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Distantly, her subconscious railed against giving in, but she could no more resist him than she could cease breathing. She was helpless against his devouring mouth, helpless to keep from drawing further under his spell.

She groaned and plunged her tongue into his mouth, rubbing her body against him, eager to put the fire out that raged in her blood. Her clit throbbed with the rough abrasion, the frantic movement of her hips. He tasted addictively sweet, as delicious as chocolate, as potent and stimulating as coffee. She drowned in his scent and the molten feel of his muscular body trapped beneath her.

Gabriel growled and sucked her tongue, digging his hand into her ass cheek, slipping his fingers into her pussy from behind. She wanted to scream from the pleasure of it, the tight stretch of two fingers pumping inside her, curling into her with deliberate, probing strokes.

Jessica broke away from his mouth, arching her head back as he kissed along her throat with sucking, nibbling kisses. He scored her flesh with his teeth. Shivers chased over her skin.

“Your scent drives me mad, petite. I wan’ to taste you all over,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with passion and need. He nipped her throat, marking her with tongue and teeth and lips. Jessica’s nerves jolted down to her core. Her body wept with the fierce, demanding need.

Small, harsh whimpers escaped her, marking a change in him, a ravenous intent that hadn’t been there before.

An animalistic growl vibrated from his throat as he thrust his fingers into her again.

Harder. Her pussy creamed with the forceful drive. She felt the excess trickle down her parted folds to her clit, soaking her, soaking his jeans. Her womb contracted with a hard, violent spasm of pleasure. The strength fled her muscles. She moaned mindlessly, rocking her hips on him, trying to envelop him in her heat. She was empty deep inside, where not even his fingers could reach, needing the thick heat of him within her, begging for it with every jerky move, every shaky breath. Her clit throbbed with achy want, engorged to the point of pain. Each brush against his hard cock had her pussy spasming near ecstasy.

Her mind shut down to everything but the steady, driving pump of his fingers, pushing her toward rough climax. She felt herself getting closer, and moved on him with mindless abandon.

A harsh voice interrupted them like a dowsing of ice water. “What is this?” it demanded gravelly.

Jessica came off Gabriel so hard, she landed on the hardwood floor with a bone jarring thud to her knees. She ignored the pain, pushing her dress down her legs to stare up at the intruder, wide-eyed with shock.

If god had any mercy, she would have died of embarrassment on the spot. Her pale skin turned bright pink, the heat of desire changing to the burn of shame.

Gabriel sat up on the couch, giving the intruder a look to kill. “What are you doing here, Nardo?” he ground out, standing, his chest rising and falling with sharp, angry breaths. His hands fell to his sides, clenching and unclenching with repressed violence.

“Your demands are not important....” He trailed off as Jessica stood and moved beside Gabriel.

The man was huge, looking like nothing so much as a muscle-bound wrestler. His insolent stare lingered on her breasts, and Jessica covered them uncomfortably, moving closer to Gabriel as if she could melt into his side. She wanted to slap the knowing look right off the man. She worked up her anger, eager to put her embarrassment behind her.

“I have as much say in the pack as you do ... and every right t’claim a mate,”

Gabriel ground out.

The man laughed, grating on her nerves, keeping his eyes trained on her. He looked like he would jump her at any moment, and what desire Jessica’d had quickly slipped away as nervous fear took over.

His laughter subsided, and a cruel glint entered his black, soulless eyes. “Gabriel,”

he growled, “did you really think you could keep her from us?”

* * *

Nardo “escorted” her and Gabriel outside, keeping steady watch on them both as if expecting them to bolt at any minute.

Outside on the lawn behind Gabriel’s Camaro, a truck waited. As they came out, the driver looked up at them and started the truck. It came to life with a deafening roar, and a chug of smoke rose from the tail pipe, clouding the air like city smog.

“Where are we going?” Jessica asked, wanting nothing so much as longer legs or faster feet ... or a gun. She despised this feeling of helplessness and not knowing what was going on.

“A meeting’s been called. You’re the guest of honor,” Nardo said behind her, snickering. She felt his eyes bore into her back and buttocks, and it took supreme effort of will not to cover her cheeks with her hands. Or turn around and knock his head off.

Gabriel said nothing to Nardo, but his tension was evident in every move of his body and the angry clench of his jaw muscles. He seemed ready to snap at any moment.

Jessica didn’t know what to think about what was happening. That intuitive warning she’d ignored before came back full force. She should not have ignored her inner voice. She should’ve left town without answers. But then, she would likely have never met Gabriel....

Nardo pulled the back gate of the truck down, and Gabriel helped her climb up. She settled down in the back, the metal cold against her back and buttocks, making her shudder. Gabriel climbed up and sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly against him. His heat made her feel better, warmed her when she felt unaccustomedly cold. Jessica appreciated his comforting, protective gesture, but she didn’t know how much good it would do them.

Nardo closed the gate and sat across from them, ever watchful. Jessica drew her knees up to keep her feet from touching him. He noticed her movement and sneered at her before turning slightly to the driver. He tapped the back window and the driver took off, heading West, further down the road that passed in front of Gabriel’s house. The truck picked up speed, bouncing them in the bed and sending plumes of dust into the air like a thick fog.

The dark swallowed them whole as they left the lighted yard and drove down the oak shrouded road. The moon’s light pierced the thick canopy marginally as they progressed, and Jessica gave up trying to keep up with where they were going, since it didn’t seem to make any difference--they were headed in a straight line.

She snuggled against Gabriel, comforted by his presence and fearful of what would happen. The nervous fear had her stomach tied in knots. She hated the feeling.

Normally, she could handle herself pretty well, but there was something infinitely bizarre about the whole situation. She was completely out of her depth. If she’d known from the start what trouble she would dig up by trying to find her birth parents, she damned well would have brought her gun ... and enough ammo to take out an army of Rambos.

Jessica closed her eyes and tried to ignore the piercing stare across from her, not that she could see him, but she inherently felt that he could see her. Her skin prickled like she was being watched. She felt like throwing dirt in his eyes just for the satisfaction of it.

The truck slowed and swayed as it turned, and Gabriel tightened his arm around her. He still hadn’t said anything, and hadn’t tried to kill their abductors. She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but she’d rather see anyone’s blood but their own spilled.

They moved down a road narrow enough the tree branches scraped the sides of the truck. She thought perhaps they were going down some hunter’s trail, or possibly a long, winding driveway. The truck stopped after several more minutes of driving.

Jessica looked around but even with her eyes adjusted to the dark, she could see nothing but trees and more trees, and little patches of light striking the ground.