'What are you doing? Please... don't... I don't know anything1/4believe me, please... no...' Zoe craned her head back as she felt hands drawing apart the globes of her buttocks. The older woman saw her watching her work and she smiled with satisfaction.
'Come now, lie still... there's nothing you can do to stop us,' said the Major.
The younger female guard meshed her fingers into Zoe's long hair and pushed her head firmly back down.
'Uhh... no... please...'
Fingers were smearing something greasy against her anus. Instinctively Zoe tried pulling her legs together but the leather straps around her ankles kept them spread. She gave a whimper of protest as one fingertip began working the greasy substance into her rectum. Squirming and pulling against the leather cuffs that kept her arms held above her head, she gave an anguished groan as her sphincter muscle was coaxed with grease to admit the passage first of one finger then of several fingers together.
'Are you sure you don't want to co-operate?' the Major asked.
The fingers meshed in her hair dragged Zoe's head up, forcing her to see two short lengths of hose now held by the other woman.
'Go to hell!' hissed Zoe through clenched teeth.
The Major gave a nod for the women to continue. Zoe grunted as her head was pulled back down.
'Do you know what's going to happen to you English girl?' asked the older woman, 'This tube will be put deep inside you; then I shall force a paste through the tube into your delicate young body. It will give you much discomfort at first; then after a short time you'll be begging me to stop the torture. The heat inside you will get worse until you can't stand it and then you will answer our questions to save yourself.'
'She is right,' said Mosafa. 'Spare yourself this, co-operate with us now.'
'Like I just said,' Zoe hissed. 'Go to hell!'
'You will not be feeling so brave in a few moments' time,' the woman laughed softly.
Zoe screwed her eyes shut, whimpering as fingertips were exchanged for the cold hard plastic of the tube. She lay, her cheeks burning with shame, unable to believe what was happening to her as the tube was slowly forced up inside her.
'Listen to me, admit who you are and I can still stop this happening to you,' Mosafa offered.
'My name's Chambers...' Zoe gasped, twisting her head against the fingers that meshed into her hair and held her still.
'We're going to put a mixture through the tube, a paste that is mixed with hot spices it will make your bowels urgently want to empty... it is not a pleasurable sensation. After a few minutes you will feel as if you are burning up... you will be howling with discomfort. You only need to admit to me who you are...'
'Go to hell...'
Mosafa gave a reproving tut-tut then nodded to the woman to continue. For a few moments Zoe felt nothing as the woman fed the mixture into the tube, then satisfied that there was plenty of the mixture in the tube, she inserted a slightly smaller tube with a sealed end into the first and began pushing it after the mixture. She exchanged a knowing glance with her Captain who smiled with satisfaction.
The mixture was potently hot and as it emptied into her bowels Zoe threw back her head, crying out for them to stop. The woman drew out both tubes.
'Uhh... no... can't... bear... it...'
The woman, ignoring her pleading, took a rubber butt plug and smiling sadistically, pushed it firmly into Zoe's anus, ramming it home until the flared base was pressed firmly against her struggling body.
'Please, stop...' Zoe gasped. She could feel the sweat already pouring off her tethered body and the burning sensation inside her was already unbearable.
Pulling on black leather gloves the older woman moved to the head of the bench alongside the younger woman. Zoe looked up imploringly at the two women, shaking her head and sighing as the terrible sensation in her body got worse and worse. The older woman smiled down apologetically and stroked Zoe's perspiration soaked face.
'Hurts... please make it stop!' she begged, unable stand anymore, 'Please! No more!' she howled, begging then screaming for them to stop. The fingers meshed in her tousled hair tightened their grip, holding her head still and the older woman placed a gloved hand over her mouth and held it there silencing her. The burning sensation inside her wasn't getting any worse now and Zoe wondered what else they would do to her to try to make her talk. As she writhed and twisted against the restraints that held her down on the bench she stared up at her interrogators.
The two women were plainly enjoying watching her distress and the younger of the two was looking lasciviously at her naked body as she struggled helplessly, her skin now shiny with perspiration. She gazed at the two men, her stomach churning and her heart hammering as she thought about what they might do to her next to make her talk. She could save herself if she agreed to co-operate1/4but then if she refused what might she be made to experience1/4
'Would you like to tell us who you really are now?' asked the Captain as the woman abruptly removed her hand from Zoe's mouth.
She looked anxiously about her. There was no way she could hold out against them if things turned really nasty, but if they were afraid to actually harm her because of the possible political repercussions, then what was the worst thing that they could do to her? She had seen plenty of men being forcibly interrogated become sexually aroused and now she could understand why. There was a heady thrill at the thought of what these people might do to her next that made her reluctant to cave in just yet to their demands.
'Will you talk?'
'No.' Zoe shook her head in denial, reassuring herself that the moment they started to torture her in earnest she'd capitulate and answer their questions. Meantime, she'd see if their interrogation methods were anywhere as imaginative or effective as those the SES had taught her to use.
'She's very stubborn. She deserves to suffer. Gag her,' Mosafa ordered.
The words sounded alarm bells in Zoe's head and she was about to speak when the young female guard clapped her leather gloved hand down over her mouth. Zoe shook her head to pull free but the hand came down tighter.
'Looks like she's got something to say already.'
'No matter. Gag her then we'll soften her up. She shouldn't have been so stubborn in the first place.'
Zoe struggled frantically as the two women prepared to fit the gag. She tried twisting her wrists and thrashing her legs but the leather belts were snugly fastened around her ankles and wrists. One of the women held her thrashing head still, then the other taunted her with the gag, dangling its leather straps so they brushed over the her cheeks. All the time Zoe tried to tell them she'd co-operate but the gloved hand remained firmly across her mouth.
'Once you are wearing this, no-one will hear you, no matter what we do to you.'
Zoe stared in dismay at the ball gag and she tried ineffectually to shake her head free as one gloved hand prised open her jaws. The leather covered rubber ball was forced into her mouth before she could explain that she was ready to answer their questions. Tears rolling down her cheeks, Zoe shook her head as the leather strap, to which the ball was stitched, was buckled at her nape.
'Take her to the shower and clean her. Remove the plug from her arse and give her a water enema. Chloroform her first. I think it's time we give her some more persuasive treatment.'
Zoe watched, wide eyed with alarm, as one of the female guards prepared a cotton wool pad with chloroform then stood over her where she lay strapped down and helpless.
'Sweet dreams English girl...'
She grunted through the ball gag as the cotton wool was placed over her nostrils. Immediately her head swam and giddiness overtook her. Her eyelids closed, she felt herself sliding into darkness and the last thing that she was aware of, were voices matter-of-factly discussing her fate.