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Sonofabitch. He still had trouble believing it. Her own goddamned cousin. And then what she’d had to do…it was terrible. Unthinkable. And they’d have to deal with it. Probably for a long, long time to come. The psychological trauma of that kind of thing didn’t just go away overnight.

But right now, he didn’t want to think about Jeremy Buchanan. They had a lifetime to work through all of that. No. Right now, he wanted to think about them. Talk about them. About their future.

He frowned when she didn’t sit on the bed beside him, instead choosing to stand there. And when she lifted a hand to start chewing on a hangnail, he cocked his head on the pillow. “Eve?”

“It’s okay, Billy,” she blurted. “I know you didn’t r-really mean it. You’re off the hook, okay?”


He didn’t realize he said the word aloud, until she swallowed and sputtered, “Y-you know. Out in the parking lot when you thought you were dying. I know you didn’t mean it. I know you don’t really love me. I know you can’t ever trust me again after what I did. And it’s okay. I understand. I—”

“Eve, stop.”

She snapped her mouth closed and swallowed, staring at the baby blue coverlet on his bed as if it held the answers to man’s greatest questions.

“Look at me,” he commanded, and she swallowed again, gnawing furiously at her lower lip. But slowly, ever so slowly, she lifted her gaze. And the look on her face was a two-fisted punch in the gut. Good God, she actually believes what she’s saying. She actually believes she doesn’t deserve forgiveness. That she doesn’t deserve a second chance. And because none of that was accurate. And because he didn’t have the strength to argue or explain it all, he said the three truest words he could think of. And he said them with a conviction she couldn’t mistake. “I love you.”

Two fat tears spilled over her lower lids and streaked down her pale face. There was still a flicker of disbelief in her eyes, so he repeated himself. “I love you.”

“B-But how?” she wailed, throwing her hands in the air. “After I betrayed you with B-Blake. After I broke my promise, broke my vow, how can you ever trust me again? How you just change your mind about that? About wanting me? What’s different now?”

“Well…” He snagged her hand, and he tugged her forward. Or tried to, anyway. He was surprised and appalled by how weak he was. He had no more strength than a newborn. Still, she obliged him and perched on the edge of the mattress. “It’s easy. I can trust you because I love you. And because I know you love me.”

She searched his eyes. “But we loved each other back then, too.”

“Yes we did,” he smiled. “But we were also young and dumb. Hopefully we’re not so much so anymore and—”

He was interrupted by a commotion outside the room. Boss’s and Becky’s voices rose angrily, and then right before Patrick Edens barged through the door, he heard the man say, “Dr. Fisher told me he was awake, and I need to see them, damnit! I have something for them!” Boss slapped a huge mitt on Edens’s shoulder, ready to drag the man back through the door. “I have something they need to hear!” Edens roared, struggling ineffectually against Boss’s meaty grip.

And as much as Bill hated the sight of the man’s face, and even though he couldn’t possibly imagine what Edens could have to say, he felt Eve stiffen beside him, felt her fingers instinctively curl around his. And he realized she might need to hear whatever it was her father was determined to convey. So, he said, “It’s okay, Boss. Let him go.”

Boss and Becky both eyed Edens like one might eye a pile of cow manure swarmed by flies and baking in the sun, and Bill couldn’t help himself. One corner of his mouth twitched. Then, once Boss released him, Edens threw his haughty nose in the air, grabbed his lapels, and straightened his gray, pinstripe suit jacket, and Bill felt himself following Boss and Becky’s lead. He opened his mouth to demand that Edens get on with whatever he’d come to say, but Eve beat him to it.

“Why are you here, Dad?” she asked. Her voice was steady though he could feel her fingers trembling.

Tough. His woman was one hundred percent, straight-up tough. And he was so goddamned proud of her.

Edens’s eyes drifted over Bill, and to his utter astonishment, there seemed to be pain and…was that…? Hell, that looked suspiciously like remorse in the man’s gaze. Then Edens turned to Eve and blurted, “He tried to call you.” His voice was hoarse, but his words were clear.

“Wh-what?” Eve asked. And now there was a tremor in her vocal cords to match the one in her fingers.

Edens licked his lips, shaking his salt-and-pepper head. “Twelve years ago, after you had your cell phone turned off because the press got your number and started hounding you about the photographs, Reichert called the house. He left a dozen messages for you, asking you to call him to let him know what was going on. But I never gave you those messages.”

Eve sucked in such a large breath Bill was shocked there was any oxygen left in the room. Her hand flew to her throat, covering the bruises that’d turned from deep purple to a jaundiced-looking yellow. “H-how could you n—” she sputtered, but Edens cut her off.

“And she wrote to you, Reichert. Twice,” he said, a muscle ticking in his jaw. He reached into his suit jacket, pulling out two envelopes that were yellowing around the edges. “In the first letter, she laid everything on the line. She sent the pictures and the articles. She begged you to forgive her and asked you to call her at her new phone number. In the second letter, she told you about Blake’s proposal, asked if there was any chance you still loved her because she wouldn’t go through with it if you did. But I intercepted the letters in the mailbox.”

Edens hesitantly stepped forward, handing Bill the envelopes. And when Bill looked down at the things, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He lifted the flap on one and out fell the pictures of Eve, those heartbreaking pictures, and the tabloid articles that’d run alongside them. And then there was the note. He’d recognize her handwriting anywhere because he’d lived for her letters, read and reread them thousands of times while he’d been in BUD/S training.

“I-I don’t expect either of you to forgive me,” Edens said, his nostrils flaring. “But after what you two have been through together, I realize I—” He stopped and cleared his throat, his chin sinking just a notch. “You may not be the kind of man I envisioned for my daughter. But you’re the kind of man she needs. And I was…I was wrong to interfere.”

He glanced at Eve one more time, his expression softening, his mask of superiority slipping. “I really don’t expect you to forgive me, Eve,” he whispered again, and if Bill wasn’t mistaken, the man’s thin lips actually shook. “I just…” He turned and stared out the window at the building across the way. “I just wanted the best for you, and I thought Blake was the best, but you were so stubborn. You refused to…” He stopped, shaking his head. “So, I set out to sabotage the relationship you had with Reichert.”

He turned back. There was real, honest-to-God regret reflected in his gaze, and Bill could hardly believe what he was seeing. The high and mighty Patrick Edens was actually admitting fault.

“But I was wrong,” he continued. “What I did, how I did it, was wrong. And I do love you. And I’m so terribly sorry for not believing you were in danger. So terribly sorry for…everything.”