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Vanessa stroked her long fingernails along Zoe's outstretched arms.

'No. Leave me alone,' Zoe mumbled.

Zoe stared at her outstretched arms. How long had it been this time since Basil and Vanessa had tied her down, spread-eagled across the deck?

'The market is actually in an old slave trader's fort that was built in the eighteenth century. There are pens to hold hundreds and hundreds of slaves but most of them are empty now. Some are used for the fights. For the entertainment of the men who guard the slaves, the commander of the place will throw some girls into a pen together and toss a whip or something in for them to fight over. If a girl puts up a good fight she gets to be spared the worst treatments. Auda says that nowadays the girls are kept prisoner in the old cells that are built into the hillside. There's a torture room in there where they put girls who try to escape. No one has ever escaped from the place, so don't get your hopes up Zoe.'

'Shut up Vanessa, I've heard enough!'

'Poor thing, you look so worried. Come on now, relax... you'll probably get to enjoy it.'

As Vanessa spoke she let her fingernails glide over the soft, sensitive inside of Zoe's thighs. Zoe lowered her head back against the boat deck and whimpered as the younger girl stroked her fingertips between her legs, her nails brushing lightly against the folds of her sex. Zoe felt the fingers teasing her sex slide into her and she sighed feverishly as desire quickly poured from her loins through her whole body.

'Shall I stop now and leave you tied up and frustrated?'

'No, please...'

'Then would you like to come down to the cabin which we've prepared for you?' Vanessa asked.


'Well,' Vanessa laughed scornfully, 'too bad, because that's just what we've got planned!'

'No please... can't you just leave me alone?'

'Why should we, darling Zoe? We've got you trapped here and we can do anything we want with you. Wouldn't you want to torment me or Basil if you had the chance?'

As Vanessa spoke she had been stroking Zoe's sex but now her slender fingers slid deeply into it making her gasp then squirm.

'Surely that's why you joined the SES Zoe - to have the chance to exact a certain type of punishment on helpless victims?'

Zoe groaned as the younger girl caught hold of her clitoris and squeezed it hard between her fingers.

'Please... Vanessa... stop...' Zoe begged, tears pricking her eyes.

The other girl grinned and nodded to Basil who dropped to his knees beside Zoe's head and before she could even twist her head aside a blindfold had been slipped across her face and was fastened behind her head.

'Surely you see the pleasure derived from giving pain, Zoe?' Vanessa softly laughed.

Zoe cried out, twisting her arms and legs against the ropes that held her bound, as the younger girl pushed the fingers of one hand deeper into her sex.

'No... please... Vanessa...'

'Hush now, sweetheart...'

Blindfolded, Zoe couldn't see what was to happen next and she was caught by surprise as Basil forced a gag into her mouth. A thick leather covered phallus was rammed between her jaws, filling her mouth and before she could cry out a leather pad was pressing hard against her mouth as a strap was pulled around her cheeks and buckled at her nape.

'Enough talking,' growled Auda, 'Take her below, time for her to get a taste of something really stimulating!'

'I think you'll find Zoe, you're going to get a pleasant little shock...' Vanessa laughed softly and Zoe felt the girl's soft, warm lips fleetingly brush against her cheek as she whispered in her ear.

'Actually Zoe, we'll give you a few shocks... just enough to stimulate your lovely body until you come for us. A little electricity in the right places will bring a person to the most exquisite orgasm,' Auda announced matter-of-factly.

Zoe shook her head in alarm but her vigorous protest was muffled effectively by the gag and her writhing was useless against the ropes that tethered her.

'You see Zoe,' Vanessa confessed, 'I know from experience what it feels like. Bound and gagged, helpless. Your legs spread vulnerably wide. Trembling... waiting... and then the sudden sharp pain. It's just like the first time you get caned or whipped. On the first stroke your body registers disbelief. On the second you feel pain and the anger pours through you. You struggle to get free but you can't. The whip comes down again and you blink back the tears it hurts so much. So very much... you can't bear it, but you can't escape and it keeps on. Well Zoe, the little shock I've got in store for you will be just like being whipped, only sweeter. Much sweeter and much more intense!'

Zoe struggled nervously but was held still. Vanessa laughed softly.

'You see I know Zoe just how it is. Soon you'll find that your body responds eagerly to the punishment and your mind will give up telling you its crazy. You'll surrender yourself to the pleasure of submission and there'll be no turning back. You'll have become a slave to a side of you that once you hardly even knew. You'll give up thinking for yourself, all you'll need is the feel of rope and leather binding your limbs and the only thing you'll crave is the whip!'

Zoe groaned with despair as Vanessa and Basil finished unfastening the ropes around her wrists and ankles and hauled her to her feet. When she struggled again, she was forced down onto her knees, her arms were dragged behind her back and her wrists lashed together. Vanessa caught hold of her by her hair and hauled her back to her feet. She was then led blindfolded and stumbling down below deck and into one of the cabins. She heard the cabin door shut and the latch slide home. Vanessa laughed throatily as Basil pushed Zoe backwards onto the bed. Before she had time to try to crawl off, her ankles were grasped and her legs spread-eagled. She struggled frantically as leather straps were slipped around her ankles and buckled tight.

'Relax, you'll find this a stimulating experience, believe me,' Vanessa taunted as Zoe felt the rope around her wrists being loosened. One of her arms was then pulled towards the top corner of the bed. Zoe couldn't see anything but she guessed that Auda was holding her arm while Basil fastened a wristcuff upon her and Vanessa sat astride her to keep her immobilised.

In no time at all both Zoe's arms were tied outstretched and she was groaning fearfully.

'Hush now darling,' Vanessa soothed, 'I promise you, the pain will be more than matched by the exquisite pleasure.'

As she spoke Zoe felt the girl stroking her sex, her fingertips brushing tantalisingly lightly against her vulva, until her sex juices started to flow and she squirmed and sighed through the gag as she was made more and more aroused.

'Clamp the wires to her labia. Her juices will keep her nice and wet there and the current will flow easily,' Auda said.

Zoe writhed desperately as two small bulldog clamps were fastened to the soft outer folds of her vulva. She could feel the delicate wires trailing over her legs and she was panting hard in nervous expectation.

'Okay, give her a first taste,' Auda ordered.

Zoe tensed her body expecting an unbearable pain to flash through her body. When the first shock came though it was no more than a hot, sharp stinging that quickly spread from her sex through her tethered body like a wave. She groaned through the gag, tossing her head and struggling against the straps that held her down. The ache that the shock created in her sex was agonising and her clitoris especially seemed to suddenly be throbbing madly.
