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She instinctively parted her legs so he could touch her intimately and appease the sweet ache he'd created, and he didn't hesitate to drag his fingers along her cleft, then push them deep, deep inside her body. She moaned and arched her hips, then gasped when he bent over her from behind and touched his mouth to the base of her spine where she was ultra-sensitive. His hot breath fanned her skin, and the evening stubble on his jaw rasped across her lower back, right before he licked her there. The combination of sensations was so erotic and arousing she felt the answering pull all the way to the very core of her, causing her inner muscles to clench around his fingers.

He groaned, too, and did it again, a slow, lazy sweep of his tongue right where her vertebrae ended and the curve of her butt began, while his fingers pumped rhythmically inside her. She curled her hands into the covers and writhed restlessly beneath him as he drew out the decadent, breathtaking pleasure, until she was panting and straining and begging with the need to embrace the orgasm he was dangling just out of her reach.

Ignoring her soft pleas for release, he continued to build the tension within her to dizzying heights as he trailed hot, moist, nibbling kisses over her bottom, which only added to the frenzy of sensations. Just when she thought she couldn't take his teasing any longer, he finally, blessedly, sent her spiraling over the edge.

With a soft, breathy cry, she came in long, hard shudders that seemed to go on forever. The orgasm was so strong and intense, her body seemed to become one endless wave of euphoric bliss that left her physically spent. Between the massage and the orgasm, she felt as though she'd died and gone to heaven.

Sated and content, she could have drifted right off to sleep, but Joel gently rolled her over onto her back. Hooking his fingers behind her knees, he bent her legs, spread them apart, then knelt in between. She glanced up at him with an appreciative smile, and one look at his fierce expression, along with his tight jaw and those hot blue eyes of his, was enough to warn her that he wasn't nearly close to being done with her. Lower, between his thighs and beside that warrior's scar marring his leg, his erection jutted out, thick and hard, the tip seeping with slick moisture and need.

And that quickly, that easily, her desire for him returned like a bright internal flame.

He brought his hands down next to her hips and lowered his head to scatter more of those soft, tantalizing kisses along her belly, her ribs, to her swollen, aching breasts. She threaded her fingers through his silky hair and sighed as he laved a nipple with his tongue, then drew the tip deep into his mouth and sucked while one of his hands cupped her other breast and his fingers plucked at the stiff peak.

His lips continued their upward journey. His tongue slid across her collarbone, and he nibbled at her shoulder before nudging her chin up so he could nuzzle and kiss her neck. He lowered his hips to hers, and she felt the head of his shaft glide along her soft, dewy flesh, then prod the entrance to her body, just enough to tease, but not fully penetrate-though Lord knew she was wet and ready for him.

His chest brushed across her tender nipples as he settled more fully over her, his arms now braced next to her shoulders. The feel of his naked body on hers was a warm, extravagant luxury she knew she'd never tire of.

His mouth reached her ear, and he was breathing hard and fast. "God, I want you," he said raggedly, as if she were something he'd never be able to have. Not in the way that mattered the most.

But she knew she already belonged to him-her body, her heart, and even the very depths of her soul. But he had to believe it for himself, and accept that he was worthy of her unconditional love. That was something she couldn't force upon him.

Tangling the strands of his hair in her fingers, she lifted his head, so he had no choice but to look down at her and see the sincerity in her eyes, and the emotion she knew was reflected in her expression. "Then take me, Joel," she whispered. "I'm all yours."

His eyes darkened as he oh-so-slowly pushed into her, his gaze turning hot and hungry as her body closed tightly around him and welcomed him home. He pulled out of her slightly, dragging the length of his cock against her still-sensitive flesh, as if he was trying to make the moment, and the pleasure, last. He groaned and shuddered, then thrust back in, harder and farther this time, causing her to gasp and arch beneath him.

And still, it wasn't enough. She wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs, urging him deeper. "I want more." she murmured huskily. "I want all of you." She wanted everything he had to give-physically and emotionally.

With a low, rumbling growl that reverberated in his chest, he sank back in, withdrew, and surged back again, his strokes lengthening, his pumping hips gaining momentum. Gone were any attempts to hold back. Instead, his thrusts grew urgent and demanding, and wholly primal. Friction, pressure, and heat fused together in a tangle of sensation, until her entire being focused on the connection of their bodies and the impatient, restless need swelling within her.

Framing her face in his hands, he seized her mouth with his, as if his next breath of air could only come from her. His kiss was deep and rapacious, and laced with a desperate kind of passion she could taste with every sweep of his tongue and feel in the aggressive way he possessed her body.

She slid her arms around him, flattened her hands on the firm, flexing muscles along his back, and held on for the tumultuous ride. Before long, he dragged his mouth from hers and stared down at her, his breathing shallow as his climax washed over him, through him. Eyes closed, he tossed his head back and arched against her hips, a helpless groan ripping from his throat as his flesh pulsed hot and hard inside of her and he shuddered from the sheer force of his orgasm.

When it was over, he collapsed on top of her, burying his face in the crook of her neck while his heart beat strong and steady against her breast. She closed her eyes and held him close, reveling in the quiet, tender moment while it lasted, and how perfect and right it felt being with Joel, in every way.

No other man, not even Brent, had ever made her feel this completeness, this kind of intimate connection, this stunning contentment. And when her time with Joel was over and they both went their separate ways, she instinctively knew that no man ever would again.

JOEL watched as another damp lock of black hair fell to the kitchen floor as Lora gave him a long overdue haircut. After he'd casually mentioned the need for a trim, she'd offered to do it for him. She'd found a pair of sharp-bladed shears in a kitchen drawer, told him to sit in one of the wooden chairs, and promptly went to work wetting his hair, then started cutting the length and bulk around his head.

A haircut definitely helped to pass the time. Joel had woken up extra early that morning, and had showered and changed and made coffee before Lora had roused herself from the makeshift bed on the floor a few hours later. He had no idea when or if Zach would show up, but according to the message Joel had left for him, today was the day he'd set up for the meeting between brother and sister.

It had been a waiting game all day long, made more frustrating as each hour passed without a sign of Zach. And now, considering it was past six in the evening, chances were that Lora's brother was going to be a no-show.

But despite Zach's lack of consideration when it came to his sister, it was clear to Joel that Lora had needed this time away. She was so much more relaxed than she'd been a few days ago, and for that reason alone Joel was glad he'd made the decision to take her out of the city, away from the stress of her everyday life and the threat still lurking out there somewhere.