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Yes,” she scowled up at him. “Unless you can think of another way for me to touch your…um…” Come on, Eve. You can do it. Be the sexpot vixen you’ve always dreamed of being. “To touch your cock,” she finished triumphantly.

And, damn her fair complexion! Her hot blush ruined the effect.

Obviously it still worked for Billy though, because his gaze sharpened and the skin across his cheekbones tightened. Then he growled, “You first.”

Suddenly, he’d pushed up from the mattress. Standing at the end of the bed, he grabbed one of her ankles, pulling her leg up, and slowly, carefully removed her sock. He ducked his chin to kiss the arch of her foot—his beard stubble tickled and sent a zing of delight up her leg—then he positioned her ankle over his shoulder and reached for her opposite foot. The process repeated until both of her ankles were over his shoulders. Then he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

And the way he pulled them off her? So slowly, so incredibly, mind-bendingly slowly, as if he was savoring each new inch of skin that was revealed? It made goose bumps erupt all over her body despite the warmth of the air inside the cabin.

Then her bikini bottoms were gone, tossed over his shoulder without a second thought. She settled her heels on the mattress, squeezing her legs together, but he stopped her with his hands on her knees, gently forcing her to spread her thighs wide.

“Let me look at you, Eve,” he breathed, his eyes even darker than usual as his gaze settled on her naked sex. “I never got the chance to just look at you that summer.”

Yep. Because the thought of him standing there, eyeing her bare, wide-open genitals would’ve mortified eighteen-year-old Eve. Heck, even thirty-year-old Eve had to fight to keep a hot blush from searing her from head to toe.

But then he said reverently, his voice all rough like he’d swallowed a spiky sea anemone, “My God. You’re beautiful. So soft and pink. So delicate,” and she forgot all about being embarrassed. It helped when he blew out a ragged breath, lifting one brow, adding, “and my regards to your bikini-waxer.”

The ever-so-tiny, and impeccably sculpted landing-strip of inky-black hair covering her pubis had always baffled Eve. But her stylist had assured her, “It drives the men wild,” and she hadn’t had the heart to tell the woman, “Don’t waste your time. You and I are the only ones who’ll see it.”

Now she was happy she’d held her tongue, seeing as how Billy’s was nearly hanging out. Obviously, her stylist knew what she was talking about, and the woman was going to get a big tip—huge—the next time Eve had an appointment.

“Your turn,” she insisted, her chest raising and falling rapidly, her hot blood racing through her body until her nerve-endings felt super-heated. “Take off your trunks.”

Billy held her gaze, his eyes keeping her a prisoner. But her peripheral vision told her he reached for the tie at his waist.

“Your wish is my command,” he said as his long, tan fingers slowly worked at the knot.

Then he pushed his trunks down his large, muscled thighs, and they hit the floorboards with a gentle spllff. She could no longer hold his gaze. Her eyes were drawn down the length of his body as if they were being pulled by anchors.

And talk about gulp.

She tilted her head, her stomach doing a series of quick backflips as a surge of blood gushed into her already engorged sex. “Are you…” she shook her head, licked her lips. “Have you always been th-that big?”

Because she didn’t remember…but, wow. He was long and thick, the mushroom-cap head of him angrily red and massively swollen.

He chuckled, shaking his head. “No need to massage the ego, sweetheart,” he said while bending to grab her ankles again. With a quick tug, he dragged her to the edge of the bed. “I’m pretty confident in that arena already.”

And boy, oh boy, did he ever have reason to be. He was…powerful, she guessed was the best way to describe him. Powerful and unabashedly male. And she wanted to touch him more than she wanted her next breath.

He obviously had something else in mind, though. Because he positioned her heels on the very edge of the mattress, beside her bottom, which caused her legs to spread wide. Then he knelt at the foot of the bed.

Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, g—

That’s as far as she got. Because he used his thumbs to spread her plump, outer-labia wide, and then his mouth was on her. His tongue was sliding up and down the wet channel. And he was growling.

The rumble undulated all through her, better than any vibrator ever built, and her toes curled over the edge of the bed.

“Oh, Billy,” she sighed, reaching between her legs to sink her fingers into his damp hair. He rewarded her by capturing her clitoris between his lips, sucking gently and laving softly with his tongue. Too soon she was teetering on the edge.

“You keep d-doing that,” she told him breathlessly, “and you’re going to make me—”

She didn’t finish because he inserted one, then another finger inside her, pumping gently, moving them carefully in a come-hither motion, touching her in…Just. The. Right. Spot. And—

“Oohh, Goddd!” Her body spasmed. No, not spasmed. Exploded. Her sex clamped down on his fingers, pulsing so forcefully she couldn’t tell if it was pleasure or pain. But whichever it was, she wanted it to go on forever. And Billy did his part as he continued to pump and suck, as the waves of her orgasm rolled endlessly through her.

It was so good. Wait. Good? No, no. It was better than good. It was transcendent. Like, for that brief moment, she thought maybe she could see through space and time. Scientists claimed all the elements on Earth, from the rocks to the atmosphere, from the smallest insect crawling through a log to the smartest man ever born, came from stardust. And that’s what she felt like right now. Stardust. Elemental and at the same time so flippin’ mystical and amazing.

But, all good things must come to an end. And, eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, her orgasm did. Which is when she realized she’d fisted Billy’s hair in her hands. Slowly, she uncurled her fingers, and he looked up at her then.

Okay, so was there anything sexier than a man gazing up at a woman from between her legs after he’d just given her the most violently delicious orgasm ever? Well, if there was, Eve’d never seen it.

“Wow,” she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, shaking her head in awe. “Just…wow.”

He grinned, and it was arrogant and lazy and altogether too sexy. She didn’t know how it was possible to want more after that Earth-shattering release. But she did. She wanted much more. She wanted Billy. She wanted to feel his hot, rigid flesh inside her. She wanted to slide her hands down his back, reveling in the power of his muscles as he thrust and thrust and thrust…

Her sex pulsed again, and she dug in her heels, pushing herself up on the mattress. Then she beckoned him with one crooked finger.

He stood, a series of movements that caused his tan muscles to ripple over his body. And there was his impressive penis again. Standing even higher than before…if that was possible. Looking even redder and more engorged.

“What now?” he asked, his grin going all lopsided and indolent. Because he knew the answer. He just wanted to hear it from her lips.

And she obliged him. “Now we…” Was that her voice? All low and breathy? “…fuck like bunnies.” Sexpot vixen in the ha-yowse! And if it wouldn’t have ruined the moment, she’d have slapped herself a high-five.