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“He is my son. I’m allowed to discipline him when he needs it.”

“And what has he done to warrant your wrath?”

Darice answered before his mother had the chance. “I’ve refused to leave with her.”

“He chooses that deformed, hideous —”

Darice cut her off with a growl. “Dancer is a formidable warrior who has bled for me, and I will not have you dishonor him. Ever again.”

“Agreed,” his great-grandmother said. “He is my beloved grandson and when you speak of him, it will be with respect in your voice.”

Dariana glared at them both. Then she turned back to Darice. “Fine. Stay here. But know that you will never again be welcomed into my home.”

“I shall endeavor not to cry over that tragedy,” he said sarcastically. “And I hope tomorrow that Sumi avenges Dancer, and you receive the full balance of the payback you’ve earned… Matarra.”

By the look on her face, he knew she wanted to strike him again, but didn’t dare do it in front of his father’s grandmother. “You will regret this decision.”

Darice scoffed. “The only thing I regret are all the times I let you use me to hurt my uncles.”

She reached for his shoulder.

“Scar him in my home, Dariana, and Princess Sumi will be the least of your fears.”

She turned on her heel and glared at his great-grandmother. “Tomorrow, after I beat that human whore into the ground, and remove her head from her shoulders, I assure you that all of you will regret this night. And this time, I won’t simply reject Dancer’s pledge. I will demand Restitution for what he’s done, and turn your precious grandson into a granddaughter.” She glared at Darice. “And you will spend the rest of your putrid life wishing you could take back your actions here.”


Hauk sat in Kalea’s room, with his daughter in his lap, reading to her. He felt a sudden presence in the doorway. Looking up, his breath caught as he saw Sumi. He’d been banned from their room while his grandmother and Fadima had prepared her for the fight.

They had plaited her hair in true Andarion fashion and then coiled the pale, thin braids into an intricate style that wouldn’t interfere with her peripheral vision. His grandmother had also commissioned for her a true Andarion fighting suit in the deep burgundy color of their family crest. The leather pants clung to her body and were tucked into a pair of buckled boots. Her cutaway suede coat fell to her ankles and exposed her holster. It was fastened diagonally with six buttons. Three burgundy leather stripes decorated the sleeves and matched the gloves that covered her hands. His family’s Warsword was strapped across her back.

Best of all, his grandmother had painted her face not with the eton Anatole crest, but with theirs. His heart filled with pride at how good Andarion looked on her.

“You are exquisite, mu tara.”

Kalea tilted her head back until she could see him. “Mommy looks like a fighting princess, Daddy.”

“Your mother is a fighting princess. The best in the universe.”


Hauk nodded as Sumi came forward and knelt on the floor beside them. “How do you feel?”

“Syn’s a magician. I feel fine. Nothing hurts at all… except for having to leave the two of you.”

“You’re leaving?” Kalea’s bottom lip quivered.

Hauk knew the feeling. He just wished he could do the same as their daughter.

Sumi brushed Kalea’s hair back from her cheek and kissed it. “Just for a little while, sweetie. Your daddy will take good care of you, and I’ll be back before you know.”


Hauk took her hand and held it. “How can I let you do this?”

“We have no choice.” She kissed him fiercely. “I won’t be defeated. When this day ends, you will be mine. And no one will ever take you from me.”

“I am already yours.”

She kissed him again.


She pulled back at the sound of Nykyrian’s voice. “I know. It’s time.”

Hauk had to force himself to stay in his chair and not go after them. This had to be done. He knew it. But every fiber of his being screamed out against letting her fight for him.

Don’t get hurt. He could handle anything but losing her.

And still that bad feeling stayed in his gut. Holding Kalea tight, he prayed.

Sumi took a deep breath as Nykyrian, Fain, and Cairistiona led her into the arena. Fadima had gone over everything for her, a thousand times.

And still she felt unprepared for what was facing her.

There were three judges from the Andarion royal court to oversee the fight and to make sure the rules were followed. Dariana’s family sat to the right of them. And sure enough, there were Dancer’s parents with her people.

Her anger mounted that they would dare slight him so, but she forced it down. Something that was helped when she glanced to her side. Instead of being empty, it was filled with her new family. Kiara and Thia were next to Caillen, Desideria, and Chayden. Zarya and Ture were there, but Darling, Maris, Drake, and Ryn had stayed with Hauk so that they could try and keep him sane while she fought.

Shahara, Devyn, and Vik were seated on the front row while Syn walked in with her and her new adoptive family. After the injection he’d given her, he wanted to keep an eye on her vitals. Jayne had brought her husband, Hadrian, and their three children. Fadima and her sisters and grandmother took seats near Nykyrian’s father, Nero, and Bastien.


She turned at the sound of Darice’s voice. It was the first time she’d seen him since their return. “Hey, sweetie! What are you doing here?”

He lifted his chin. “I’m here to walk in with you… if you don’t mind.”

His loyalty touched her. “I would be honored, but I don’t want to cause trouble between you and your mother.”

“This is on my mother, Sumi. Not you. While I will always love her, I can’t condone what she’s done.” He glanced to Fain. “We War Hauks must stand together, and since Dancer can’t be here, I want to walk with you.”

His loyalty touched her dearly. “Your uncle and father would be very proud of you. As am I.” She hugged him against her.

A sharp whistle sounded, notifying them that it was time to begin.

Her family led her out to the center of the ring. Dariana, who strode into the arena like she owned it, walked behind her parents. She raked a sneer over Sumi’s body that said she thought this match would be short and boring.

Sumi snorted at the arrogance. While royalty and family might terrify her, fighting didn’t. Unlike Dariana, she’d cut her teeth on death matches a lot scarier than this. And with opponents who were much larger and far more skilled.

Bring it, bitch.

The head judge stood up to address them, while their families left their sides and took their seats. “Sumi of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole has issued a challenge against Dariana of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, the daughter of the Rising House of Terisool, for the right to take over the pledge of Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk. Is this correct, princess?”

Sumi inclined her head to him. “It is.”

“And do you accept the challenge and the outcome that the gods see fit?” he asked Dariana.

“I do.”

“Then assume your positions and may the gods’ will be done here today.”

Sumi bowed to Dariana, who glared at Darice as Darice followed Fain from the arena and into the War Hauk section. She bowed to Sumi.

They approached the referee and covered their faces, then pulled their swords.

Dariana’s eyes flared as she realized what was in Sumi’s hands. “I will feast on your blood, human.”