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Once back outside in the fierce light and soaring midday heat he slipped his sunglasses on standing in the shade of a palm tree he used his mobile-phone to call the airport and ask for the number for security. Calling this he then asked in English for Major Mosafa. The girl who answered asked him his name and he told her Sir Rodney Stonefield. A few moments later and Mosafa came on the line.

'Sir Rodney, I trust everything is all right with you?'

Auda bin Yasel smiled to himself and muffling the phone with a fold of his cloak and assuming his best Oxford English he answered.

'Fine. Absolutely.' Auda then hissed into the phone, feigning interference, and then said, '...hear me?'

'What did you say, Sir Rodney? Can you hear me? There's a lot of static on the line. Are you still at the tower?'

'Yes but listen...' Auda hissed and crackled again before finishing, 'come here, can you?'

'This bloody line!' Mosafa swore, 'Sir Rodney, I have taken possession of another English girclass="underline" very young and wild. I shall bring her with me to the tower. Can you hear me?'

'Just...hang up, think... cheerio then Major.'

'Yes, goodbye Sir Rodney.'

Auda ended the call then dialled another number while looking back at the airport. After a few seconds his call was answered.

'Yo man, it's me, how's it going?'

'Change of plan Basil, hire us a jeep and bring it with the supplies to the airport as fast as you can.'

'Hey chief, what's going down?'

'Just be quick. Look for me outside the airport. Not the main entrance, just wherever security or airport staff would go in and out by.'

'Give me half an hour Sheikh and I'll be there.'

'Basil, you have five minutes.'

Auda heard his servant give a melodramatic sigh before he switched his phone off. Shouldering his rifle, he set off at a quick walk.

Chapter Four

Zoe felt herself slowly trying to surface from a deep and pleasurable dream. She opened her eyes and looked up, twisting her bound arms behind her as best as she was able. Her muscles ached and her arms were stiff from being forcibly restricted. A leather belt was tied in a figure of eight around her upper arms, pulling them tightly against her back between her shoulder blades. The wristcuffs she seemed fated to wear constantly now were clipped together and they had even bound a rope around her arms at the elbows to keep her arms under a constant tension and to almost completely prevent her flexing them. She lay trying to find a tolerably comfortable position whist her mind worked backwards as she tried to piece together the last events of the previous day.

They had let her sleep on the bed of cushions in the living quarters of the tower, although this she realised had been merely for the comfort of her abductor, Sir Rodney Stonefield. After her ordeal at the hands of the two Arab brothers in the basement, she had been left alone for a few hours. They had then returned and after her making her drink more water had dragged her upstairs and thrown her down on the bed. Stonefield had then inspected her swollen labia. The clamps and weights still in place, he had forced her to squirm and writhe for an hour or more while he had tormented her, pulling on the weights until she was delirious with the sensations he was forcing her body to experience. If she was truthful, the ordeal had been deeply pleasurable, in some perverse way, as she was made to lie helplessly and become worked up into a sweat of lathered feverishness. But what had happened then? Zoe groaned, struggling to remember. Her brain felt hopelessly muddled, like she had a terrible hangover.

She remembered he had then dripped some medicine into her mouth, still clamped wide open. She'd coughed and spluttered as the mixture had trickled down her throat and soon after that she remembered feeling drowsy. Then what? She forced herself to remember; for a moment her mind was blank than it came back to her.

First he had removed the gag from her mouth and then he had rubbed some cotton wool against her arm, where a vein ran close to the surface of her biceps. She had felt the faint prick of a needle and she'd gazed up dreamily in time to see the syringe emptying. She'd been vaguely aware that the man had stripped off his clothes and was climbing astride of her bound and defenceless body.

Zoe sighed, closing her eyes as she recalled what had happened next.

She had been sliding in and out of a fevered dream world and was only dimly aware of his hands running over her defenceless body.

'Now you have to tell me the truth Zoe: you see the drug will make you tell the truth; you understand that don't you?'


'But you feel sleepy don't you?'


'That's the medicine you've swallowed. You're going to be very sleepy now but you'll still tell me what you feel and what you want. Do you like it when I stroke your body like this?'


'Good girl, good girl...'

She felt his cock slide into her aching sex. His hands stilled her wriggling body and she sighed as his cock pumped her, harder and harder.

'Does that feel good? Is my little tart enjoying that?'

'Uhh...yes...feels...good...so...good...' she sighed, drifting into sleep again, hardly aware that she was being flipped over like a rag-doll and now made to lie face down. Her legs were encouraged wider apart. Zoe moaned, the mild ache in her thighs forcing her to surface from sleep again.

'What are you doing to me?' she sighed. 'What's happening...so tired...'

'It's time for me to fuck your lovely little arse, Zoe. You'd like that, wouldn't you?'


'Does that feel nice?'

She squirmed sleepily on the bed as a finger insinuated itself into her anus.

'You can't help yourself now, can you? You don't care as long as your body gets attention, do you?'

'No. Don't care.'

Hands drew apart her buttocks apart and she felt something thicker than a finger pressing its way into her rectum.

'Does that feel nice?'

'Mmm... tight...hurts...please...'

'But you like it don't you? You can go to sleep when you tell me if this feels good.'

Zoe sighed feeling her anus being forced to widen and admit the man's cock.

'Nice... uhh...so... nice...'

'Good girl; you can go to sleep now, just as soon as I've finished with you...'

Now Zoe struggled to come to her senses as her reverie was abruptly broken and she was hauled up into a sitting position. The two youths had come into the room while she was sleepily trying to piece together the fragments in her memory from the previous night.

With her arms bound behind her she had no way of supporting her weight and if the collar around her neck hadn't been so wide she would have been choking by now as they forced her up into a kneeling position.

Her anklecuffs were clipped together, restricting her leg movement and her thighs now ached acutely from the beating she'd been given the previous evening as she was dragged across the bed.

'Uh, please, give me a chance... my legs ache...'

'Okay, we have a look at you.'

One of the Arab youths caught her by the hair and pulled her head back. Zoe forced herself not to object as he then cupped her chin with his other hand and examined her face.

'These new gags really good. No cuts, no bruises. Your pretty face looks fine, English girl. Now let's see...'

Zoe watched as his hand lifted and examined each of her breasts in turn. The only evidence of the torture they'd given her was a faint bruising of her nipples from the clamps. Satisfied, the youth pushed her down onto her back. Her anklecuffs were unclipped and hands grasped her ankles and pulled her legs apart.