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Scraping any sort of life together outside the stability of the colony would not be easy and there were only so many supplies they could afford to steal before someone noticed. Again the sheer amount of planning involved in their scheme pressed down on him.

“What’s the matter?” Allora worked a thick lather from the soap, distributing it between both hands before reaching for his chest.

“I was thinking of all we need to do, to prepare.

There is only so much we can carry ourselves and it will have to be food and water, perhaps some medical supplies.” Savoring her touch, he allowed his eyes to drift shut, more relaxed than he’d ever been, even with all his worries.

“And the journal.” Her hands moved in slow, methodical circles, soaping his abdomen, up his sides, beneath his arms. The cloth followed, dragging across his skin in a sweet lick of wet fabric.

Sighing, he watched her face, totally devoted to her task, even as he mulled over her meaning. “What is a journal?”

“The book you found. It had a note to me within.”

He’d forgotten all about the discovery. “But it was buried in the earth, had been for many years. How could that be?”

Her white teeth sank into her fleshy lower lip and he raised his hand to ease the worry away. “It was written by a girl named Cassandra.”

Cormack blinked, sure he had misheard. “You don’t think it’s the Cassandra, the prophetess who foresaw the day the world ceased turning and beyond?”

She shrugged, a delicate gesture choreographing her uncertainty as words could not. “Honestly, I’m not sure what to think. If this is one of the Cassandra’s written records, I have an obligation as task mistress to report it directly to my overlord.” Her eyes lifted to his and his heart stopped in his chest. “As well as all those who have seen it.”


Cormack had gone ramrod stiff, the expression of bliss sliding off his handsome face. Did he actually think she intended to betray him now? From the rigid set of his shoulders, as though bracing for a hit, he must. “That’s why we must take it. If they search my chamber and find it, the overlord will not stop until he catches up with me and demands an explanation as to how I found it.”

He took a great, shuddering breath, as though he had momentarily forgotten how to fill his lungs.

“Where is the journal now?”

She reached for him again, wanting to ease the distance that had sprouted up between them. “Hidden away, where no one would think to look. Did you really think I was about to betray you, after what we have shared?”

Strong arms came around her. “I don’t know what to think. I am not use to getting what I want, Allora, and betrayal lurks around every corner.”

She rested her head against his shoulder. “I know exactly what you mean. But I vow to you, Cormack. I have told no one about our discovery. The overlord would have me married off before breakfast and you….”

She fell silent and they shared the stillness, thinking the same thought. They both knew he would be drained and recycled just as quickly. Lifting her head, she cupped his face in her hands. “We both have too much to lose at this point. We’re in it together, until the end.”

The tightness in his shoulders abated and he held her for several moments. Sighing, she pulled away. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”

He stared at her again, that all-consuming look that started at the crown of her head, taking in every feature in turn. “I am glad I can be here with you now.

Even though reaching beyond my station is asking for punishment.”

Allora didn’t know what to say, so she busied herself again with the soap. “I need you to stand so I can finish bathing you.”

He did immediately, water sluicing down from his torso, dripping onto that massive shaft. Allora wondered if he would enjoy her kissing him there the way she had reveled in the feel of his mouth on her.

First though she wanted to explore all the contours of his body, discover all the differences.

Strong, smooth cords of ropy muscle pulled taut wherever she touched. Nothing about Cormack was without economy, from his lean whip-like build to the careful way he spoke, as if excess was totally foreign to him.

Starting at the bottom, she knelt and urged him to lift one foot out of the water. Using the cloth, she washed between his toes, up over the arch and down to the sole, meticulous in learning him, pleasing him.

When she finished she turned to the other side and began anew. Intermittently she glanced up to find his attention fixed on her, pupils dilated and lips parted.

As she washed up over his muscular calves, she stole a peek at his erection. He’d told her not to worry about it but how could she not? She wanted to experience sex, to feel what it was like to take a man inside. If it was half as good as what they had done before, it would be well worth doing.

Caressing his body made her doubly aware of her own, the ache in her heavy breasts and between her legs. She wanted to touch herself there, wanted him to show her how to capture that pleasure. By the time she made her way up to his knees her breath was coming out in short, sharp pants.

His hands ghosted over her cheeks, then threaded through her hair. “You have no idea how much this sight pleases me. You’re a vision, Allora.”

She stared up into his eyes, even as her hands roved over the thick bulge of his thigh muscles. “You are the first to ever think so.”

Dark hair swung back and forth as he shook his head. “No. Born men cannot be such great fools that they do not see your loveliness, body and soul.”

The excessive compliment, so unlike his sparse nature, pleased her even as heat crept up her cheeks.

“I think you are just enjoying my supplication.”

His eyes burned as he asked. “And what is it you would beg for?”

Since you asked… Licking her lips, she lowered her gaze to his cock.

His fingers tightened on the back of her head.

“Wash me there first. Like a baptism, clean me before you take me between your sweet lips.”

Using the last of the soap, she cupped his sac first—letting her thumb explore his stones. Soft and hard all at once. She weighed them in her palm, glancing up to judge his reaction. Though his lips didn’t move, his eyes begged for more.

Squeezing once again, she let her fingers crawl up either side of his groin without touching his throbbing flesh. The tip wept again, just as it had the first time she had touched him there.

“Allora,” he rasped, his big body starting to shake.

Giving in, she worked her soapy hands over him, starting at the base and smoothing her way up. His skin was like the softest velvet, covering the iron rod beneath. When she reached the crown she hesitated, not wanting to waste what his body had yielded for her. Her tongue darted out, licking it up and he shouted, hips bucking toward her. Scooping water in her palms, she cupped it over him, washing the soap away as he quaked.

Remembering what he had said about her begging, she blew her hot breath across his wet shaft and he made a sound suspiciously close to a whimper.

“Allora, please. Suck me into your sweet mouth, make me yours.”

His words sent a spike of desire through her and holding his gaze she used both hands to position his cock before taking him into her mouth.

Cormack shouted again, his hips bucking, forcing her to take more. He was huge, and her jaw stretched to an uncomfortable angle. Now what? She looked to him for direction.

“Use your tongue to stroke,” he directed, his chest heaving. She saw him still his hips, a muscle jumping in his jaw. “Your hands too.”

That she could do. Gripping him again she pulled back, letting her tongue flirt over the protruding vein.

When he had all but slipped from her lips she laved the crown, getting another taste of his essence.

Yessss…” he hissed as she slid back down, farther this time. His fingers dug into the back of her skull but she didn’t mind, loving the feel of possession, of closeness as if this action wove the two of them together.