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With her first step her leg buckled under her, her thigh unable to take any weight after its treatment with the riding crop. Collapsing onto the sand floor Zoe had to put her elbows out to break her fall as protect her face. Winded, her thighs aching and her legs feeling like jelly, she tried to haul herself back to her feet.

'Where you think you going, English girl?'

A sharp jerk on the cord that was plaited into her hair dragged her backwards off balance and she fell again into the sand as a voice called down the open stairs after her.

'Are you coming then Miss Farquerson, or have the lads persuaded you to stay?'

Zoe looked up at the Arab youths that were circling her. What would it be like, being anally fucked, she wondered, hauling herself to her feet and lurching towards to the stairs. After two stumbling steps her legs gave from under her again and she dropped to her knees. She remembered a girlfriend saying how she had got to enjoy it, surely then... a sharp pull on the cord in her hair sent her falling backwards, momentarily obliterating her thoughts as she came down onto the sand floor with a hard bump.

'Time for English girl to have good fuck!'

'Nuhh...' Zoe groaned in protest as she was dragged away from the stairs on her elbows and knees by the older youth pulling the cords that were knotted in her hair. The other, she saw, had already discarded his cut-off jeans and was grinning madly as he watched her being led like a dog on a leash by his friend.

'Bend down now bitch. Open legs!'

Her thighs felt so delicate she could offer no resistance as hands easily drew her legs apart. For a moment the two young lads hesitated and kneeling between them Zoe looked up, panting and wild faced as she waited expectantly for what she knew would happen next. She felt a hand touch between her legs and fingers sliding wetly over her sex and she realized that she was moist with arousal. She looked up, suddenly hungry eyed and stared at the youth silently encouraging him. The youth grinned and slid one finger deep inside her. Zoe sighed with pleasure, pushing herself back against his hand.

As one of them held her head down the other lifted her hips back and up and she felt his shaft grind up against her pussy. Without any hesitation the youth rammed his tool into her, then with her body impaled upon his shaft, he slid his hand between the globes of her arse, found her anus with his thumb and forced it remorselessly into her, making her howl in response.

'English girl do this before?'

Zoe shook her head negatively, as she felt the youth's thumb working around her rectum forcing the muscle to soften.

'You learn to enjoy this. We will do this now everyday with you!'

The thought poured molten through her imagination and Zoe sighed through the gag as she came, her orgasm taking her by surprise by its suddenness and its intensity. She gasped through the steel ring that held her jaws forcibly open as the youth's cock was pulled quickly out of her pussy. Without pause, the thumb was withdrawn from her rectum and she felt the head of his shaft pressing against her anus. With one determined and assured thrust the youth sunk the length of his shaft into her body.


'English bitch like it, yes?'

Zoe gasped as the cock was withdrawn then rammed into her again with even more determination. To her shame she felt her body responding, the heat quickly building again within her as she remained knelt and bent over, her buttocks obediently thrust high for the youth's pleasure.

'English bitch soft now. You like it. Raoul gives you good time. Real good time!'

'Uuhh... uhh...'

Zoe thrust her arse backwards, squirming as the cock sank into her again. She closed her eyes, panting hard through the gag as a fresh climax built inside her then erupted with an intensity that left her too dazed to care what happened next. She sank her cheek down into the sand, felt hands grasping her hips, felt her anus being filled again and again. A long shuddering sigh escaped her and closing her eyes she focused on the sensation of having her slim body being anally fucked and she wondered dreamily why she'd never consented to trying it before.

Chapter Three

Zoe gasped as she felt the Arab youth withdraw his cock from her body. Physically exhausted and emotionally in turmoil she knelt, bound and dazed from her ordeal. She'd always enjoyed being in control when it came to sex and her boyfriends always did as she told them. Now for the first time in her life she'd been anally fucked and to her shame she'd enjoyed the experience which had brought her repeatedly to orgasm. The youth stepped back, grinning with satisfaction and handing his partner the leather cords bound into her hair. Panting hard through the steel rods that gagged her mouth by forcing her jaws wide, she grunted in discomfort as the second youth tightened his grip on the leash that controlled her as he prepared to mount her. With her wrists clipped to the collar about her throat, her head forced down and her rump exposed for the taking there was nothing she could do stop him, even had she wanted to, she admitted to herself.

Her slender body ached terribly from the cruel whipping and the ruthless assault upon her had left her dazed and aching. But aching for what, a treacherous voice inside her asked.

The grip around her slim waist was tightened then she felt the youth's cock slide into the crevice between her cheeks. Finding her anus, the engorged shaft drove into her with one ruthless thrust. Zoe gave up struggling and knelt submissively while the youth took his time satisfying himself inside her. By now her rectum muscles were more pliant and the channel itself was lubricated with sperm so the cock slid in and out of her with a rhythmical ease that soon brought Zoe to a fresh climax that sent shudders of satisfaction through her body until she was awash with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

By the time the youth had finished with her, Zoe was half-senseless and lay helplessly before them. A pair of hands grasped the cords in her hair and lifted her from the floor. Another pair of hands lifted her by her ankles. Zoe groaned as they dragged her back across to the bench. She felt she had no strength left now to offer any resistance and soon she was on her back, strapped down onto the bench. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she turned her head from side to side, gazing at her outstretched arms. She craned her head up, gazing disconsolately as she saw her spread-eagled legs; leather tight around her ankles, strapped down onto the bench.

'Nuhh...'Zoe shook her head in protest as a hand stroked between her spread legs and a thumb brushed over her swollen sex that ached now terribly to the touch, so continually aroused was she.

'English girl wet. Wet and hot. You like this?'

Zoe shook her head in vigorous denial, sighing and tossing her head from side to side as the older of two lads, massaged her vulva with his fingers. How could she deny it when her body betrayed her, she wondered? Already she no longer felt shocked that such torment sexually excited her and as she writhed helplessly, strapped down on the bench, she wondered shamefully how she could take such pleasure from what she was being subjected to.