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Trapped in the cabin Zoe had no way of knowing where they were or what time it was. She could just feel the movement of the boat and guessed they had been sailing for a couple of hours when she glimpsed the curve of a hill through the cabin window. The gentle thrumming of the powerful engines diminished. Palm trees came into view as the boat drew closer to the land. Then it felt as if it had weighed anchor.

She had been left alone for nearly all of this time. The young man had returned briefly to remove the silk scarf that had gagged her and had given her a drink of mango juice. Then she'd been left to lie and contemplate her fate. Mercifully he'd slackened the straps that held her outstretched, so she could at least flex her arms and move her legs a little. Curiously, she was not as afraid of her fate as she imagined she perhaps ought to be. Maybe, having coped with the ordeal of being Stonefield's prisoner in the tower, she'd come to terms with what suffering might now lie in store for her.

'Wakey, wakey.'

Zoe opened her eyes with a start and saw Vanessa staring down at her. The girl then sat herself down on the foot of the bed and appraised her prisoner, smiling with satisfaction as Zoe instinctively tried to close her legs as she reached to touch her sex.

'You know,' Vanessa spoke slowly, thoughtfully, 'I can't help wondering just now, which of us is the more aroused?'

Vanessa's hand moved over Zoe's leg, her fingertips stroking up her thigh towards the dark thatch of soft hair that spread around her sex. Zoe's attempt to deny how she felt dissolved at the first delicate touch of the other girl's fingertips against her vulva, which to her shame was swollen and slick with arousal.

'Auda has been telling me what he's got in store for you.'

'Uhh... don't...please...' she begged.

'Don't tell me that doesn't feel nice?' Vanessa teased.

'Get your hands off me!'

Zoe drew her legs together as much as the slackness of the straps permitted, glaring defiantly at the girl reaching over her defenceless body.

'Okay then,' Vanessa smiled, 'if it makes you feel better, I'll make it impossible for you to stop me.'

Zoe sighed as the straps that held her were pulled taut, spreading her legs forcibly wide. The tension in her thighs was acute and Zoe groaned as a hot ache in her sex grew. She found herself craning her head and gazing down at her tethered body and the sight of her own helplessness she found deeply arousing.

'Now, where had we got to?' Vanessa asked dreamily.

Zoe shook her head, sighing as the other girl's fingertips resumed their teasing exploration of her sex. Delicately the folds of her vulva were drawn open and she moaned feverishly.

'Oh yes, I was going to tell you about what Auda had planned for you. Well, it's simple really; he's going to auction you on the open market as a sex slave, then he'll give the money he makes towards the rebel cause in El-Saram. Did you know that there was an international black market for girls like us?'

'I'd heard it existed...' Zoe sighed, the tension in her arms and legs making her eyes smart with pain which contrasted exquisitely with the delicious ache in her pussy.

'Auda's going to sail us to Karunga, on the African coast. There's a thriving market there for the white slave trade. The military ruler is corrupt as hell so he encourages the market and takes a cut of the profits. Something for you to look forward to Zoe.'

Zoe no longer cared what the other girl was saying. Her back arched responsively, her arms twisting against the restraints as a skilled finger stroked and coaxed her to orgasm. She sighed, moaning louder then closing her eyes and biting down hard on her lower lip as Vanessa stroked her, teasing her until she ached unbearably.

'Feels good, doesn't it?'

'Uh, huh...'

'That's it Zoe, just enjoy it...'

Zoe sighed, closing her eyes as the delicious feeling between her legs increased. She felt Vanessa's fingers slide right into her sex then slowly twist before withdrawing.

'We're going to take some photos of you looking your best Zoe and we'll shoot a little film. Then they'll be uploaded onto the Internet to a secret website. Then whoever fancies you can bid at an auction and we'll see how much money you'll raise for those poor rebels back in El-Saram.'

Zoe opened her eyes and gazed at the blonde girl sitting over her, stroking so calmly but so skilfully between her legs.

'But how can you condone it?' Zoe asked, struggling to keep her thinking clear despite how dizzily aroused the other girl had made her.

'Oh come on, it's not that bad. I've leant to be submissive and it's cool. You'll learn to enjoy it sooner or later.'

'No, never...'

'Never?' Vanessa smiled, 'That's a very long time, Zoe. A very long time to fight against what's probably a basic instinct. Now, there's an El-Saram naval patrol boat out there, so we just have to wait here for a while. Auda's picked it up on the radio, so he's tucked us into a little bay in amongst some islands until it goes past. You've learnt how to wait haven't you?'

Vanessa stopped stroking Zoe who looked up, unable to conceal her expression of frustrated disappointment.

'Please...' she begged, ashamed of how pathetic she must seem, but unable to help herself now.

'Very wet aren't you? Would you like me to make you come?'

'Yes, please!' she begged.

'Well, since you've asked so nicely.'

Zoe squirmed on the bed, the sweat trickling from her armpits and down the crack between her firm buttocks as the other girl stroked two fingers firmly across her aching sex, rubbing her from her clitoris downwards in gradually quickening and progressively firmer strokes.

'Uhh... uhh...'

'That's it Zoe, good girl...'

Zoe gazed up at the young blonde girl knelt between her spread legs. She bucked her hips frantically, dragging her arms down hard against the tight leather that held her wrists high above her head. To her disbelief the feeling of resistance from the leather tight around her wrists increased her arousal. She lifted her head and gazed down at her spread and tethered legs and the sight of her helpless body excited her even more. Then, just as she was about to come, Vanessa stopped masturbating her and Zoe gave an agonised cry of frustration.

'Please... please Vanessa...don't stop...'

Vanessa, leaning back on her heels, smiled apologetically as she lifted her hips a little and slid her hand under the waistband of the turquoise bikini pants. Zoe watched as the girl looked dreamily at her, her lips parted slackly, her breathing quickening as she stroked herself.

'Something wrong darling? Nothing worse than having an itch you can't scratch, is there?' Vanessa smiled, tauntingly.

Zoe ground her teeth in frustration and anger as the blonde girl slid herself from the bed, kicked off her bikini bottoms and took a vibrator from one of the lockers. She waved it at her teasingly, then, leaning her arched back against one wall, she slid the tip of the vibrator along the inside of her thigh towards her sex.

'Just what a girl needs at a time like this,' Vanessa sighed as she flicked the vibrator on. She then slid the tip into the thatch of blonde hair between her parted thighs.