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'I think we'll play safe and gag you.'

Before she could try to persuade him to change his mind he swung on the heel of his boot and walked away from her. She watched him ring a small brass bell on a desk and a moment later another man appeared.

'This one is to go to cell number four. Take her to the preparation room first though and prepare her for a shave. If she gives you any trouble gag her and drug her but don't mark her skin. If anyone so much as scratches an inch of her skin I'll have him flayed alive and thrown to the crocodiles! Understood?'

'Yes, commander.'

Zoe looked imploringly at Auda as she was led by her leash from the room. The Arab though was no longer even looking in her direction but was engaged in conversation with Delgardo.

She allowed herself to be taken docilely to the preparation room but once inside and faced with a bench adorned with straps, she remembered her time at the hands of Stonefield and his accomplices. She felt a surge of panic that made her try to retreat the way she'd been led.

'Come on now you bitch, don't give me any trouble!'

The man tightened his grasp on the leash and pulled her forwards. The two dark skinned young girls who were in the room grinned as they saw the expression of panic on Zoe's face.

'Give me a hand girls. She's to be shaved.'

The two girls moved forward. They both looked to be no more than teenagers; dressed in the shortest black skirts imaginable and skimpy black T-shirts that came down only far enough to cover their young breasts. Their slim arms were adorned with numerous bracelets that jangled as they hurried to the man's assistance.

'No, let me go! Please...'

Zoe looked beseechingly from one to the other as they helped the man bring her across to the bench. The girls laughed and said something to the man in a language that Zoe didn't comprehend. The man answered in the same tongue and as they chatted they dragged her down onto the bench. The rope around her wrists was untied, the man grasped her arms and she was pulled onto her back across the bench. Two thin ropes were fed through the ring clasp on Zoe's collar and then pulled taut in opposite directions. A second later Zoe found that she was held down and couldn't lift her head or chest up because the collar around her neck was now held down securely.

With the man holding her arms still, the girls fastened broad leather cuffs around her wrists and a moment later her arms were pinned down either side of her head.

'We are going to shave you. If you struggle it will be difficult and for you it's better that you keep still, understand?'

She nodded dumbly as one girl bent over her as she spoke, her soft young hand caressing her breasts, her mouth close to Zoe's face, her eyes watching for her reaction.

The other girl brought an earthenware bowl to the bench and proceeded to lather Zoe's legs, starting at her ankles and working upwards. When she ordered her to bend her legs so she could do underneath, Zoe complied. Soon the other girl was working with a razor and it was not until Zoe felt the blade high up her thighs that she tried nervously to lift her head and see what was happening.

'Please... can't you stop now?'

The collar around her neck refused to be lifted and Zoe felt the leather pressing against her throat and she was forced to let her head rest back against the bench. She couldn't see what the girls were doing but now she could feel the lather being applied around her sex and still the razor was edging closer and closer.

'No... be careful...please...'

She looked up to see one of the girls now holding some broad metal clips. She gave an amused laugh and said something that Zoe didn't understand.

The metal was cool against the lips of her vulva and the tightness of the metal around her delicate folds of flesh made her bite her lip to stifle a gasp of pain. For several agonising minutes she felt the lips of her sex being pulled while the razor swept around them. The freshly exposed skin was then sponged with cool water, the metal clips removed and a coconut scented cream was rubbed into her. As the cream was liberally smoothed around her sex Zoe felt the first stirrings of arousal building within her and to her shame she lay silently wishing that the two pretty young girls would keep stroking her and that their slender fingers would slide into her sex and pleasure her. Zoe was dreaming this when the voice of Jose Delgardo surprised her.

'Excellent, what a pleasing sight. It was a shame to conceal such pretty lips. Now that your present master is safely back on his boat, I'm sure he won't mind if I take this opportunity to appreciate the merchandise more fully.'

'Get your hands off me!' Zoe gasped as she felt the man sweep his thumb across her sex then promptly slide two fingers into her.

'Uhhh...' Zoe gave a long shuddering gasp of pleasure.

'Loosen the straps to her arms and pull her down the table,' Delgardo ordered.

Zoe lay unresisting as the straps fastened to the wristcuffs were lengthened then the two girls pulled her by her legs until she felt her buttocks reach the edge of the table and her feet were able to touch the floor.

'Right you two, get me nice and hard.'

By turning her head sideways as best as the roped collar allowed, Zoe could see the two girls removing Delgardo's boots and trousers. One then crouched behind him, the other in front. While the one behind fingered his anus with one hand and stroked his balls with her other hand, the girl kneeling before him eagerly sucked his cock.

'That's enough, out of my way.'

Zoe watched the man step, smiling triumphantly, between her dangling legs. His hands settled either side of her sex and with the thumb of each he drew open her sex then Zoe felt his cock being slid into her body.

'Now what should you say, girl when your master's good enough to fill your little pussy with his cock? Tell him how grateful you are!'

Zoe shook her head, telling herself that even if it did feel good, she sure as hell wasn't to thank this man for what he was doing to her. He had no care for how she felt and was only interested in pleasuring himself. If he thought she'd respond like some sex slave, he could think again!

'Tell me! Come on girl, say it!'

Zoe grunted as the man began pumping his cock urgently into her, his hands now grasping her thighs as he rammed his engorged shaft into her with increased determination.

'Well, I think if the bitch isn't ready to say thank you, perhaps we may just as well get on with stretching her clitoris so she looks all the more appealing to tomorrows buyers.'

The man pulled his shaft from her sex and stepped back, regarding her with a look of contempt.

'Strap her legs and weight her clit.'

'Please, don't... I'm sorry...' Zoe begged as the young girls quickly wrapped leather belts around her calves and drew the belts around the bench legs before buckling them tightly.

'So would you rather have something else done to you?'

Zoe looked up at the man who stood over her. She nodded as best she was able to with the collar around her throat.

'Tell me what you'd like then, bitch.'

Zoe swallowed, clearing her throat, then answered. Her voice sounded strangely unlike herself. Already she was imagining him sliding his thick and hot cock back into her and however much she tried to keep her voice level and without emotion, the begging tone was genuine and shamed her.

'Please fuck me. I want your shaft in me. I want you to fuck me!'

'There, that was too difficult, was it?'