He’d bought half this stuff to keep up with Sarah, but soon found that she had even less patience with political theory than he did. They were idealists, not ideologues. Saving the world was a possibility when they were in their twenties. At thirty-five, Nick had to concentrate on saving himself. He had to put prison behind him and think about his time there as little as possible. Most of all, he needed to find work, any kind of work.
Box after box of books. Why did people collect them when they could visit a library? He could have used some of these inside. Outside, who had the time to read whole books once, never mind a second time? Nick looked in each box anyway. There was his collection of Giles Annuals, most of which used to belong to his father. Two Posy Simmonds books that were his mother’s. At least Mum and Dad had both died before he was sent down. He had been spared that shame. Paperbacks of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen: his, though he was surprised Joe hadn’t nicked them. Graphic novels made ideal late night, stoned reading.
There were lots more comics, stored in individual plastic bags, some of them maybe worth a few quid. Dr Strange. The Silver Surfer. In the big house, Nick used comics to teach reading. The Beano and football comics, anything he could find. Half of the men he met were illiterate. They liked the pictures and could be teased into deciphering the words. Nick wrote letters for people, too, but that was a sadder job. When you were inside for years, relationships on the outside faded away. The guys he wrote letters for tried to hang on to relationships that were tenuous before they went down. No chance. Inside, it was hard enough to keep a marriage going.
Friends had fizzled out on Nick, too. There was one former teaching colleague who wrote to him, but she never visited. Two mates did come regularly early on, but not after he was moved from Nottingham prison. Only his brother came then. He’d learned that family counted for more as you got older. Only family had no choice but to stick by you.